DragonFly BSD
DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2004-02
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Re: cvs commit: src/test/cpuperf Makefile cpu_add.S cpu_call.S cpu_cmpadd.S cpu_cmpexg.S cpu_lcmpexg.S cputest.c src/test/sysperf blib.c blib.h

From: Matthew Dillon <dillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 09:52:57 -0800 (PST)

:Some data for you:
:DragonFly saturnine.emea.epson.net 1.0-CURRENT DragonFly 1.0-CURRENT #2:
:Fri Jan 16
:CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz (1594.81-MHz 686-class CPU)
:  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf12  Stepping = 2
:I find the negative values funny, is this expected?

    The machine doesn't look entirely idle.  The timing
    tests are very, very sensitive.  The second addl
    taking 77nS is the locked add instruction?  Obviously not
    the 3 x addl $1,%eax, not at 77ns :-).  I've gotten negative
    numbers from the first addl test, but I've never gotten 
    negative numbers from the call/ret test.
					Matthew Dillon 

:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead:-0.067s 568590336 loops = -0.117nS/loop
:CPUTEST call nop in pipeline
:instruction overhead:-0.078s 145227776 loops = -0.537nS/loop
:CPUTEST cmp/jz/add (compare fails) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 2.902s 142082048 loops = 20.422nS/loop
:CPUTEST non-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 0.787s 127664128 loops =  6.162nS/loop
:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.591s 46661632 loops = 76.954nS/loop
:CPUTEST bus-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.069s 43253760 loops = 70.956nS/loop
:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead:-0.274s 564133888 loops = -0.486nS/loop
:CPUTEST call nop in pipeline
:instruction overhead:-0.268s 146014208 loops = -1.833nS/loop
:CPUTEST cmp/jz/add (compare fails) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 2.868s 140247040 loops = 20.451nS/loop
:CPUTEST non-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 0.799s 127926272 loops =  6.244nS/loop
:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.615s 46923776 loops = 77.043nS/loop
:CPUTEST bus-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.007s 42467328 loops = 70.800nS/loop
:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 0.223s 561250304 loops =  0.398nS/loop
:CPUTEST call nop in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 0.203s 145489920 loops =  1.398nS/loop
:CPUTEST cmp/jz/add (compare fails) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 2.375s 113770496 loops = 20.877nS/loop
:CPUTEST non-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 1.180s 124256256 loops =  9.494nS/loop
:CPUTEST 3 x addl $1,%eax in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.281s 41418752 loops = 79.227nS/loop
:CPUTEST bus-locked cmpxchgl (successful exchange) in pipeline
:instruction overhead: 3.077s 42729472 loops = 72.007nS/loop
:Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / kita no mono
:PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7  9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B
:http://www.tendra.org/   | http://diary.in-nomine.org/
:Practice yourself what you preach...

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