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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2005-10
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Re: Install Log

From: "Justin C. Sherrill" <justin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 09:41:41 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, October 18, 2005 8:27 am, Thomas E. Zander said:
> Hi,
> Am Tue, dem 18. Oct 2005, um 11:50 +0200 Uhr schrubte Simon 'corecode'
> Schubert
> zum Thema [Re: Install Log]:
>> So either our fdisk should be more userfriendly or the installer should
>> support creating slices.  I am really surprised to hear that it can't.
> IIRC OpenBSD's fdisk was pretty easy and straightforward the last time
> I used it. Maybe that's something to have a look at?

Is there a way to look at it without installing OpenBSD?  I don't find any
easy view of it after about 10 seconds of looking on the OpenBSD website.

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