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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2004-08
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Re: small www patch

From: Pawel Biernacki <kaktus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 02:12:02 +0200 (CEST)

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:

On 30.08.2004, at 23:38, Pawel Biernacki wrote:
Now we have a bugzilla and we should have any info about it on www page.
This small patch add a right text and link.
There is also some problem with site/data/main/errata.cgi which isn't
accessible through cvs/cvsup.

we shouldn't link to forknibbler as this is a private box which is totally underpowered. we should move bugzilla to matt's site or whatever before promoting it.

Ok, but what with site/data/main/errata.cgi? We need it to our mirror but it's not added to cvs...

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