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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2005-04
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Re: Stable tag will be slipped Sunday and release engineering will begin Monday

From: Max Okumoto <okumoto@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 16:10:59 -0700

0050405140241.GF1443@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <42530abe$0$717$415eb37d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <200504052232.j35MWID4086845@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     I think this is starting to rehash old issues.  I've already said
>     that my requirements for a packaging system are at a minimum to allow
>     multiple versions of any given program or library to be installed
>     at the same time.  That hasn't changed.
>     With all the effort people are putting into this, maybe we *should*
>     go off and create our own environment.
> 					-Matt

Or at least, write a script to impliment Joerg's idea of a jailed
upgrade area.
   Rev 1:
	# upgrader_build -D date -p pkg_list
		Just copy everything into a jail, build the
		list of ports that you want to upgrade.  Have
		the script generate a diff of files in /etc and
		/usr/local/etc so you can tell what config files

		The date would be a CVS date string so that
		cvsup would check out a specific version of
		the files, which makes the build repeatable.

		The pkg_list file should contain the ports that
		you want to build.

	# upgrader_shell
		Starts up a shell within the jail, so you can test
		your applications.

	# upgrader_install
		mv /usr/local and /usr/X11R6 into backup areas, and
		then copy the results into place.

Rev 2: Optimize copy by using links or mounts.
Rev 3: Use some sort of layered file system
Rev 5: etc.

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