DragonFly BSD
DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-01
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Installation experience (was Re: Installing from SCSI cdrom)

From: Miguel Mendez <flynn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 11:54:41 +0100

Miguel Mendez wrote:

I'll summarise my experience installing DragonFly on my box, so it might be useful for others:

This box is a dual PIII with 2 SCSI drives and 2 SCSI cdroms.

The DragonFly install cd won't find the root FS when booted from a SCSI cdrom.

Solution: I booted from the FreeBSD 4.2 Live CD (the second one). Entered 'Fixit' mode and mounted the DragonFly cdrom that I inserted in my second cdrom drive. The slice I had freed for DragonFly happened to be the third one on the first disk (da0s3), but the dev entries aren't the by default, so, you have to copy /dist/etc/MAKEDEV and /etc/{group,pwd.db} from the live cd to the mfs-mounted / and build the entries. Proceed as per the DragonFly README and fdisk and disklabel the slice. Newfs the filesystems and mount them in /mnt. Now use the cpdup command from the DragonFly cd (yes, you can run a DragonFly binary with a FreeBSD 4.2 kernel) and copy the stuff. Edit the fstab and don't forget to create the entries in /dev if your root disk is not in the first slice, or you'll reach a catch-22 situation where you can't mount -u / to create the entries (I know, it happened to me :)

Finish the install and reboot. There's a trivial typo in the README (see attached patch) in the supfile path, no biggie.

I've rebuilt world and kernel, and typing this in Mozilla Thunderbird. This works so well that DFly is now my default desktop OS. Congrats to Matt and the rest for making such a nice OS.

Btw, there used to be a thread about the new install program, has anyone started working on it? Sounds like an interesting project to me.

	Miguel Mendez
--- /usr/src/nrelease/root/README	Thu Dec  4 01:01:14 2003
+++ README	Sun Jan 11 11:44:15 2004
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
     Manual installation of DragonFly onto an HD involve the following sequence
     of commands.  You must be familiar with BSD style UNIX systems to do
     installations manually.  The primary IDE hard drive is typically 'ad0'
-    and DragonFly is typically installed onto the first slice.
+    and DragonFly is typically installed onto the first slice. SCSI disks are
+    named 'da[0-9]'
 	# This COMPLETE WIPES and repartitions your hard drive
@@ -140,14 +141,14 @@
     more then once a day.
     # get the CVS pository (it is placed in /home/dcvs)
-    cvsup /usr/share/examples/DragonFly-supfile
+    cvsup /usr/share/examples/cvsup/DragonFly-supfile
     # install the source from the CVS hierarchy
     cd /usr
     cvs -R -d /home/dcvs checkout src
     cvs -R -d /home/dcvs checkout dfports
     # get the FreeBSD ports tree (it is directly broken out into /usr/ports)
-    cvsup -h cvsup.freebsd.org /usr/share/examples/FreeBSD-ports-supfile
+    cvsup -h cvsup.freebsd.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/FreeBSD-ports-supfile
     # buildworld and installworld examples

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