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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2004-08
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Re: Test Bugzilla bug tracker

From: "Justin C. Sherrill" <justin.sherrill@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:57:37 -0400

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:

> I've left it on purpose to Hiten, because he wanted it to be hosted on
> Matt's network, otherwise I could've added categories for DF to the
> tendra.org BZ long ago. ;)

I figure if this gets used, it'll just get migrated over once a machine is
up for it within dragonflybsd.org.

> I'd advise you to go with 2.18rc2.  We (I contribute on a semi-regular
> basis to bz) moved towards more and more templated stuff, making the new
> one
> easier to customise.  Also, the upgrade path to 2.20, which is due in a
> few months, will be easier from 2.18 onwards.

The port's only up to 2.16.6, from which I installed.

> I think the categories will need revamping.

Like how?

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