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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2003-09
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Re: Time for newvers

From: David Rhodus <drhodus@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 17:37:56 -0400

On Saturday, September 6, 2003, at 02:43 PM, Richard Coleman wrote:

Matthew Dillon wrote:
We can't do this quite yet, there are too many dependancies on the
name being FreeBSD.
Maybe it is time to dup the ports tree from FreeBSD into our own CVS,
but I'd rather not think about it until the base source tree is 'fixed'
to deal with the name change.

Once they lock down the FreeBSD ports tree for 4.9, that may be a good time to import into DragonFly. Either that or wait for a similar lock down for 5.2.

I'm not sure that's exactly the right approach to take. The FreeBSD ports tree is a
very dynamic item, as there is a large number of people tracking the changes of
the packages. Along with location changes of the packages on the internet is a
very, very time consuming process. We will need to overlay the FreeBSD ports
system with our own, at least until interest grows. Without doing that the tree
will become quickly stale. With a few hours one could develop a simple set
of shell scripts to harvest this information from the Makefile and distinfo files.
Hence plugging the file location and any other BSD specifics from the files dir
that will be need to build the package into our ports/packaging system.


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