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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2005-07
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Re: mouse driver

From: Huub <hditvdotniekerkathccnetdotnl>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:54:16 +0200

There's /etc/defaults/rc.conf, everything you want to override goes
into /etc/rc.conf. So look at /etc/defaults/rc.conf, and then add
something like
moused_enable="YES"      # Run the mouse daemon.
moused_flags="-z 4"
moused_port="/dev/psm0"  # this is the PS/2 port
moused_type="auto"       # should work for all PS/2 mice

to /etc/rc.conf

As a side note to my earlier post reg. "-z 4" vs. "-z 5": Now, for whatever reason, it works with "-z 4" again... So it was probably a fault on my side.

Mouse is working now. Thank you.

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