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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2011-01
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Re: jail -- ps: bad namelist - no kernbase

From: Pierre-Philipp Braun <pbraun@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 21:52:35 +0100

Hi Olivier,

Thanks:-) But it's sloved enabling devfs for the guest, and the rules for that were missing in /etc/defaults/rc.conf and /etc/rc.d/jail. Maybe my reply didn't pass on the newsgroups though, since it hat patchs as joined documents.


Oliver Fromme wrote:
Pierre-Philipp Braun <pbraun@nethence.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to run a jail guest and I'm experiencing a little issue. I > can't ps,
> ps: bad namelist - no kernbase

Sounds like kernel version and ps binary don't match.
Are you sure they belong to the exact same DF version?

 > nor ping,
 >     ping: socket: Operation not permitted

Raw sockets (thus ping) are disabled in jails by default,
for security reasons.  If you know what you're doing, you
can enable them with sysctl security.jail.allow_raw_sockets.

Best regards

-- //Pierre-Philipp

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