sudo /opt/nwp/g48/qemu_211rc3_46bit/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -m 8T --enable-kvm -cpu host -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/home/rimwia/OVMF_81fa5ad_CODE.fd -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/home/rimwia/OVMF_81fa5ad_VARS.fd -drive file=/san/rimwia/dfly/dfly_uefi1T.qcow2,if=virtio -numa node,nodeid=0,cpus=0-9 -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=10-19 -numa node,nodeid=2,cpus=20-29 -numa node,nodeid=3,cpus=30-39 -numa node,nodeid=4,cpus=40-49 -numa node,nodeid=5,cpus=50-59 -numa node,nodeid=6,cpus=60-69 -numa node,nodeid=7,cpus=70-79 -numa node,nodeid=8,cpus=80-89 -numa node,nodeid=9,cpus=90-99 -numa node,nodeid=10,cpus=100-109 -smp sockets=11,cores=10 -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10222-:22 -no-reboot -nographic Wed Dec 6 19:14:19 UTC 2017 [=3h[=3h[=3h[=3h[=3h[=3h >> DragonFly EFI boot block Loader path: /loader.efi:/boot/loader.efi Initializing modules: UFS Probing 6 block devices.......** done UFS found 2 partitions config: not a directory. 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Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Slab ZoneSize set to 32KB Leaving critical section, allowing interrupts ACPI SDT: RSDP in kenv hint ACPI FADT: SCI irq 9, conform/conform DragonFly v5.1.0.405.g0047b6-DEVELOPMENT #11: Wed Dec 6 18:59:42 UTC 2017 root@stalker:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC Calibrating clock(s) ... TSC clock: 2600008087 Hz (Method A) i8254 clock: 1193185 Hz hw.calibrate_timers_with_rtc not set - using default i8254 frequency hw.calibrate_timers_with_rtc not set - using old calibration method TSC clock: 2600010320 Hz CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4627 v3 @ 2.60GHz (2600.01-MHz K8-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x306f2 Stepping = 2 Features=0x1f83fbff Features2=0xf7fa3203 AMD Features=0x2c100800 AMD Features2=0x21 Structured Extended Features=0x72a Thermal and PM Features=0x4 MONITOR/MWAIT Features=0x2 npx mask: 0x0000ffff real memory = 8796085768192 (8388601 MB) Physical memory chunk(s): 0x00020000 - 0x0007ffff, 393216 bytes (96 pages) 0x00100000 - 0x001fffff, 1048576 bytes (256 pages) 0x37140000 - 0xba5fffff, 2202796032 bytes (537792 pages) 0xba6e0000 - 0xbb73ffff, 17170432 bytes (4192 pages) 0xbb7c0000 - 0xbfb7ffff, 71041024 bytes (17344 pages) 0x100000000 - 0x8003ffdffff, 8792871665664 bytes (2146697184 pages) Warning: nbufs capped at 445953 due to valloc considerations Warning: nbufs capped at 445953 due to valloc considerations avail memory = 8347430887424 (7960730 MB) ACPI MADT: LAPIC address 0xfee00000, flags 0x1 ACPI MADT: BSP apic id 0 ACPI MADT: cpu id 0, acpi id 0, apic id 0 ACPI MADT: cpu id 1, acpi id 1, apic id 1 ACPI MADT: cpu id 2, acpi id 2, apic id 2 ACPI MADT: cpu id 3, acpi id 3, apic id 3 ACPI MADT: cpu id 4, acpi id 4, apic id 4 ACPI MADT: cpu id 5, acpi id 5, apic id 5 ACPI MADT: cpu id 6, acpi id 6, apic id 6 ACPI MADT: cpu id 7, acpi id 7, apic id 7 ACPI MADT: cpu id 8, acpi id 8, apic id 8 ACPI MADT: cpu id 9, acpi id 9, apic id 9 ACPI MADT: cpu id 10, acpi id 10, apic id 16 ACPI MADT: cpu id 11, acpi id 11, apic id 17 ACPI MADT: cpu id 12, acpi id 12, apic id 18 ACPI MADT: cpu id 13, acpi id 13, apic id 19 ACPI MADT: cpu id 14, acpi id 14, apic id 20 ACPI MADT: cpu id 15, acpi id 15, apic id 21 ACPI MADT: cpu id 16, acpi id 16, apic id 22 ACPI MADT: cpu id 17, acpi id 17, apic id 23 ACPI MADT: cpu id 18, acpi id 18, apic id 24 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acpi id 63, apic id 99 ACPI MADT: cpu id 64, acpi id 64, apic id 100 ACPI MADT: cpu id 65, acpi id 65, apic id 101 ACPI MADT: cpu id 66, acpi id 66, apic id 102 ACPI MADT: cpu id 67, acpi id 67, apic id 103 ACPI MADT: cpu id 68, acpi id 68, apic id 104 ACPI MADT: cpu id 69, acpi id 69, apic id 105 ACPI MADT: cpu id 70, acpi id 70, apic id 112 ACPI MADT: cpu id 71, acpi id 71, apic id 113 ACPI MADT: cpu id 72, acpi id 72, apic id 114 ACPI MADT: cpu id 73, acpi id 73, apic id 115 ACPI MADT: cpu id 74, acpi id 74, apic id 116 ACPI MADT: cpu id 75, acpi id 75, apic id 117 ACPI MADT: cpu id 76, acpi id 76, apic id 118 ACPI MADT: cpu id 77, acpi id 77, apic id 119 ACPI MADT: cpu id 78, acpi id 78, apic id 120 ACPI MADT: cpu id 79, acpi id 79, apic id 121 ACPI MADT: cpu id 80, acpi id 80, apic id 128 ACPI MADT: cpu id 81, acpi id 81, apic id 129 ACPI MADT: cpu id 82, acpi id 82, apic id 130 ACPI MADT: cpu id 83, acpi id 83, apic id 131 ACPI MADT: cpu id 84, acpi id 84, apic id 132 ACPI MADT: cpu id 85, acpi id 85, apic id 133 ACPI MADT: cpu id 86, acpi id 86, apic id 134 ACPI MADT: cpu id 87, acpi id 87, apic id 135 ACPI MADT: cpu id 88, acpi id 88, apic id 136 ACPI MADT: cpu id 89, acpi id 89, apic id 137 ACPI MADT: cpu id 90, acpi id 90, apic id 144 ACPI MADT: cpu id 91, acpi id 91, apic id 145 ACPI MADT: cpu id 92, acpi id 92, apic id 146 ACPI MADT: cpu id 93, acpi id 93, apic id 147 ACPI MADT: cpu id 94, acpi id 94, apic id 148 ACPI MADT: cpu id 95, acpi id 95, apic id 149 ACPI MADT: cpu id 96, acpi id 96, apic id 150 ACPI MADT: cpu id 97, acpi id 97, apic id 151 ACPI MADT: cpu id 98, acpi id 98, apic id 152 ACPI MADT: cpu id 99, acpi id 99, apic id 153 ACPI MADT: cpu id 100, acpi id 100, apic id 160 ACPI MADT: cpu id 101, acpi id 101, apic id 161 ACPI MADT: cpu id 102, acpi id 102, apic id 162 ACPI MADT: cpu id 103, acpi id 103, apic id 163 ACPI MADT: cpu id 104, acpi id 104, apic id 164 ACPI MADT: cpu id 105, acpi id 105, apic id 165 ACPI MADT: cpu id 106, acpi id 106, apic id 166 ACPI MADT: cpu id 107, acpi id 107, apic id 167 ACPI MADT: cpu id 108, acpi id 108, apic id 168 ACPI MADT: cpu id 109, acpi id 109, apic id 169 lapic: divisor index 0, frequency 500006565 Hz SMP: CPU0 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00000700 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff Bits within APICID: logical_CPU_bits: 0; core_bits: 4 CPU Topology: cores_per_chip: 10; threads_per_core: 1; chips_per_package: 11; MemAffinity 0000000000000000,0MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 0000000000100000,3071MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 0000000100000000,759528MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 000000ba6e800000,762600MB Prox=1 CpuApicId 10 Socket 1 MemAffinity 000001749d000000,762600MB Prox=2 CpuApicId 20 Socket 2 MemAffinity 0000022ecb800000,762600MB Prox=3 CpuApicId 30 Socket 3 MemAffinity 000002e8fa000000,762600MB Prox=4 CpuApicId 40 Socket 4 MemAffinity 000003a328800000,762600MB Prox=5 CpuApicId 50 Socket 5 MemAffinity 0000045d57000000,762600MB Prox=6 CpuApicId 60 Socket 6 MemAffinity 0000051785800000,762600MB Prox=7 CpuApicId 70 Socket 7 MemAffinity 000005d1b4000000,762600MB Prox=8 CpuApicId 80 Socket 8 MemAffinity 0000068be2800000,762600MB Prox=9 CpuApicId 90 Socket 9 MemAffinity 0000074611000000,762608MB Prox=10 CpuApicId a0 Socket 10 SMI Frequency (worst case): 12048 Hz (83 us) SMP: Waiting APs LAPIC initialization SMP: CPU74 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU54 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU101 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU60 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU108 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU42 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU33 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU81 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU98 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU31 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU30 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU46 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU44 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU96 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU53 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU80 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU105 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU35 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU41 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU32 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU6 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU58 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU43 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU82 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU66 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU1 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU107 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU28 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU78 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU106 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU26 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU84 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU48 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU37 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU70 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU64 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU34 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU65 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU57 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU95 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU61 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU75 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU109 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU55 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU5 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU90 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU87 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU72 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU97 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU73 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU99 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU47 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU79 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU51 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU63 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU50 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU56 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU62 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU2 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU59 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU3 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU104 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU4 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU39 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU9 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU71 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU68 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU102 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU8 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU85 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU49 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU22 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU38 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU76 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU86 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU100 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU7 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU52 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU40 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU88 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU83 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU25 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU69 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU67 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU77 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU103 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU13 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU20 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU23 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU45 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU93 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU11 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU12 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU24 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU10 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU94 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU89 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU19 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU21 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU29 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU36 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU17 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU15 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU18 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU16 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU91 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU92 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU27 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU14 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff ELCR Found. ISA IRQs programmed as: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Initialize MI interrupts objcache: magazine cap [6, 4102] Finish MP startup Active CPU Mask: ffffffffffffffff Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xffffffff82a66000. Preloaded elf obj module "acpi.ko" at 0xffffffff82a66d70. Preloaded elf obj module "ehci.ko" at 0xffffffff82a677c8. Preloaded elf obj module "xhci.ko" at 0xffffffff82a680e0. VMM: VMX is not supported by this Intel CPU Start usched_dfly helpers on cpus: cpu0 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu1 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu2 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu3 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu4 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu5 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu6 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu7 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu8 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu9 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu10 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu11 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu12 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu13 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu14 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu15 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu16 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu17 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu18 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu19 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu20 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu21 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu22 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu23 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu24 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu25 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu26 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu27 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu28 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu29 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu30 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu31 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu32 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu33 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu34 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu35 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu36 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu37 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu38 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu39 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu40 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu41 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu42 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu43 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu44 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu45 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu46 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu47 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu48 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu49 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu50 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu51 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu52 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu53 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu54 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu55 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu56 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu57 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu58 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu59 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu60 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu61 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu62 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu63 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu64 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu65 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu66 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu67 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu68 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu69 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu70 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu71 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu72 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu73 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu74 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu75 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu76 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu77 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu78 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu79 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu80 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu81 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu82 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu83 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu84 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu85 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu86 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu87 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu88 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu89 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu90 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu91 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu92 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu93 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu94 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu95 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu96 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu97 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu98 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu99 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu100 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu101 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu102 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu103 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu104 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu105 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu106 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu107 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu108 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu109 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) start dummy scheduler helpers on cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Start usched_bsd4 helpers on cpus: cpu0 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu1 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu2 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu3 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu4 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu5 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu6 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu7 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu8 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu9 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu10 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu11 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu12 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu13 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu14 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu15 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu16 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu17 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu18 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu19 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu20 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu21 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu22 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu23 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu24 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu25 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu26 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu27 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu28 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu29 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu30 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu31 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu32 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu33 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu34 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu35 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu36 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu37 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu38 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu39 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu40 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu41 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu42 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu43 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu44 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu45 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu46 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu47 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu48 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu49 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu50 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu51 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu52 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu53 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu54 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu55 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu56 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu57 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu58 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu59 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu60 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu61 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu62 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu63 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu64 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu65 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu66 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu67 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu68 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu69 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu70 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu71 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu72 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu73 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu74 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu75 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu76 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu77 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu78 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu79 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu80 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu81 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu82 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu83 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu84 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu85 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu86 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu87 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu88 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu89 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu90 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu91 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu92 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu93 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu94 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu95 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu96 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu97 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu98 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu99 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu100 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu101 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu102 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu103 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu104 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu105 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu106 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu107 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu108 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu109 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) wdog: In-kernel automatic watchdog reset enabled sensors: tasks default to cpu9 wlan: <802.11 Link Layer> ath_dfs: WTF module ath_rate: kbd: new array size 4 kbd1 at kbdmux0 md0: Malloc disk md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic crypto: hpt27xx: RocketRAID 27xx controller driver v1.0 hptrr: RocketRAID 17xx/2xxx SATA controller driver v1.2 interrupt uses mplock: swi_taskq low dma reserve placed @ 0xfffffae0e2748000 ICU: rman cpu0 0 - 1 ICU: rman cpu0 3 - 95 ICU: rman cpu0 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu1 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu1 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu2 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu2 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu3 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu3 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu4 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu4 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu5 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu5 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu6 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu6 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu7 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu7 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu8 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu8 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu9 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu9 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu10 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu10 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu11 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu11 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu12 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu12 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu13 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu13 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu14 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu14 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu15 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu15 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu16 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu16 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu17 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu17 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu18 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu18 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu19 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu19 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu20 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu20 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu21 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu21 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu22 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu22 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu23 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu23 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu24 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu24 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu25 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu25 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu26 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu26 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu27 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu27 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu28 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu28 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu29 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu29 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu30 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu30 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu31 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu31 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu32 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu32 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu33 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu33 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu34 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu34 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu35 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu35 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu36 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu36 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu37 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu37 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu38 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu38 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu39 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu39 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu40 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu40 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu41 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu41 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu42 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu42 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu43 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu43 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu44 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu44 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu45 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu45 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu46 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu46 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu47 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu47 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu48 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu48 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu49 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu49 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu50 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu50 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu51 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu51 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu52 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu52 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu53 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu53 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu54 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu54 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu55 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu55 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu56 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu56 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu57 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu57 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu58 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu58 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu59 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu59 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu60 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu60 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu61 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu61 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu62 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu62 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu63 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu63 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu64 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu64 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu65 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu65 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu66 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu66 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu67 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu67 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu68 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu68 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu69 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu69 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu70 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu70 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu71 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu71 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu72 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu72 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu73 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu73 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu74 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu74 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu75 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu75 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu76 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu76 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu77 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu77 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu78 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu78 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu79 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu79 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu80 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu80 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu81 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu81 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu82 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu82 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu83 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu83 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu84 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu84 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu85 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu85 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu86 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu86 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu87 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu87 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu88 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu88 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu89 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu89 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu90 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu90 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu91 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu91 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu92 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu92 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu93 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu93 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu94 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu94 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu95 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu95 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu96 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu96 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu97 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu97 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu98 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu98 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu99 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu99 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu100 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu100 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu101 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu101 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu102 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu102 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu103 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu103 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu104 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu104 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu105 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu105 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu106 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu106 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu107 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu107 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu108 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu108 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu109 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu109 97 - 191 ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000BB7A6014 000024 (v02 BOCHS ) ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000BB7A50E8 00004C (v01 BOCHS BXPCFACP 00000001 01000013) ACPI: FACP 0x00000000BB7A0000 000074 (v01 BOCHS BXPCFACP 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000BB7A1000 003BA3 (v01 BOCHS BXPCDSDT 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: FACS 0x00000000BB7A9000 000040 ACPI: APIC 0x00000000BB79F000 0003E0 (v01 BOCHS BXPCAPIC 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: HPET 0x00000000BA60F000 000038 (v01 BOCHS BXPCHPET 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: SRAT 0x00000000BA60E000 000918 (v01 BOCHS BXPCSRAT 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: BGRT 0x00000000BA612000 000038 (v01 INTEL EDK2 00000002 01000013) zrj loader gave kmdp=0xffffffff82a66000 zrj loader.efi gave kmdp=0xffffffff82a66000 zrj smapbase=0 zrj mem rid=0 beg=0x0 end=0x80000 zrj mem rid=1 beg=0x100000 end=0x800000 zrj mem rid=2 beg=0x900000 end=0xba600000 zrj mem rid=3 beg=0xba6e0000 end=0xbb740000 zrj mem rid=4 beg=0xbb7c0000 end=0xbfb80000 zrj mem rid=5 beg=0x100000000 end=0x80040000000 cryptosoft0.nexus0.root0 cryptosoft0: [tentative] on motherboard crypto: assign cryptosoft0 driver id 0, flags 234881024 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 1 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 2 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 3 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 4 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 5 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 16 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 6 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 7 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 18 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 19 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 20 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 8 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 15 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 9 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 10 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 13 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 14 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 22 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 23 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 24 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 28 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 25 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 26 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 27 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 21 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 29 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 30 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 31 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 32 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 17 flags 0 maxoplen 0 cryptosoft0: [attached!] on motherboard aesni0.nexus0.root0 aesni0: [tentative] on motherboard crypto: assign aesni0 driver id 1, flags 16777216 crypto: aesni0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: aesni0 registers alg 22 flags 0 maxoplen 0 aesni0: [attached!] on motherboard padlock0: No ACE support. rdrand0.nexus0.root0 rdrand0: [tentative] on motherboard rdrand0: [attached!] on motherboard acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi0: [tentative] on motherboard ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded ACPI FADT: SCI testing interrupt mode ... ACPI FADT: SCI testing level/low ICU: irq 9, edge -> level ACPI FADT: SCI select level/low acpi0: Power Button (fixed) acpi_timer0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi_timer0 [tentative] on acpi0 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 36, width = 27 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 27, width = 18 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 61, width = 52 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 24, width = 15 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 19, width = 10 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 392, width = 383 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 23, width = 14 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 25, width = 16 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 41, width = 32 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 22, width = 13 acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> [attached!] on acpi0 acpi_hpet0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi_hpet0: [tentative] iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0 acpi_hpet0: vend: 0x8086, rev: 0x1, num: 2, opts: legacy_route 64-bit acpi_hpet0: frequency 100000000 acpi_hpet0: [attached!] iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0 pci_link0: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link1: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link2: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link3: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link4: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 9 N 0 9 Validation 0 9 N 0 9 After Disable 0 255 N 0 9 pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pcib0: [tentative] port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0 ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.1.INTA at func 3: 10 pci_link4: BIOS IRQ 10 for 0.1.INTA is invalid ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.3.INTA at func 0: 11 pci_link2: BIOS IRQ 11 does not match initial IRQ 10 ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.4.INTA at func 0: 11 pci_link3: BIOS IRQ 11 does not match initial IRQ 10 pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pci0: [tentative] on pcib0 pci0: domain=0, physical bus=0 found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1237, revid=0x02 domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=0 class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7000, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=0 class=06-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7010, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=1 class=01-01-80, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc080, size 4, enabled found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7113, revid=0x03 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=3 class=06-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=10 pcib0: matched entry for 0.1.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKS:0) pcib0: slot 1 INTA routed to irq 9 via \_SB_.LNKS found-> vendor=0x1234, dev=0x1111, revid=0x02 domain=0, bus=0, slot=2, func=0 class=03-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) map[10]: type Prefetchable Memory, range 32, base 0xc0000000, size 24, enabled map[18]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1021000, size 12, enabled found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x100e, revid=0x03 domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=0 class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=11 map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1000000, size 17, enabled map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc040, size 6, enabled pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKC:0) ICU: irq 11, edge -> level pcib0: slot 3 INTA routed to irq 11 via \_SB_.LNKC found-> vendor=0x1af4, dev=0x1001, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=4, func=0 class=01-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=11 MSI-X supports 2 messages in map 0x14 map[10]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc000, size 6, enabled map[14]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1020000, size 12, enabled map[20]: type Prefetchable Memory, range 64, base 0x80800000000, size 14, enabled pcib0: matched entry for 0.4.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKD:0) pcib0: slot 4 INTA routed to irq 11 via \_SB_.LNKD isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 isab0: [tentative] at device 1.0 on pci0 isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 isa0: [tentative] on isab0 isa0: [attached!] on isab0 isab0: [attached!] at device 1.0 on pci0 atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atapci0: [tentative] port 0xc080-0xc08f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 1.1 on pci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x10 bytes for rid 0x20 type 4 at 0xc080 ata0.atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 ata0: [tentative] on atapci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x10 type 4 at 0x1f0 atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x14 type 4 at 0x3f6 ata0: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=00 ostat1=00 ata0: stat0=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00 ata0: stat1=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00 ata0: reset tp2 stat0=00 stat1=00 devices=0x0 interrupt uses mplock: ata0 ata0: [attached!] on atapci0 ata1.atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 ata1: [tentative] on atapci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x18 type 4 at 0x170 atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x1c type 4 at 0x376 ata1: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=50 ostat1=00 ata1: stat0=0x00 err=0x01 lsb=0x14 msb=0xeb ata1: stat1=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0xff msb=0xff ata1: reset tp2 stat0=00 stat1=00 devices=0x4 interrupt uses mplock: ata1 ata1-master: pio=PIO4 wdma=WDMA2 udma=UDMA100 cable=40 wire acd0: setting PIO4 on PIIX3 chip acd0: setting WDMA2 on PIIX3 chip CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK acd0: DVDROM drive at ata1 as master acd0: read 687KB/s (687KB/s), 512KB buffer, WDMA2 acd0: Reads: CDR, CDRW, DVDROM, DVDR, DVDRAM acd0: Writes: acd0: Audio: play, 2 volume levels acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray, unlocked acd0: Medium: no/blank disc CMDBLK[0010] 12 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK ata1: [attached!] on atapci0 atapci0: [attached!] port 0xc080-0xc08f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 1.1 on pci0 pci0: (vendor 0x8086, dev 0x7113) at device 1.3 irq 9 vgapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 vgapci0: [tentative] mem 0xc1021000-0xc1021fff,0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff at device 2.0 on pci0 vgapci0: Boot video device vgapci0: [attached!] mem 0xc1021000-0xc1021fff,0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff at device 2.0 on pci0 em0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 em0: [tentative] port 0xc040-0xc07f mem 0xc1000000-0xc101ffff irq 11 at device 3.0 on pci0 em0: Reserved 0x20000 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xc1000000 em0: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x14 type 4 at 0xc040 em0: IRQ shared CMDBLK[0010] 12 01 00 00 ffffffff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK (probe0:ata1:0:0:0): Down reving Protocol Version from 2 to 0? CMDBLK[0010] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK em0: bpf attached em0: MAC address: 52:54:00:12:34:56 em0: [attached!] port 0xc040-0xc07f mem 0xc1000000-0xc101ffff irq 11 at device 3.0 on pci0 virtio_pci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 virtio_pci0: [tentative] port 0xc000-0xc03f mem 0x80800000000-0x80800003fff,0xc1020000-0xc1020fff irq 11 at device 4.0 on pci0 virtio_pci0: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x10 type 4 at 0xc000 virtio_pci0: Reserved 0x1000 bytes for rid 0x14 type 3 at 0xc1020000 vtblk0.virtio_pci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 vtblk0: [tentative] on virtio_pci0 virtio_pci0: host features: 0x79000e54 virtio_pci0: negotiated features: 0x10000a54 virtio_pci0: attempting to allocate MSI-X #0 vector (2 supported) alloc MSI-X intr 16 on cpu0 virtio_pci0: using IRQ 16 for MSI-X on cpu0 virtio_pci0: attempting to allocate MSI-X #1 vector (2 supported) alloc MSI-X intr 16 on cpu1 virtio_pci0: using IRQ 16 for MSI-X on cpu1 virtio_pci0: using per virtqueue MSIX vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace map MSI-X intr 16 on cpu0 map MSI-X intr 16 on cpu1 vtblk0: Block size: 512 vtblk0: vbd0: Found GPT in slice #1 1048576MB (2147483648 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C) vtblk0: [attached!] on virtio_pci0 virtio_pci0: [attached!] port 0xc000-0xc03f mem 0x80800000000-0x80800003fff,0xc1020000-0xc1020fff irq 16,16,11 at device 4.0 on pci0 pci0: [attached!] on pcib0 pcib0: [attached!] port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0 atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atkbdc0: [tentative] port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0 atkbd0.atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atkbd0: [tentative] irq 1 on atkbdc0 kbd0 at atkbd0 kbd0: atkbd0, generic (0), config:0x0, flags:0x1d0000 atkbd0: [attached!] irq 1 on atkbdc0 psm0: current command byte:0067 kbdc: TEST_AUX_PORT status:0000 kbdc: RESET_AUX return code:00fa kbdc: RESET_AUX status:00aa kbdc: RESET_AUX ID:0000 kbdc: RESET_AUX return code:00fa kbdc: RESET_AUX status:00aa kbdc: RESET_AUX ID:0000 psm: status 00 02 64 psm: status 00 00 64 psm: status 00 03 64 psm: status 00 03 64 psm: data 08 00 00 psm: status 00 02 64 psm0.atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 psm0: [tentative] irq 12 on atkbdc0 interrupt uses mplock: psm0 psm0: model IntelliMouse Explorer, device ID 4-00, 5 buttons psm0: config:00000000, flags:00000008, packet size:4 psm0: syncmask:08, syncbits:00 psm0: [attached!] irq 12 on atkbdc0 atkbdc0: [attached!] port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0 sio0: irq maps: 0x1 0x11 0x11 0x11 sio0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> [tentative] port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0 sio0: type 16550A, console sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> [attached!] port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0 unknown: not probed (disabled) cpu0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu0: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu0: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst0.cpu0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst0: [tentative] on cpu0 cpu_cst0: switching to FADT Cx mode cpu_cst0: [attached!] on cpu0 cpu_pst0: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu0: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu1.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu1: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu1: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst1.cpu1.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst1: [tentative] on cpu1 cpu_cst1: [attached!] on cpu1 cpu_pst1: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu1: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu2.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu2: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu2: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst2.cpu2.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst2: [tentative] on cpu2 cpu_cst2: [attached!] on cpu2 cpu_pst2: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu2: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu3.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu3: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu3: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst3.cpu3.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst3: [tentative] on cpu3 cpu_cst3: [attached!] on cpu3 cpu_pst3: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu3: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu4.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu4: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu4: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst4.cpu4.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst4: [tentative] on cpu4 cpu_cst4: [attached!] on cpu4 cpu_pst4: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu4: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu5.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu5: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu5: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst5.cpu5.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst5: [tentative] on cpu5 cpu_cst5: [attached!] on cpu5 cpu_pst5: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu5: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu6.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu6: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu6: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst6.cpu6.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst6: [tentative] on cpu6 cpu_cst6: [attached!] on cpu6 cpu_pst6: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu6: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu7.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu7: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu7: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst7.cpu7.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst7: [tentative] on cpu7 cpu_cst7: [attached!] on cpu7 cpu_pst7: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu7: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu8.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu8: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu8: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst8.cpu8.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst8: [tentative] on cpu8 cpu_cst8: [attached!] on cpu8 cpu_pst8: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu8: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu9.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu9: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu9: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst9.cpu9.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst9: [tentative] on cpu9 cpu_cst9: [attached!] on cpu9 cpu_pst9: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu9: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu10.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu10: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu10: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst10.cpu10.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst10: [tentative] on cpu10 cpu_cst10: [attached!] on cpu10 cpu_pst10: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu10: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu11.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu11: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu11: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst11.cpu11.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst11: [tentative] on cpu11 cpu_cst11: [attached!] on cpu11 cpu_pst11: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu11: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu12.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu12: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu12: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst12.cpu12.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst12: [tentative] on cpu12 cpu_cst12: [attached!] on cpu12 cpu_pst12: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu12: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu13.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu13: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu13: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst13.cpu13.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst13: [tentative] on cpu13 cpu_cst13: [attached!] on cpu13 cpu_pst13: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu13: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu14.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu14: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu14: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst14.cpu14.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst14: [tentative] on cpu14 cpu_cst14: [attached!] on cpu14 cpu_pst14: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu14: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu15.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu15: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu15: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst15.cpu15.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst15: [tentative] on cpu15 cpu_cst15: [attached!] on cpu15 cpu_pst15: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu15: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu16.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu16: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu16: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst16.cpu16.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst16: [tentative] on cpu16 cpu_cst16: [attached!] on cpu16 cpu_pst16: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu16: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu17.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu17: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu17: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst17.cpu17.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst17: [tentative] on cpu17 cpu_cst17: [attached!] on cpu17 cpu_pst17: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu17: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu18.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu18: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu18: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst18.cpu18.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst18: [tentative] on cpu18 cpu_cst18: [attached!] on cpu18 cpu_pst18: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu18: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu19.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu19: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu19: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst19.cpu19.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst19: [tentative] on cpu19 cpu_cst19: [attached!] on cpu19 cpu_pst19: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu19: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu20.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu20: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu20: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst20.cpu20.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst20: [tentative] on cpu20 cpu_cst20: [attached!] on cpu20 cpu_pst20: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu20: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu21.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu21: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu21: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst21.cpu21.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst21: [tentative] on cpu21 cpu_cst21: [attached!] on cpu21 cpu_pst21: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu21: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu22.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu22: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu22: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst22.cpu22.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst22: [tentative] on cpu22 cpu_cst22: [attached!] on cpu22 cpu_pst22: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu22: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu23.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu23: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu23: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst23.cpu23.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst23: [tentative] on cpu23 cpu_cst23: [attached!] on cpu23 cpu_pst23: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu23: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu24.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu24: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu24: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst24.cpu24.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst24: [tentative] on cpu24 cpu_cst24: [attached!] on cpu24 cpu_pst24: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu24: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu25.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu25: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu25: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst25.cpu25.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst25: [tentative] on cpu25 cpu_cst25: [attached!] on cpu25 cpu_pst25: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu25: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu26.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu26: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu26: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst26.cpu26.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst26: [tentative] on cpu26 cpu_cst26: [attached!] on cpu26 cpu_pst26: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu26: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu27.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu27: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu27: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst27.cpu27.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst27: [tentative] on cpu27 cpu_cst27: [attached!] on cpu27 cpu_pst27: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu27: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu28.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu28: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu28: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst28.cpu28.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst28: [tentative] on cpu28 cpu_cst28: [attached!] on cpu28 cpu_pst28: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu28: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu29.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu29: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu29: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst29.cpu29.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst29: [tentative] on cpu29 cpu_cst29: [attached!] on cpu29 cpu_pst29: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu29: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu30.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu30: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu30: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst30.cpu30.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst30: [tentative] on cpu30 cpu_cst30: [attached!] on cpu30 cpu_pst30: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu30: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu31.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu31: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu31: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst31.cpu31.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst31: [tentative] on cpu31 cpu_cst31: [attached!] on cpu31 cpu_pst31: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu31: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu32.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu32: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu32: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst32.cpu32.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst32: [tentative] on cpu32 cpu_cst32: [attached!] on cpu32 cpu_pst32: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu32: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu33.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu33: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu33: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst33.cpu33.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst33: [tentative] on cpu33 cpu_cst33: [attached!] on cpu33 cpu_pst33: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu33: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu34.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu34: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu34: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst34.cpu34.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst34: [tentative] on cpu34 cpu_cst34: [attached!] on cpu34 cpu_pst34: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu34: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu35.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu35: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu35: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst35.cpu35.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst35: [tentative] on cpu35 cpu_cst35: [attached!] on cpu35 cpu_pst35: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu35: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu36.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu36: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu36: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst36.cpu36.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst36: [tentative] on cpu36 cpu_cst36: [attached!] on cpu36 cpu_pst36: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu36: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu37.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu37: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu37: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst37.cpu37.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst37: [tentative] on cpu37 cpu_cst37: [attached!] on cpu37 cpu_pst37: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu37: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu38.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu38: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu38: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst38.cpu38.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst38: [tentative] on cpu38 cpu_cst38: [attached!] on cpu38 cpu_pst38: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu38: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu39.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu39: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu39: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst39.cpu39.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst39: [tentative] on cpu39 cpu_cst39: [attached!] on cpu39 cpu_pst39: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu39: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu40.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu40: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu40: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst40.cpu40.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst40: [tentative] on cpu40 cpu_cst40: [attached!] on cpu40 cpu_pst40: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu40: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu41.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu41: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu41: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst41.cpu41.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst41: [tentative] on cpu41 cpu_cst41: [attached!] on cpu41 cpu_pst41: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu41: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu42.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu42: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu42: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst42.cpu42.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst42: [tentative] on cpu42 cpu_cst42: [attached!] on cpu42 cpu_pst42: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu42: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu43.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu43: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu43: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst43.cpu43.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst43: [tentative] on cpu43 cpu_cst43: [attached!] on cpu43 cpu_pst43: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu43: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu44.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu44: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu44: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst44.cpu44.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst44: [tentative] on cpu44 cpu_cst44: [attached!] on cpu44 cpu_pst44: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu44: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu45.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu45: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu45: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst45.cpu45.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst45: [tentative] on cpu45 cpu_cst45: [attached!] on cpu45 cpu_pst45: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu45: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu46.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu46: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu46: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst46.cpu46.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst46: [tentative] on cpu46 cpu_cst46: [attached!] on cpu46 cpu_pst46: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu46: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu47.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu47: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu47: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst47.cpu47.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst47: [tentative] on cpu47 cpu_cst47: [attached!] on cpu47 cpu_pst47: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu47: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu48.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu48: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu48: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst48.cpu48.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst48: [tentative] on cpu48 cpu_cst48: [attached!] on cpu48 cpu_pst48: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu48: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu49.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu49: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu49: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst49.cpu49.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst49: [tentative] on cpu49 cpu_cst49: [attached!] on cpu49 cpu_pst49: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu49: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu50.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu50: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu50: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst50.cpu50.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst50: [tentative] on cpu50 cpu_cst50: [attached!] on cpu50 cpu_pst50: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu50: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu51.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu51: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu51: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst51.cpu51.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst51: [tentative] on cpu51 cpu_cst51: [attached!] on cpu51 cpu_pst51: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu51: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu52.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu52: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu52: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst52.cpu52.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst52: [tentative] on cpu52 cpu_cst52: [attached!] on cpu52 cpu_pst52: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu52: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu53.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu53: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu53: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst53.cpu53.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst53: [tentative] on cpu53 cpu_cst53: [attached!] on cpu53 cpu_pst53: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu53: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu54.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu54: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu54: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst54.cpu54.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst54: [tentative] on cpu54 cpu_cst54: [attached!] on cpu54 cpu_pst54: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu54: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu55.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu55: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu55: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst55.cpu55.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst55: [tentative] on cpu55 cpu_cst55: [attached!] on cpu55 cpu_pst55: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu55: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu56.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu56: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu56: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst56.cpu56.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst56: [tentative] on cpu56 cpu_cst56: [attached!] on cpu56 cpu_pst56: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu56: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu57.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu57: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu57: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst57.cpu57.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst57: [tentative] on cpu57 cpu_cst57: [attached!] on cpu57 cpu_pst57: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu57: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu58.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu58: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu58: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst58.cpu58.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst58: [tentative] on cpu58 cpu_cst58: [attached!] on cpu58 cpu_pst58: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu58: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu59.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu59: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu59: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst59.cpu59.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst59: [tentative] on cpu59 cpu_cst59: [attached!] on cpu59 cpu_pst59: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu59: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu60.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu60: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu60: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst60.cpu60.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst60: [tentative] on cpu60 cpu_cst60: [attached!] on cpu60 cpu_pst60: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu60: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu61.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu61: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu61: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst61.cpu61.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst61: [tentative] on cpu61 cpu_cst61: [attached!] on cpu61 cpu_pst61: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu61: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu62.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu62: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu62: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst62.cpu62.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst62: [tentative] on cpu62 cpu_cst62: [attached!] on cpu62 cpu_pst62: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu62: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu63.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu63: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu63: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst63.cpu63.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst63: [tentative] on cpu63 cpu_cst63: [attached!] on cpu63 cpu_pst63: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu63: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu64.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu64: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu64: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst64.cpu64.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst64: [tentative] on cpu64 cpu_cst64: [attached!] on cpu64 cpu_pst64: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu64: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu65.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu65: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu65: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst65.cpu65.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst65: [tentative] on cpu65 cpu_cst65: [attached!] on cpu65 cpu_pst65: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu65: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu66.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu66: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu66: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst66.cpu66.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst66: [tentative] on cpu66 cpu_cst66: [attached!] on cpu66 cpu_pst66: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu66: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu67.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu67: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu67: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst67.cpu67.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst67: [tentative] on cpu67 cpu_cst67: [attached!] on cpu67 cpu_pst67: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu67: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu68.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu68: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu68: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst68.cpu68.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst68: [tentative] on cpu68 cpu_cst68: [attached!] on cpu68 cpu_pst68: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu68: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu69.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu69: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu69: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst69.cpu69.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst69: [tentative] on cpu69 cpu_cst69: [attached!] on cpu69 cpu_pst69: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu69: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu70.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu70: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu70: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst70.cpu70.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst70: [tentative] on cpu70 cpu_cst70: [attached!] on cpu70 cpu_pst70: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu70: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu71.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu71: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu71: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst71.cpu71.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst71: [tentative] on cpu71 cpu_cst71: [attached!] on cpu71 cpu_pst71: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu71: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu72.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu72: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu72: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst72.cpu72.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst72: [tentative] on cpu72 cpu_cst72: [attached!] on cpu72 cpu_pst72: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu72: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu73.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu73: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu73: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst73.cpu73.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst73: [tentative] on cpu73 cpu_cst73: [attached!] on cpu73 cpu_pst73: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu73: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu74.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu74: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu74: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst74.cpu74.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst74: [tentative] on cpu74 cpu_cst74: [attached!] on cpu74 cpu_pst74: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu74: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu75.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu75: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu75: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst75.cpu75.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst75: [tentative] on cpu75 cpu_cst75: [attached!] on cpu75 cpu_pst75: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu75: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu76.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu76: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu76: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst76.cpu76.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst76: [tentative] on cpu76 cpu_cst76: [attached!] on cpu76 cpu_pst76: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu76: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu77.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu77: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu77: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst77.cpu77.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst77: [tentative] on cpu77 cpu_cst77: [attached!] on cpu77 cpu_pst77: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu77: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu78.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu78: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu78: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst78.cpu78.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst78: [tentative] on cpu78 cpu_cst78: [attached!] on cpu78 cpu_pst78: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu78: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu79.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu79: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu79: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst79.cpu79.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst79: [tentative] on cpu79 cpu_cst79: [attached!] on cpu79 cpu_pst79: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu79: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu80.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu80: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu80: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst80.cpu80.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst80: [tentative] on cpu80 cpu_cst80: [attached!] on cpu80 cpu_pst80: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu80: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu81.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu81: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu81: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst81.cpu81.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst81: [tentative] on cpu81 cpu_cst81: [attached!] on cpu81 cpu_pst81: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu81: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu82.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu82: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu82: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst82.cpu82.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst82: [tentative] on cpu82 cpu_cst82: [attached!] on cpu82 cpu_pst82: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu82: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu83.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu83: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu83: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst83.cpu83.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst83: [tentative] on cpu83 cpu_cst83: [attached!] on cpu83 cpu_pst83: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu83: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu84.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu84: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu84: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst84.cpu84.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst84: [tentative] on cpu84 cpu_cst84: [attached!] on cpu84 cpu_pst84: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu84: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu85.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu85: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu85: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst85.cpu85.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst85: [tentative] on cpu85 cpu_cst85: [attached!] on cpu85 cpu_pst85: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu85: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu86.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu86: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu86: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst86.cpu86.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst86: [tentative] on cpu86 cpu_cst86: [attached!] on cpu86 cpu_pst86: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu86: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu87.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu87: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu87: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst87.cpu87.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst87: [tentative] on cpu87 cpu_cst87: [attached!] on cpu87 cpu_pst87: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu87: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu88.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu88: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu88: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst88.cpu88.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst88: [tentative] on cpu88 cpu_cst88: [attached!] on cpu88 cpu_pst88: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu88: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu89.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu89: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu89: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst89.cpu89.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst89: [tentative] on cpu89 cpu_cst89: [attached!] on cpu89 cpu_pst89: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu89: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu90.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu90: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu90: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst90.cpu90.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst90: [tentative] on cpu90 cpu_cst90: [attached!] on cpu90 cpu_pst90: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu90: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu91.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu91: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu91: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst91.cpu91.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst91: [tentative] on cpu91 cpu_cst91: [attached!] on cpu91 cpu_pst91: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu91: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu92.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu92: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu92: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst92.cpu92.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst92: [tentative] on cpu92 cpu_cst92: [attached!] on cpu92 cpu_pst92: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu92: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu93.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu93: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu93: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst93.cpu93.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst93: [tentative] on cpu93 cpu_cst93: [attached!] on cpu93 cpu_pst93: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu93: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu94.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu94: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu94: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst94.cpu94.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst94: [tentative] on cpu94 cpu_cst94: [attached!] on cpu94 cpu_pst94: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu94: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu95.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu95: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu95: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst95.cpu95.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst95: [tentative] on cpu95 cpu_cst95: [attached!] on cpu95 cpu_pst95: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu95: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu96.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu96: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu96: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst96.cpu96.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst96: [tentative] on cpu96 cpu_cst96: [attached!] on cpu96 cpu_pst96: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu96: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu97.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu97: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu97: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst97.cpu97.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst97: [tentative] on cpu97 cpu_cst97: [attached!] on cpu97 cpu_pst97: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu97: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu98.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu98: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu98: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst98.cpu98.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst98: [tentative] on cpu98 cpu_cst98: [attached!] on cpu98 cpu_pst98: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu98: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu99.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu99: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu99: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst99.cpu99.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst99: [tentative] on cpu99 cpu_cst99: [attached!] on cpu99 cpu_pst99: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu99: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu100.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu100: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu100: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst100.cpu100.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst100: [tentative] on cpu100 cpu_cst100: [attached!] on cpu100 cpu_pst100: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu100: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu101.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu101: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu101: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst101.cpu101.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst101: [tentative] on cpu101 cpu_cst101: [attached!] on cpu101 cpu_pst101: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu101: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu102.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu102: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu102: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst102.cpu102.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst102: [tentative] on cpu102 cpu_cst102: [attached!] on cpu102 cpu_pst102: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu102: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu103.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu103: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu103: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst103.cpu103.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst103: [tentative] on cpu103 cpu_cst103: [attached!] on cpu103 cpu_pst103: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu103: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu104.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu104: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu104: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst104.cpu104.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst104: [tentative] on cpu104 cpu_cst104: [attached!] on cpu104 cpu_pst104: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu104: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu105.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu105: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu105: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst105.cpu105.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst105: [tentative] on cpu105 cpu_cst105: [attached!] on cpu105 cpu_pst105: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu105: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu106.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu106: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu106: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst106.cpu106.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst106: [tentative] on cpu106 cpu_cst106: [attached!] on cpu106 cpu_pst106: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu106: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu107.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu107: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu107: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst107.cpu107.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst107: [tentative] on cpu107 cpu_cst107: [attached!] on cpu107 cpu_pst107: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu107: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu108.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu108: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu108: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst108.cpu108.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst108: [tentative] on cpu108 cpu_cst108: [attached!] on cpu108 cpu_pst108: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu108: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu109.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu109: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu109: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst109.cpu109.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst109: [tentative] on cpu109 cpu_cst109: [attached!] on cpu109 cpu_pst109: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu109: [attached!] on acpi0 unknown: not probed (disabled) ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F acpi0: [attached!] at irq 9 on motherboard Freeing low dma reserve @ 0xfffffae0e2748000 atkbdc-: atkbdc0 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio0 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio1 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio2 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio3 exists, using next available unit number Trying Read_Port at 203 Trying Read_Port at 243 Trying Read_Port at 283 Trying Read_Port at 2c3 Trying Read_Port at 303 Trying Read_Port at 343 Trying Read_Port at 383 Trying Read_Port at 3c3 isa_probe_children: disabling PnP devices isa_probe_children: probing non-PnP devices pmtimer0.isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pmtimer0 [tentative] on isa0 pmtimer0 [attached!] on isa0 adv0 [tentative] failed to probe on isa0 atkbdc1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x60 on isa0 vga0 [tentative] failed to probe on isa0 sc0.isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 sc0: [tentative] at flags 0x500 on isa0 sc0: EFI_FB <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x500> sc0:, kbd1, terminal emulator: sc (syscons terminal) sc0: [attached!] at flags 0x500 on isa0 lm0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x290-0x297 on isa0 it0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x290-0x297 on isa0 it1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0xc00-0xc07 on isa0 it2 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0xd00-0xd07 on isa0 it3 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x228-0x22f on isa0 wbsio0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x2e-0x2f on isa0 wbsio1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x4e-0x4f on isa0 sio1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x3f8 irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0 sio2: can't drain, serial port might not exist, disabling sio2 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0 sio3: not probed (disabled) sio4: not probed (disabled) lnc0: not probed (disabled) sn0: not probed (disabled) isa_probe_children: probing PnP devices C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 cpu_cst: global Cx count 1 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 usbpf: Initialized lo0: bpf attached crypto: hpt27xx: no controller detected. hptrr: no controller detected. CAM: Configuring bus: ata0 CAM: Configuring bus: ata1 CAM: Configuring 2 busses CMDBLK[0010] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CAM: Finished configuring bus: ata0 CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 12 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 12 01 00 00 ffffffff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CAM: Finished configuring bus: ata1 CAM: finished configuring all busses CMDBLK[0010] 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 cd0: Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device cd0: 16.000MB/s transfers cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present ATA PseudoRAID loaded Mounting root from hammer2:vbd0s1d hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: root 'vbd0s1d' hammer2_mount: dev="vbd0s1d" label="ROOT" rdonly=1 hammer2: using volume header #2 alloc spmp 0xfffffae0e8056000 tid 00000000000004d3 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffae0e7a30000 pmp=0xfffffae0e8065000 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffae0e7a30000 ++mount_count=1 PFS: Starting inode 85343 PMP focus good set nextino=85343 mod=00000000001337b1 DMA space used: 896k, remaining available: 512k Mounting devfs start_init: trying /sbin/init Loading configuration files. Loading devfs rules: /etc/defaults/devfs.conf. Initializing random seed: done. dumpon: crash dumps to /dev/vbd0s1b (23, 0x20001) Starting file system checks: /dev/vbd0s1a: FILESYSTEM CLEAN; SKIPPING CHECKS /dev/vbd0s1a: clean, 576187 free (2147 frags, 71755 blocks, 0.2% fragmentation) mount_hammer2: unable to connect to cluster controller mount_hammer2: cluster_connect(/dev/vbd0s1d@ROOT) failed hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: dev="/dev/vbd0s1d" label="ROOT" rdonly=1 hammer2 mount "vbd0s1d": freemap recovery 00000000000004d3-00000000000004d3 mount_hammer2: unable to connect to cluster controller mount_hammer2: cluster_connect(/dev/vbd0s1e@DATA) failed hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: dev="/dev/vbd0s1e" label="DATA" rdonly=0 hammer2: using volume header #2 alloc spmp 0xfffffb2e673e9000 tid 0000000000000334 hammer2 mount "/dev/vbd0s1e": freemap recovery 0000000000000334-0000000000000334 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffb2e66dc8000 pmp=0xfffffb2e67400000 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffb2e66dc8000 ++mount_count=1 PFS: Starting inode 178207 PMP focus good set nextino=178207 mod=00000000010efc4d kthread 0xfffffb2e678e0b80 syncer7 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e65ffbd00 syncer8 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e65fca180 syncer9 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e66545300 syncer10 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e6656cd80 syncer11 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e66349100 syncer12 has exited Setting hostname: stalker. starting dhclient on em0 em0: Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow control: none em0: Link is Down lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384 options=43 inet netmask 0xff000000 inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 em0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 options=1b inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe12:3456%em0 prefixlen 64 tentative scopeid 0x1 ether 52:54:00:12:34:56 media: Ethernet autoselect (none) status: no carrier em0: Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow control: none Additional routing options:. Starting devd. Mounting NFS file systems:. Building databases... Starting syslogd. Dec 6 19:41:44 stalker syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel No core dumps found. swap low/high-water marks set to 2684352/4026528 swapon: adding /dev/vbd0s1b as swap device ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/local/libdata/ldconfig/perl5 Id Refs Name 204 1 nfs NFS CLIENT: access_cache_timeout=5 neg_cache_timeout=3. Starting local daemons:. Updating motd. Configuring syscons: blanktime. Starting sshd. sendmail_submit: /etc/mail/aliases.db not present, generating newaliases: no recipients sendmail_clientmqueue: /etc/mail/aliases.db not present, generating newaliases: no recipients Starting cron. Local package initialization:. Additional TCP options:. Wed Dec 6 19:42:16 UTC 2017 DragonFly/x86_64 (stalker) (ttyd0) login: root Password: Last login: Wed Dec 6 19:12:58 2017 on ttyd0 Dec 6 19:42:39 stalker login: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyd0 Copyright (c) 2003-2017 The DragonFly Project. Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. DragonFly v5.1.0.405.g0047b6-DEVELOPMENT (X86_64_GENERIC) #11: Wed Dec 6 18:59:42 UTC 2017 Welcome to DragonFly! stalker# sysctl hw.physmem hw.physmem: 8795164246016 stalker# df -hT Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on vbd0s1d hammer2 498G 1435M 496G 0% / devfs devfs 1024B 1024B 0B 100% /dev /dev/vbd0s1a ufs 2044M 918M 962M 49% /boot /dev/vbd0s1e@DATA hammer2 265G 6400M 258G 2% /build /build/usr.obj null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /usr/obj /build/var.crash null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /var/crash /build/var.cache null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /var/cache /build/var.spool null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /var/spool /build/var.log null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /var/log /build/var.tmp null 265G 6400M 258G 2% /var/tmp tmpfs tmpfs 1984G 0B 1984G 0% /tmp procfs procfs 4096B 4096B 0B 100% /proc stalker# vmstat -m Memory statistics by type Type Count MemUse Limit Requests tmpfs name zone 0 0 793G 2 tmpfs dirent 2 176 793G 2 tmpfs node 3 768 793G 3 HAMMER2-inodes 1 704 793G 1 HAMMER2-inodes 24 16.5K 793G 29 HAMMER2-inodes 1 704 793G 2 HAMMER2-chains 58 21.8K 793G 111 HAMMER2-inodes 1 704 793G 1 HAMMER2-inodes 384 264K 793G 398 HAMMER2-inodes 1 704 793G 2 HAMMER2-chains 1.47K 565K 793G 3.22K acpisem 132 4.03K 793G 132 pci_link 10 632 793G 10 acpitask 0 0 793G 1 acpica 152 7.23K 793G 134K acpidev 385 15.0K 793G 385 msg 4 26.9K 793G 4 scsi_cd 0 0 793G 1 atkbddev 2 48 793G 2 Unitno 1 48 793G 1 rman 392 33.9K 793G 795 pipe 87 44.6K 793G 87 ioctlops 0 0 793G 16 nexusdev 7 112 793G 7 taskqueue 226 10.7K 793G 226 sglist 1 576 793G 1 sbuf 0 0 793G 20 syscons 45 478K 793G 46 SWAP 2 66.1M 793G 2 kobj 223 502K 793G 223 eventhandler 33 1.57K 793G 33 disk 5 400 793G 5 bus 1.70K 246K 793G 11.6K sysctl 0 0 793G 18.8K sysctloid 24.5K 1.01M 793G 24.8K tslpque 1 61.0M 793G 1 lwkt message 2 24.0K 793G 23 thread 977 1.31M 793G 977 MD disk 2 1.63K 793G 2 memdesc 1 3.00K 793G 1 MPipe Array 2 2.20K 793G 2 cache 2.41K 222K 793G 2.92K devbuf 593 1.14M 793G 605 crypto 1 576 793G 1 propstng 1.34K 53.6K 793G 1.34K prop string 1.33K 10.8K 793G 1.41K propnmbr 1.56K 87.3K 793G 1.56K pdict16 21 1.48K 793G 21 propdict 674 126K 793G 674 prop dictionary 670 168K 793G 703 kbdmux 6 7.02K 793G 6 isadev 19 1.04K 793G 19 ZONE 1 20.0K 793G 1 temp 1.04K 405K 793G 10.2K vm_object 755 212K 7.75T 8.42K vmspace 261 392K 793G 261 ip6ndp 4 400 793G 5 plimit 11 3.44K 793G 12 tmpfs mount 1 640 793G 1 comphashtable 0 0 793G 32 HAMMER2-compbuffer 14 448K 793G 14 HAMMER2-decompbuffer 16 1.00M 793G 16 HAMMER2-mount 784 21.3M 793G 1.45K uidinfo 3 8.00M 793G 7 cred 5 960 793G 16 devfs 3.49K 549K 793G 3.52K pgrp 17 1.99K 793G 20 UFS dirhash 12 9.47K 793G 12 UFS mount 3 4.81K 793G 3 UFS ihash 1 8.00M 793G 1 FFS node 4 1.25K 8.00T 4 pagedep 1 2.00M 793G 1 inodedep 1 8.00M 793G 1 newblk 1 512 793G 1 p1003.1b 1 16 793G 1 session 15 1.17K 793G 16 proc 21 0.98M 793G 816 lwp 19 11.9K 793G 813 subproc 19 61.8K 793G 813 objcache 65 345K 793G 65 objcache mag 30.3K 764M 793G 30.3K lockf 4 192 793G 114 atexit 2 48 793G 2 proc-args 19 600 793G 543 exec-args 42 10.7M 793G 42 kqueue 20 2.50K 793G 20 kenv 37 5.01K 793G 39 file desc 22 8.62K 793G 820 file 466 54.6K 793G 466 sigio 1 40 793G 1 NFS daemon 1 16.0K 793G 1 NFS hash 1 8.00M 793G 1 syncache 220 1.38M 793G 220 tcptemp 25 1.56K 793G 25 ipq 250 11.7K 793G 250 ip_flow 110 75.6K 793G 110 in_multi 9 560 793G 9 arp 110 15.5K 793G 110 kcollect 1 2.00M 793G 1 routetbl 3.97K 654K 793G 5.18K kld 127 8.00K 793G 136 module 320 29.4K 793G 320 varsym 240 8.59K 793G 250 intrmng 1 4.50M 793G 1 acd_driver 1 3.25K 793G 1 ata_cam 2 1.38K 793G 13 ata_dma 2 384 793G 2 ata_generic 8 2.53K 793G 8 clone 6 24.0K 793G 6 ISOFS mount 1 8.00M 793G 1 ifaddr 145 560K 793G 145 ether_multi 30 1.40K 793G 30 ifnet 2 984 793G 3 BPF 7 8.48K 793G 7 MSDOSFS mount 1 8.00M 793G 1 NULLFS mount 6 2.62K 793G 6 pcpusys 1 1.02M 793G 1 vnodes 537 253K 8.00T 537 vnodeops 22 12.4K 793G 22 nameibufs 126 126K 793G 126 mount 13 12.2K 793G 16 vn_softc 4 11.0K 793G 4 vfscache 1.40K 24.1M 793G 1.44K BIO buffer 2 2.75K 793G 2 unpcb 6 1.22K 793G 8.50K socket 9 6.19K 793G 8.52K soname 4 96 793G 25.5K pcb 1.20K 1.84M 793G 1.22K tag 0 0 793G 2 mbuf 668 334K 793G 668 mbufcl 514 1.00M 793G 514 mclmeta 514 8.03K 793G 514 ptys 256 112K 793G 256 ttys 798 102K 793G 1.66K shm 1 40.0K 793G 1 CAM XPT 34 7.52K 793G 93 sem 1 144K 793G 1 CAM queue 11 120 793G 59 CAM SIM 3 576 793G 3 CAM periph 5 640 793G 13 CAM dev queue 3 240 793G 3 Memory Totals: In Use Requests 1.00G 320K stalker# vmstat -s 137232 cpu context switches 6457265 device interrupts 212 software interrupts 0 traps 67396716 system calls 1 kernel threads created 343 fork() calls 470 vfork() calls 0 rfork() calls 543 exec() calls 0 swap pager pageins 0 swap pager pages paged in 0 swap pager pageouts 0 swap pager pages paged out 103 vnode pager pageins 103 vnode pager pages paged in 0 vnode pager pageouts 0 vnode pager pages paged out 0 page daemon wakeups 0 pages examined by the page daemon 0 pages reactivated 21556 copy-on-write faults 0 copy-on-write optimized faults 32606 zero fill pages zeroed 0 zero fill pages prezeroed 69 intransit blocking page faults 42780743 total VM faults taken 0 pages affected by kernel thread creation 12966 pages affected by fork() 17907 pages affected by vfork() 0 pages affected by rfork() 68360 pages freed 0 pages freed by daemon 36116 pages freed by exiting processes 3176 pages active 140 pages inactive 1 pages in VM cache 44334969 pages wired down 2035733140 pages free 4096 bytes per page 26737 global smp invltlbs 35874 total path lookups 93041 total component lookups cache hits (71% pos + 28% neg) deletions 0%, falsehits 0% stalker# sysctl -a kern.ostype: DragonFly kern.osrelease: 5.1-DEVELOPMENT kern.osrevision: 200708 kern.version: DragonFly v5.1.0.405.g0047b6-DEVELOPMENT #11: Wed Dec 6 18:59:42 UTC 2017 root@stalker:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC kern.maxvnodes: 3491843 kern.maxproc: 16775156 kern.maxfiles: 268402496 kern.argmax: 262144 kern.securelevel: -1 kern.hostname: stalker kern.hostid: 0 kern.clockrate: { hz = 100, tick = 10000, tickadj = 5, profhz = 128, stathz = 128 } kern.posix1version: 200112 kern.ngroups: 16 kern.job_control: 1 kern.saved_ids: 0 kern.boottime: { sec = 1512589072, nsec = 0 } Wed Dec 6 19:37:52 2017 kern.domainname: kern.osreldate: 500103 kern.bootfile: /boot/kernel/kernel kern.maxfilesperproc: 67100624 kern.maxprocperuid: 4193789 kern.dumpdev: { major = 23, minor = 0x20001 } kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 524288 kern.ipc.sockbuf_waste_factor: 8 kern.ipc.somaxconn: 128 kern.ipc.max_linkhdr: 20 kern.ipc.max_protohdr: 60 kern.ipc.max_hdr: 80 kern.ipc.max_datalen: 168 kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 67101648 kern.ipc.msgseg: 2048 kern.ipc.msgssz: 8 kern.ipc.msgtql: 40 kern.ipc.msgmnb: 2048 kern.ipc.msgmni: 40 kern.ipc.msgmax: 16384 kern.ipc.semaem: 16384 kern.ipc.semvmx: 32767 kern.ipc.semusz: 232 kern.ipc.semume: 25 kern.ipc.semopm: 100 kern.ipc.semmsl: 32767 kern.ipc.semmnu: 1024 kern.ipc.semmns: 32767 kern.ipc.semmni: 1024 kern.ipc.semmap: 128 kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed: 1 kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 1 kern.ipc.shmall: 1386716177 kern.ipc.shmseg: 1024 kern.ipc.shmmni: 512 kern.ipc.shmmin: 1 kern.ipc.shmmax: 5679989460992 kern.ipc.m_defragfailure: 0 kern.ipc.m_defraguseless: 0 kern.ipc.m_defragbytes: 0 kern.ipc.m_defragpackets: 0 kern.ipc.mcl_cachefrac: 32 kern.ipc.mclph_cachefrac: 32 kern.ipc.mjcl_cachefrac: 32 kern.ipc.mjclph_cachefrac: 32 kern.ipc.nmbufs: 301953064 kern.ipc.nmbjclusters: 16775284 kern.ipc.mbtypes: 0 623 0 0 0 0 0 kern.ipc.mbuf_wait: 32 kern.ipc.async_rcvd_drop_race: 0 kern.ipc.soavailconn: 32 kern.ipc.socreate_fast: 1 kern.ipc.soconnect_async: 1 kern.ipc.sendfile_async: 1 kern.ipc.soaccept_pred_fast: 1 kern.ipc.soclose_fast: 1 kern.ipc.maxsockets: 268402496 kern.dummy: 0 kern.ps_strings: 140737486258144 kern.usrstack: 140737486258176 kern.logsigexit: 1 kern.iov_max: 1024 kern.maxposixlocksperuid: 67100624 0 5000 60 4 15 5 10 kern.elf64.pie_base_mmap: 0 kern.elf64.fallback_brand: -1 kern.init_shutdown_timeout: 120 kern.init_path: /sbin/init:/sbin/oinit:/sbin/init.bak kern.usched_global_cpumask: 18446744073709551615 70368744177663 0 0 kern.ckptfile: %N.ckpt kern.ckptgroup: 0 kern.emergency_intr_freq: 10 kern.emergency_intr_enable: 0 kern.livelock_debug: -1 kern.livelock_lowater: 20000 kern.livelock_limit_hi: 120000 kern.livelock_limit: 40000 kern.module_path: /boot/kernel;/boot/modules.local kern.acct_chkfreq: 15 kern.acct_resume: 4 kern.acct_suspend: 2 kern.basetime: { sec = 1512589072, nsec = 542024590 } Wed Dec 6 19:37:52 2017 kern.cp_times: 97895 0 95111766 104785237 107239274 2954 0 7771881 125069584 184876025 83021 0 8351647 133895397 175833617 8506 0 3750185 133223447 181176630 15041 0 3125930 129492203 185530346 7487 0 1708425 135387928 181054023 0 0 2430760 134299632 181424666 7857 0 690466 128501217 188960715 0 0 2118917 125188902 190846420 12013 0 1153116 123809783 193183053 3152 0 2804252 128369233 186544230 54867 0 1984569 122783532 193338704 79637 0 1514181 128839967 187730344 4421 0 1990483 118563309 197603199 99386 0 2128927 127929942 188000464 4671 0 688374 120981524 196478811 0 0 698436 122446565 195016697 7556 0 1125714 122063410 195016556 1817843 0 8211198 118261487 189922727 0 0 593407 129650865 187969813 3315 0 1275216 122110443 194826206 0 0 845319 118695490 198674656 2274 0 428860 119101205 198680735 0 0 605576 122909214 194699738 0 0 785569 128017806 189410860 0 0 532876 122132271 195549349 4098 0 801629 126203695 191203724 0 0 697894 131047334 186467933 2932 0 1108148 119570073 197532893 0 0 1019422 124511344 192684663 7459 0 853737 122521436 194831571 0 0 608365 123430022 194177165 2221 0 127775 123183070 194901279 0 0 581437 117884028 199748067 0 0 447854 117364265 200402245 0 0 97401 114145195 203971478 5599 0 295245 128792363 189120141 0 0 409523 118292176 199511734 0 0 340548 116970712 200902830 0 0 363308 116174072 201676216 0 0 114662 122238005 195861236 0 0 462594 120913432 196839513 0 0 397798 125455773 192360429 0 0 452939 126505645 191257001 0 0 137806 119130766 198946622 0 0 343367 120330523 197539564 0 0 199017 127591522 190423309 0 0 396686 119898172 197918125 1837 0 260391 120799757 197153110 0 0 284496 124745871 193184191 0 0 419930 121836869 195958411 3471 0 251790 109575808 208382588 0 0 467595 126279206 191466930 0 0 198493 112521632 205493909 558 0 438208 120437279 197338024 0 0 331003 125659312 192223364 0 0 443301 120558356 197212969 0 0 439961 114567881 203207525 3113 0 256833 115320312 202634219 0 0 432940 115842992 201937212 0 0 398093 113236808 204578477 0 0 578224 122887804 194747941 0 0 454852 119173808 198584689 3156 0 304032 121724278 196182394 0 0 448140 122901740 194863826 0 0 322892 121318169 196574269 0 0 317979 120230126 197666580 0 0 1575349 120751974 193012851 0 0 287704 120032982 197894675 2229 0 347790 118943469 198865433 0 0 250521 113284465 204626531 0 0 348686 122025056 195779857 1090 0 298131 119334616 198525352 0 0 247108 127820324 190087646 0 0 291754 118081159 199782610 0 0 446755 123243610 194468697 0 0 361904 116478683 201321307 2794 0 271879 119504726 198382325 0 0 598880 118900890 198656425 0 0 224322 116732608 201205500 0 0 265954 119556840 198338182 0 0 401866 122114188 195639667 0 0 540512 114516347 203107339 0 0 92808 115585448 202485432 0 0 212246 117449827 200492739 0 0 682000 122466646 195006330 0 0 112071 124265561 193786338 0 0 755448 119400315 197866931 0 0 285081 127457308 190411102 0 0 165617 119680506 198314674 0 0 92068 122794220 195271399 0 0 78924 118228379 199847994 0 0 46096 114493863 203615534 0 0 69612 117769893 200316518 0 0 69618 122724135 195363316 0 0 302157 123125872 194737016 0 0 45157 111994118 206115844 0 0 84316 117802113 200270085 0 0 62579 123309759 194790514 0 0 119425 119506547 198532436 0 0 170049 114361899 203622649 0 0 110444 118237303 199814755 0 0 135264 121173422 196852409 0 0 101555 120227785 197832128 0 0 186922 116906061 201065456 0 0 114389 113768486 204280051 0 0 76218 116544501 201533245 0 0 1047462 117191126 198698647 0 0 92775 117277966 200784322 0 0 79454 122114853 195967617 kern.cp_time: 2352453 0 181920382 13325499808 21477984522 kern.sniff_target: -1 kern.sniff_enable: 1 kern.collect_samples: 8192 kern.openfiles: 43 kern.maxfilesrootres: 13420124 kern.maxfilesperuser: 134201248 kern.minfilesperproc: 8 kern.kq_sleep_threshold: 20000 kern.kq_checkloop: 1000000 kern.kq_calloutmax: 4096 kern.stackgap_random: 1024 kern.debug_execve_args: 0 kern.ktrace_suid: 0 kern.ps_argsopen: 1 kern.ps_arg_cache_limit: 256 kern.maxusers: 1048446 kern.ident: X86_64_GENERIC kern.randompid: 0 kern.pid_inner_skips: 0 kern.pid_domain_skips: 44 kern.rand_mode: mixed kern.nrandevents: 2532 kern.slab_freetotail: 0 kern.slabs_freed: 232 kern.slabs_allocated: 25975 kern.zone_cache: 128 kern.zone_gen_alloc: 106080 kern.zone_big_alloc: 1032528 lapic kern.cputimer.intr.freq: 500006565 kern.cputimer.intr.reglist: lapic kern.cputimer.freq: 100000000 kern.cputimer.clock: 3240406745 HPET HPET ACPI-fast24 i8254_timer2 dummy kern.shutdown.kproc_shutdown_wait: 60 kern.shutdown.poweroff_delay: 5000 kern.sync_on_panic: 0 kern.corefile: %N.core kern.coredump: 1 kern.sugid_coredump: 0 kern.seedenable: 0 kern.usched_dummy_rrinterval: 5 kern.umtx_timeout_max: 2000000 kern.umtx_delay: 4000 kern.slpque_tablesize: 2000003 kern.fscale: 2048 kern.pctcpu_decay: 10 kern.ntp.adjust: 0 kern.ntp.insert_leap_second: 0 kern.ntp.next_leap_second: 0 kern.ntp.default_tick_delta: kern.ntp.tick_delta: kern.ntp.big_delta: 1000000000 0 kern.ntp.permanent: 0 kern.gettimeofday_quick: 0 kern.nanosleep_hard_us: 100 kern.nanosleep_min_us: 10 kern.watchdog.period: 30 1 kern.devstat.version: 4 kern.devstat.generation: 6 kern.devstat.numdevs: 6 kern.disk_debug: 0 kern.bioq_reorder_minor_bytes: 262144 kern.bioq_reorder_burst_bytes: 3000000 kern.bioq_reorder_minor_interval: 5 kern.bioq_reorder_burst_interval: 60 kern.disks: cd0 vbd0 acd0 vn3 vn2 vn1 vn0 md0 kern.log_wakeups_per_second: 5 kern.vmm_vendor: KVMKVMKVM kern.vmm_guest: kvm kern.msgbuf_clear: 0 kern.msgbuf: Copyright (c) 2003-2017 The DragonFly Project. Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Slab ZoneSize set to 32KB Leaving critical section, allowing interrupts ACPI SDT: RSDP in kenv hint ACPI FADT: SCI irq 9, conform/conform DragonFly v5.1.0.405.g0047b6-DEVELOPMENT #11: Wed Dec 6 18:59:42 UTC 2017 root@stalker:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC Calibrating clock(s) ... TSC clock: 2600008087 Hz (Method A) i8254 clock: 1193185 Hz hw.calibrate_timers_with_rtc not set - using default i8254 frequency hw.calibrate_timers_with_rtc not set - using old calibration method TSC clock: 2600010320 Hz CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4627 v3 @ 2.60GHz (2600.01-MHz K8-class CPU) Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x306f2 Stepping = 2 Features=0x1f83fbff Features2=0xf7fa3203 AMD Features=0x2c100800 AMD Features2=0x21 Structured Extended Features=0x72a Thermal and PM Features=0x4 MONITOR/MWAIT Features=0x2 npx mask: 0x0000ffff real memory = 8796085768192 (8388601 MB) Physical memory chunk(s): 0x00020000 - 0x0007ffff, 393216 bytes (96 pages) 0x00100000 - 0x001fffff, 1048576 bytes (256 pages) 0x37140000 - 0xba5fffff, 2202796032 bytes (537792 pages) 0xba6e0000 - 0xbb73ffff, 17170432 bytes (4192 pages) 0xbb7c0000 - 0xbfb7ffff, 71041024 bytes (17344 pages) 0x100000000 - 0x8003ffdffff, 8792871665664 bytes (2146697184 pages) Warning: nbufs capped at 445953 due to valloc considerations Warning: nbufs capped at 445953 due to valloc considerations avail memory = 8347430887424 (7960730 MB) ACPI MADT: LAPIC address 0xfee00000, flags 0x1 ACPI MADT: BSP apic id 0 ACPI MADT: cpu id 0, acpi id 0, apic id 0 ACPI MADT: cpu id 1, acpi id 1, apic id 1 ACPI MADT: cpu id 2, acpi id 2, apic id 2 ACPI MADT: cpu id 3, acpi id 3, apic id 3 ACPI MADT: cpu id 4, acpi id 4, apic id 4 ACPI MADT: cpu id 5, acpi id 5, apic id 5 ACPI MADT: cpu id 6, acpi id 6, apic id 6 ACPI MADT: cpu id 7, acpi id 7, apic id 7 ACPI MADT: cpu id 8, acpi id 8, apic id 8 ACPI MADT: cpu id 9, acpi id 9, apic id 9 ACPI MADT: cpu id 10, acpi id 10, apic id 16 ACPI MADT: cpu id 11, acpi id 11, apic id 17 ACPI MADT: cpu id 12, acpi id 12, apic id 18 ACPI MADT: cpu id 13, acpi id 13, apic id 19 ACPI MADT: cpu id 14, acpi id 14, apic id 20 ACPI MADT: cpu id 15, acpi id 15, apic id 21 ACPI MADT: cpu id 16, acpi id 16, apic id 22 ACPI MADT: cpu id 17, acpi id 17, apic id 23 ACPI MADT: cpu id 18, acpi id 18, apic id 24 ACPI MADT: cpu id 19, acpi id 19, apic id 25 ACPI MADT: cpu id 20, acpi id 20, apic id 32 ACPI MADT: cpu id 21, acpi id 21, apic id 33 ACPI MADT: cpu id 22, acpi id 22, apic id 34 ACPI MADT: cpu id 23, acpi id 23, apic id 35 ACPI MADT: cpu id 24, acpi id 24, apic id 36 ACPI MADT: cpu id 25, acpi id 25, apic id 37 ACPI MADT: cpu id 26, acpi id 26, apic id 38 ACPI MADT: cpu id 27, acpi id 27, apic id 39 ACPI MADT: cpu id 28, acpi id 28, apic id 40 ACPI MADT: cpu id 29, acpi id 29, apic id 41 ACPI MADT: cpu id 30, acpi id 30, apic id 48 ACPI MADT: cpu id 31, acpi id 31, apic id 49 ACPI MADT: cpu id 32, acpi id 32, apic id 50 ACPI MADT: cpu id 33, acpi id 33, apic id 51 ACPI MADT: cpu id 34, acpi id 34, apic id 52 ACPI MADT: cpu id 35, acpi id 35, apic id 53 ACPI MADT: cpu id 36, acpi id 36, apic id 54 ACPI MADT: cpu id 37, acpi id 37, apic id 55 ACPI MADT: cpu id 38, acpi id 38, apic id 56 ACPI MADT: cpu id 39, acpi id 39, apic id 57 ACPI MADT: cpu id 40, acpi id 40, apic id 64 ACPI MADT: cpu id 41, acpi id 41, apic id 65 ACPI MADT: cpu id 42, acpi id 42, apic id 66 ACPI MADT: cpu id 43, acpi id 43, apic id 67 ACPI MADT: cpu id 44, acpi id 44, apic id 68 ACPI MADT: cpu id 45, acpi id 45, apic id 69 ACPI MADT: cpu id 46, acpi id 46, apic id 70 ACPI MADT: cpu id 47, acpi id 47, apic id 71 ACPI MADT: cpu id 48, acpi id 48, apic id 72 ACPI MADT: cpu id 49, acpi id 49, apic id 73 ACPI MADT: cpu id 50, acpi id 50, apic id 80 ACPI MADT: cpu id 51, acpi id 51, apic id 81 ACPI MADT: cpu id 52, acpi id 52, apic id 82 ACPI MADT: cpu id 53, acpi id 53, apic id 83 ACPI MADT: cpu id 54, acpi id 54, apic id 84 ACPI MADT: cpu id 55, acpi id 55, apic id 85 ACPI MADT: cpu id 56, acpi id 56, apic id 86 ACPI MADT: cpu id 57, acpi id 57, apic id 87 ACPI MADT: cpu id 58, acpi id 58, apic id 88 ACPI MADT: cpu id 59, acpi id 59, apic id 89 ACPI MADT: cpu id 60, acpi id 60, apic id 96 ACPI MADT: cpu id 61, acpi id 61, apic id 97 ACPI MADT: cpu id 62, acpi id 62, apic id 98 ACPI MADT: cpu id 63, acpi id 63, apic id 99 ACPI MADT: cpu id 64, acpi id 64, apic id 100 ACPI MADT: cpu id 65, acpi id 65, apic id 101 ACPI MADT: cpu id 66, acpi id 66, apic id 102 ACPI MADT: cpu id 67, acpi id 67, apic id 103 ACPI MADT: cpu id 68, acpi id 68, apic id 104 ACPI MADT: cpu id 69, acpi id 69, apic id 105 ACPI MADT: cpu id 70, acpi id 70, apic id 112 ACPI MADT: cpu id 71, acpi id 71, apic id 113 ACPI MADT: cpu id 72, acpi id 72, apic id 114 ACPI MADT: cpu id 73, acpi id 73, apic id 115 ACPI MADT: cpu id 74, acpi id 74, apic id 116 ACPI MADT: cpu id 75, acpi id 75, apic id 117 ACPI MADT: cpu id 76, acpi id 76, apic id 118 ACPI MADT: cpu id 77, acpi id 77, apic id 119 ACPI MADT: cpu id 78, acpi id 78, apic id 120 ACPI MADT: cpu id 79, acpi id 79, apic id 121 ACPI MADT: cpu id 80, acpi id 80, apic id 128 ACPI MADT: cpu id 81, acpi id 81, apic id 129 ACPI MADT: cpu id 82, acpi id 82, apic id 130 ACPI MADT: cpu id 83, acpi id 83, apic id 131 ACPI MADT: cpu id 84, acpi id 84, apic id 132 ACPI MADT: cpu id 85, acpi id 85, apic id 133 ACPI MADT: cpu id 86, acpi id 86, apic id 134 ACPI MADT: cpu id 87, acpi id 87, apic id 135 ACPI MADT: cpu id 88, acpi id 88, apic id 136 ACPI MADT: cpu id 89, acpi id 89, apic id 137 ACPI MADT: cpu id 90, acpi id 90, apic id 144 ACPI MADT: cpu id 91, acpi id 91, apic id 145 ACPI MADT: cpu id 92, acpi id 92, apic id 146 ACPI MADT: cpu id 93, acpi id 93, apic id 147 ACPI MADT: cpu id 94, acpi id 94, apic id 148 ACPI MADT: cpu id 95, acpi id 95, apic id 149 ACPI MADT: cpu id 96, acpi id 96, apic id 150 ACPI MADT: cpu id 97, acpi id 97, apic id 151 ACPI MADT: cpu id 98, acpi id 98, apic id 152 ACPI MADT: cpu id 99, acpi id 99, apic id 153 ACPI MADT: cpu id 100, acpi id 100, apic id 160 ACPI MADT: cpu id 101, acpi id 101, apic id 161 ACPI MADT: cpu id 102, acpi id 102, apic id 162 ACPI MADT: cpu id 103, acpi id 103, apic id 163 ACPI MADT: cpu id 104, acpi id 104, apic id 164 ACPI MADT: cpu id 105, acpi id 105, apic id 165 ACPI MADT: cpu id 106, acpi id 106, apic id 166 ACPI MADT: cpu id 107, acpi id 107, apic id 167 ACPI MADT: cpu id 108, acpi id 108, apic id 168 ACPI MADT: cpu id 109, acpi id 109, apic id 169 lapic: divisor index 0, frequency 500006565 Hz SMP: CPU0 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00000700 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff Bits within APICID: logical_CPU_bits: 0; core_bits: 4 CPU Topology: cores_per_chip: 10; threads_per_core: 1; chips_per_package: 11; MemAffinity 0000000000000000,0MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 0000000000100000,3071MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 0000000100000000,759528MB Prox=0 CpuApicId 00 Socket 0 MemAffinity 000000ba6e800000,762600MB Prox=1 CpuApicId 10 Socket 1 MemAffinity 000001749d000000,762600MB Prox=2 CpuApicId 20 Socket 2 MemAffinity 0000022ecb800000,762600MB Prox=3 CpuApicId 30 Socket 3 MemAffinity 000002e8fa000000,762600MB Prox=4 CpuApicId 40 Socket 4 MemAffinity 000003a328800000,762600MB Prox=5 CpuApicId 50 Socket 5 MemAffinity 0000045d57000000,762600MB Prox=6 CpuApicId 60 Socket 6 MemAffinity 0000051785800000,762600MB Prox=7 CpuApicId 70 Socket 7 MemAffinity 000005d1b4000000,762600MB Prox=8 CpuApicId 80 Socket 8 MemAffinity 0000068be2800000,762600MB Prox=9 CpuApicId 90 Socket 9 MemAffinity 0000074611000000,762608MB Prox=10 CpuApicId a0 Socket 10 SMI Frequency (worst case): 12048 Hz (83 us) SMP: Waiting APs LAPIC initialization SMP: CPU74 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU54 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU101 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU60 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU108 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU42 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU33 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU81 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU98 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU31 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU30 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU46 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU44 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU96 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU53 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU80 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU105 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU35 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU41 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU32 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU6 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU58 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU43 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU82 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU66 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU1 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU107 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU28 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU78 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU106 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU26 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU84 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU48 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU37 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU70 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU64 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU34 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU65 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU57 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU95 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU61 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU75 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU109 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU55 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU5 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU90 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU87 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU72 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU97 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU73 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU99 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU47 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU79 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU51 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU63 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU50 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU56 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU62 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU2 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU59 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU3 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU104 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU4 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU39 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU9 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU71 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU68 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU102 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU8 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU85 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU49 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU22 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU38 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU76 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU86 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU100 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU7 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU52 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU40 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU88 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU83 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU25 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU69 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU67 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU77 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU103 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU13 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU20 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU23 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU45 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU93 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU11 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU12 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU24 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU10 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU94 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU89 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU19 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU21 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU29 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU36 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU17 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU15 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU18 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU16 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU91 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU92 apic_initialize(): SMP: CPU27 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff SMP: CPU14 apic_initialize(): lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff lint0: 0x00010000 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000000 SVR: 0x000001ff ELCR Found. ISA IRQs programmed as: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Initialize MI interrupts objcache: magazine cap [6, 4102] Finish MP startup Active CPU Mask: ffffffffffffffff Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xffffffff82a66000. Preloaded elf obj module "acpi.ko" at 0xffffffff82a66d70. Preloaded elf obj module "ehci.ko" at 0xffffffff82a677c8. Preloaded elf obj module "xhci.ko" at 0xffffffff82a680e0. VMM: VMX is not supported by this Intel CPU Start usched_dfly helpers on cpus: cpu0 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu1 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu2 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu3 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu4 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu5 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu6 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu7 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu8 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu9 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu10 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu11 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu12 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu13 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu14 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu15 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu16 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu17 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu18 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu19 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu20 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu21 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu22 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu23 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu24 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu25 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu26 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu27 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu28 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu29 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu30 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu31 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu32 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu33 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu34 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu35 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu36 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu37 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu38 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu39 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu40 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu41 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu42 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu43 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu44 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu45 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu46 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu47 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu48 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu49 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu50 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu51 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu52 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu53 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu54 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu55 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu56 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu57 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu58 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu59 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu60 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu61 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu62 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu63 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu64 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu65 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu66 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu67 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu68 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu69 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu70 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu71 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu72 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu73 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu74 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu75 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu76 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu77 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu78 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu79 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu80 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu81 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu82 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu83 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu84 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu85 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu86 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu87 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu88 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu89 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu90 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu91 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu92 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu93 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu94 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu95 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu96 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu97 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu98 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu99 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu100 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu101 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu102 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu103 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu104 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu105 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu106 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu107 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu108 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu109 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) start dummy scheduler helpers on cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Start usched_bsd4 helpers on cpus: cpu0 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu1 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu2 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu3 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu4 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu5 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu6 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu7 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu8 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu9 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(0-9) cpu10 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu11 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu12 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu13 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu14 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu15 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu16 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu17 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu18 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu19 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(10-19) cpu20 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu21 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu22 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu23 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu24 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu25 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu26 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu27 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu28 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu29 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(20-29) cpu30 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu31 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu32 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu33 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu34 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu35 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu36 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu37 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu38 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu39 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(30-39) cpu40 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu41 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu42 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu43 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu44 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu45 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu46 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu47 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu48 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu49 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(40-49) cpu50 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu51 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu52 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu53 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu54 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu55 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu56 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu57 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu58 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu59 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(50-59) cpu60 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu61 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu62 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu63 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu64 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu65 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu66 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu67 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu68 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu69 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(60-69) cpu70 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu71 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu72 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu73 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu74 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu75 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu76 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu77 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu78 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu79 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(70-79) cpu80 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu81 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu82 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu83 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu84 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu85 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu86 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu87 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu88 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu89 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(80-89) cpu90 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu91 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu92 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu93 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu94 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu95 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu96 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu97 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu98 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu99 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(90-99) cpu100 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu101 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu102 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu103 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu104 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu105 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu106 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu107 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu108 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) cpu109 - No HT available, multi-core/physical cpu. Physical siblings: cpus(100-109) wdog: In-kernel automatic watchdog reset enabled sensors: tasks default to cpu9 wlan: <802.11 Link Layer> ath_dfs: WTF module ath_rate: kbd: new array size 4 kbd1 at kbdmux0 md0: Malloc disk md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic crypto: hpt27xx: RocketRAID 27xx controller driver v1.0 hptrr: RocketRAID 17xx/2xxx SATA controller driver v1.2 interrupt uses mplock: swi_taskq low dma reserve placed @ 0xfffffae0e2748000 ICU: rman cpu0 0 - 1 ICU: rman cpu0 3 - 95 ICU: rman cpu0 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu1 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu1 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu2 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu2 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu3 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu3 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu4 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu4 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu5 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu5 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu6 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu6 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu7 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu7 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu8 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu8 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu9 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu9 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu10 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu10 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu11 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu11 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu12 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu12 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu13 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu13 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu14 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu14 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu15 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu15 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu16 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu16 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu17 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu17 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu18 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu18 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu19 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu19 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu20 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu20 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu21 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu21 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu22 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu22 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu23 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu23 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu24 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu24 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu25 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu25 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu26 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu26 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu27 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu27 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu28 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu28 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu29 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu29 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu30 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu30 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu31 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu31 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu32 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu32 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu33 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu33 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu34 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu34 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu35 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu35 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu36 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu36 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu37 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu37 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu38 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu38 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu39 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu39 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu40 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu40 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu41 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu41 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu42 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu42 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu43 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu43 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu44 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu44 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu45 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu45 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu46 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu46 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu47 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu47 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu48 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu48 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu49 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu49 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu50 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu50 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu51 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu51 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu52 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu52 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu53 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu53 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu54 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu54 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu55 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu55 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu56 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu56 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu57 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu57 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu58 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu58 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu59 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu59 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu60 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu60 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu61 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu61 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu62 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu62 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu63 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu63 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu64 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu64 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu65 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu65 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu66 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu66 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu67 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu67 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu68 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu68 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu69 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu69 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu70 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu70 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu71 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu71 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu72 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu72 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu73 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu73 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu74 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu74 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu75 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu75 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu76 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu76 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu77 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu77 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu78 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu78 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu79 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu79 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu80 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu80 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu81 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu81 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu82 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu82 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu83 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu83 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu84 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu84 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu85 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu85 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu86 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu86 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu87 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu87 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu88 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu88 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu89 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu89 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu90 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu90 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu91 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu91 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu92 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu92 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu93 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu93 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu94 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu94 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu95 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu95 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu96 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu96 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu97 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu97 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu98 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu98 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu99 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu99 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu100 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu100 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu101 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu101 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu102 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu102 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu103 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu103 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu104 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu104 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu105 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu105 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu106 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu106 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu107 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu107 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu108 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu108 97 - 191 ICU: rman cpu109 16 - 95 ICU: rman cpu109 97 - 191 ACPI: RSDP 0x00000000BB7A6014 000024 (v02 BOCHS ) ACPI: XSDT 0x00000000BB7A50E8 00004C (v01 BOCHS BXPCFACP 00000001 01000013) ACPI: FACP 0x00000000BB7A0000 000074 (v01 BOCHS BXPCFACP 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: DSDT 0x00000000BB7A1000 003BA3 (v01 BOCHS BXPCDSDT 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: FACS 0x00000000BB7A9000 000040 ACPI: APIC 0x00000000BB79F000 0003E0 (v01 BOCHS BXPCAPIC 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: HPET 0x00000000BA60F000 000038 (v01 BOCHS BXPCHPET 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: SRAT 0x00000000BA60E000 000918 (v01 BOCHS BXPCSRAT 00000001 BXPC 00000001) ACPI: BGRT 0x00000000BA612000 000038 (v01 INTEL EDK2 00000002 01000013) zrj loader gave kmdp=0xffffffff82a66000 zrj loader.efi gave kmdp=0xffffffff82a66000 zrj smapbase=0 zrj mem rid=0 beg=0x0 end=0x80000 zrj mem rid=1 beg=0x100000 end=0x800000 zrj mem rid=2 beg=0x900000 end=0xba600000 zrj mem rid=3 beg=0xba6e0000 end=0xbb740000 zrj mem rid=4 beg=0xbb7c0000 end=0xbfb80000 zrj mem rid=5 beg=0x100000000 end=0x80040000000 cryptosoft0.nexus0.root0 cryptosoft0: [tentative] on motherboard crypto: assign cryptosoft0 driver id 0, flags 234881024 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 1 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 2 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 3 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 4 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 5 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 16 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 6 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 7 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 18 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 19 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 20 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 8 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 15 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 9 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 10 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 13 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 14 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 22 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 23 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 24 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 28 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 25 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 26 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 27 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 21 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 29 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 30 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 31 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 32 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: cryptosoft0 registers alg 17 flags 0 maxoplen 0 cryptosoft0: [attached!] on motherboard aesni0.nexus0.root0 aesni0: [tentative] on motherboard crypto: assign aesni0 driver id 1, flags 16777216 crypto: aesni0 registers alg 11 flags 0 maxoplen 0 crypto: aesni0 registers alg 22 flags 0 maxoplen 0 aesni0: [attached!] on motherboard padlock0: No ACE support. rdrand0.nexus0.root0 rdrand0: [tentative] on motherboard rdrand0: [attached!] on motherboard acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi0: [tentative] on motherboard ACPI: 1 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded ACPI FADT: SCI testing interrupt mode ... ACPI FADT: SCI testing level/low ICU: irq 9, edge -> level ACPI FADT: SCI select level/low acpi0: Power Button (fixed) acpi_timer0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi_timer0 [tentative] on acpi0 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 36, width = 27 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 27, width = 18 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 61, width = 52 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 24, width = 15 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 19, width = 10 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 392, width = 383 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 23, width = 14 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 25, width = 16 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 41, width = 32 ACPI timer looks GOOD min = 9, max = 22, width = 13 acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> [attached!] on acpi0 acpi_hpet0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 acpi_hpet0: [tentative] iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0 acpi_hpet0: vend: 0x8086, rev: 0x1, num: 2, opts: legacy_route 64-bit acpi_hpet0: frequency 100000000 acpi_hpet0: [attached!] iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0 pci_link0: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link1: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 11 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link2: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link3: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 Validation 0 10 N 0 5 10 11 After Disable 0 255 N 0 5 10 11 pci_link4: Index IRQ Rtd Ref IRQs Initial Probe 0 9 N 0 9 Validation 0 9 N 0 9 After Disable 0 255 N 0 9 pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pcib0: [tentative] port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0 ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.1.INTA at func 3: 10 pci_link4: BIOS IRQ 10 for 0.1.INTA is invalid ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.3.INTA at func 0: 11 pci_link2: BIOS IRQ 11 does not match initial IRQ 10 ACPI: Found matching pin for 0.4.INTA at func 0: 11 pci_link3: BIOS IRQ 11 does not match initial IRQ 10 pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pci0: [tentative] on pcib0 pci0: domain=0, physical bus=0 found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1237, revid=0x02 domain=0, bus=0, slot=0, func=0 class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7000, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=0 class=06-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0200, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7010, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=1 class=01-01-80, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) map[20]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc080, size 4, enabled found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7113, revid=0x03 domain=0, bus=0, slot=1, func=3 class=06-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0280, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=10 pcib0: matched entry for 0.1.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKS:0) pcib0: slot 1 INTA routed to irq 9 via \_SB_.LNKS found-> vendor=0x1234, dev=0x1111, revid=0x02 domain=0, bus=0, slot=2, func=0 class=03-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) map[10]: type Prefetchable Memory, range 32, base 0xc0000000, size 24, enabled map[18]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1021000, size 12, enabled found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x100e, revid=0x03 domain=0, bus=0, slot=3, func=0 class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0000, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=11 map[10]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1000000, size 17, enabled map[14]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc040, size 6, enabled pcib0: matched entry for 0.3.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKC:0) ICU: irq 11, edge -> level pcib0: slot 3 INTA routed to irq 11 via \_SB_.LNKC found-> vendor=0x1af4, dev=0x1001, revid=0x00 domain=0, bus=0, slot=4, func=0 class=01-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0 cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords) lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns) intpin=a, irq=11 MSI-X supports 2 messages in map 0x14 map[10]: type I/O Port, range 32, base 0xc000, size 6, enabled map[14]: type Memory, range 32, base 0xc1020000, size 12, enabled map[20]: type Prefetchable Memory, range 64, base 0x80800000000, size 14, enabled pcib0: matched entry for 0.4.INTA (src \_SB_.LNKD:0) pcib0: slot 4 INTA routed to irq 11 via \_SB_.LNKD isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 isab0: [tentative] at device 1.0 on pci0 isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 isa0: [tentative] on isab0 isa0: [attached!] on isab0 isab0: [attached!] at device 1.0 on pci0 atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atapci0: [tentative] port 0xc080-0xc08f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 1.1 on pci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x10 bytes for rid 0x20 type 4 at 0xc080 ata0.atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 ata0: [tentative] on atapci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x10 type 4 at 0x1f0 atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x14 type 4 at 0x3f6 ata0: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=00 ostat1=00 ata0: stat0=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00 ata0: stat1=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0x00 msb=0x00 ata0: reset tp2 stat0=00 stat1=00 devices=0x0 interrupt uses mplock: ata0 ata0: [attached!] on atapci0 ata1.atapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 ata1: [tentative] on atapci0 atapci0: Reserved 0x8 bytes for rid 0x18 type 4 at 0x170 atapci0: Reserved 0x1 bytes for rid 0x1c type 4 at 0x376 ata1: reset tp1 mask=03 ostat0=50 ostat1=00 ata1: stat0=0x00 err=0x01 lsb=0x14 msb=0xeb ata1: stat1=0x00 err=0x00 lsb=0xff msb=0xff ata1: reset tp2 stat0=00 stat1=00 devices=0x4 interrupt uses mplock: ata1 ata1-master: pio=PIO4 wdma=WDMA2 udma=UDMA100 cable=40 wire acd0: setting PIO4 on PIIX3 chip acd0: setting WDMA2 on PIIX3 chip CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 5a 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 OK acd0: DVDROM drive at ata1 as master acd0: read 687KB/s (687KB/s), 512KB buffer, WDMA2 acd0: Reads: CDR, CDRW, DVDROM, DVDR, DVDRAM acd0: Writes: acd0: Audio: play, 2 volume levels acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray, unlocked acd0: Medium: no/blank disc CMDBLK[0010] 12 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK ata1: [attached!] on atapci0 atapci0: [attached!] port 0xc080-0xc08f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 1.1 on pci0 pci0: (vendor 0x8086, dev 0x7113) at device 1.3 irq 9 vgapci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 vgapci0: [tentative] mem 0xc1021000-0xc1021fff,0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff at device 2.0 on pci0 vgapci0: Boot video device vgapci0: [attached!] mem 0xc1021000-0xc1021fff,0xc0000000-0xc0ffffff at device 2.0 on pci0 em0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 em0: [tentative] port 0xc040-0xc07f mem 0xc1000000-0xc101ffff irq 11 at device 3.0 on pci0 em0: Reserved 0x20000 bytes for rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xc1000000 em0: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x14 type 4 at 0xc040 em0: IRQ shared CMDBLK[0010] 12 01 00 00 ffffffff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK (probe0:ata1:0:0:0): Down reving Protocol Version from 2 to 0? CMDBLK[0010] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK em0: bpf attached em0: MAC address: 52:54:00:12:34:56 em0: [attached!] port 0xc040-0xc07f mem 0xc1000000-0xc101ffff irq 11 at device 3.0 on pci0 virtio_pci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 virtio_pci0: [tentative] port 0xc000-0xc03f mem 0x80800000000-0x80800003fff,0xc1020000-0xc1020fff irq 11 at device 4.0 on pci0 virtio_pci0: Reserved 0x40 bytes for rid 0x10 type 4 at 0xc000 virtio_pci0: Reserved 0x1000 bytes for rid 0x14 type 3 at 0xc1020000 vtblk0.virtio_pci0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 vtblk0: [tentative] on virtio_pci0 virtio_pci0: host features: 0x79000e54 virtio_pci0: negotiated features: 0x10000a54 virtio_pci0: attempting to allocate MSI-X #0 vector (2 supported) alloc MSI-X intr 16 on cpu0 virtio_pci0: using IRQ 16 for MSI-X on cpu0 virtio_pci0: attempting to allocate MSI-X #1 vector (2 supported) alloc MSI-X intr 16 on cpu1 virtio_pci0: using IRQ 16 for MSI-X on cpu1 virtio_pci0: using per virtqueue MSIX vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace vm_page_alloc_contig: 16384k nospace map MSI-X intr 16 on cpu0 map MSI-X intr 16 on cpu1 vtblk0: Block size: 512 vtblk0: vbd0: Found GPT in slice #1 1048576MB (2147483648 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C) vtblk0: [attached!] on virtio_pci0 virtio_pci0: [attached!] port 0xc000-0xc03f mem 0x80800000000-0x80800003fff,0xc1020000-0xc1020fff irq 16,16,11 at device 4.0 on pci0 pci0: [attached!] on pcib0 pcib0: [attached!] port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0 atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atkbdc0: [tentative] port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0 atkbd0.atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 atkbd0: [tentative] irq 1 on atkbdc0 kbd0 at atkbd0 kbd0: atkbd0, generic (0), config:0x0, flags:0x1d0000 atkbd0: [attached!] irq 1 on atkbdc0 psm0: current command byte:0067 psm0.atkbdc0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 psm0: [tentative] irq 12 on atkbdc0 interrupt uses mplock: psm0 psm0: model IntelliMouse Explorer, device ID 4-00, 5 buttons psm0: config:00000000, flags:00000008, packet size:4 psm0: syncmask:08, syncbits:00 psm0: [attached!] irq 12 on atkbdc0 atkbdc0: [attached!] port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0 sio0: irq maps: 0x1 0x11 0x11 0x11 sio0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> [tentative] port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0 sio0: type 16550A, console sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> [attached!] port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0 unknown: not probed (disabled) cpu0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu0: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu0: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst0.cpu0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst0: [tentative] on cpu0 cpu_cst0: switching to FADT Cx mode cpu_cst0: [attached!] on cpu0 cpu_pst0: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu0: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu1.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu1: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu1: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst1.cpu1.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst1: [tentative] on cpu1 cpu_cst1: [attached!] on cpu1 cpu_pst1: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu1: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu2.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu2: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu2: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst2.cpu2.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst2: [tentative] on cpu2 cpu_cst2: [attached!] on cpu2 cpu_pst2: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu2: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu3.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu3: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu3: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst3.cpu3.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst3: [tentative] on cpu3 cpu_cst3: [attached!] on cpu3 cpu_pst3: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu3: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu4.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu4: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu4: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst4.cpu4.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst4: [tentative] on cpu4 cpu_cst4: [attached!] on cpu4 cpu_pst4: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu4: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu5.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu5: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu5: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst5.cpu5.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst5: [tentative] on cpu5 cpu_cst5: [attached!] on cpu5 cpu_pst5: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu5: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu6.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu6: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu6: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst6.cpu6.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst6: [tentative] on cpu6 cpu_cst6: [attached!] on cpu6 cpu_pst6: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu6: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu7.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu7: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu7: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst7.cpu7.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst7: [tentative] on cpu7 cpu_cst7: [attached!] on cpu7 cpu_pst7: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu7: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu8.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu8: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu8: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst8.cpu8.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst8: [tentative] on cpu8 cpu_cst8: [attached!] on cpu8 cpu_pst8: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu8: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu9.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu9: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu9: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst9.cpu9.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst9: [tentative] on cpu9 cpu_cst9: [attached!] on cpu9 cpu_pst9: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu9: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu10.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu10: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu10: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst10.cpu10.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst10: [tentative] on cpu10 cpu_cst10: [attached!] on cpu10 cpu_pst10: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu10: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu11.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu11: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu11: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst11.cpu11.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst11: [tentative] on cpu11 cpu_cst11: [attached!] on cpu11 cpu_pst11: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu11: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu12.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu12: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu12: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst12.cpu12.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst12: [tentative] on cpu12 cpu_cst12: [attached!] on cpu12 cpu_pst12: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu12: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu13.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu13: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu13: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst13.cpu13.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst13: [tentative] on cpu13 cpu_cst13: [attached!] on cpu13 cpu_pst13: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu13: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu14.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu14: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu14: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst14.cpu14.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst14: [tentative] on cpu14 cpu_cst14: [attached!] on cpu14 cpu_pst14: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu14: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu15.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu15: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu15: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst15.cpu15.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst15: [tentative] on cpu15 cpu_cst15: [attached!] on cpu15 cpu_pst15: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu15: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu16.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu16: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu16: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst16.cpu16.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst16: [tentative] on cpu16 cpu_cst16: [attached!] on cpu16 cpu_pst16: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu16: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu17.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu17: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu17: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst17.cpu17.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst17: [tentative] on cpu17 cpu_cst17: [attached!] on cpu17 cpu_pst17: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu17: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu18.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu18: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu18: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst18.cpu18.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst18: [tentative] on cpu18 cpu_cst18: [attached!] on cpu18 cpu_pst18: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu18: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu19.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu19: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu19: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst19.cpu19.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst19: [tentative] on cpu19 cpu_cst19: [attached!] on cpu19 cpu_pst19: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu19: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu20.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu20: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu20: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst20.cpu20.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst20: [tentative] on cpu20 cpu_cst20: [attached!] on cpu20 cpu_pst20: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu20: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu21.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu21: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu21: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst21.cpu21.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst21: [tentative] on cpu21 cpu_cst21: [attached!] on cpu21 cpu_pst21: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu21: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu22.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu22: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu22: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst22.cpu22.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst22: [tentative] on cpu22 cpu_cst22: [attached!] on cpu22 cpu_pst22: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu22: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu23.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu23: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu23: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst23.cpu23.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst23: [tentative] on cpu23 cpu_cst23: [attached!] on cpu23 cpu_pst23: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu23: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu24.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu24: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu24: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst24.cpu24.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst24: [tentative] on cpu24 cpu_cst24: [attached!] on cpu24 cpu_pst24: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu24: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu25.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu25: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu25: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst25.cpu25.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst25: [tentative] on cpu25 cpu_cst25: [attached!] on cpu25 cpu_pst25: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu25: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu26.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu26: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu26: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst26.cpu26.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst26: [tentative] on cpu26 cpu_cst26: [attached!] on cpu26 cpu_pst26: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu26: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu27.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu27: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu27: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst27.cpu27.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst27: [tentative] on cpu27 cpu_cst27: [attached!] on cpu27 cpu_pst27: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu27: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu28.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu28: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu28: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst28.cpu28.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst28: [tentative] on cpu28 cpu_cst28: [attached!] on cpu28 cpu_pst28: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu28: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu29.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu29: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu29: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst29.cpu29.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst29: [tentative] on cpu29 cpu_cst29: [attached!] on cpu29 cpu_pst29: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu29: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu30.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu30: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu30: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst30.cpu30.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst30: [tentative] on cpu30 cpu_cst30: [attached!] on cpu30 cpu_pst30: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu30: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu31.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu31: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu31: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst31.cpu31.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst31: [tentative] on cpu31 cpu_cst31: [attached!] on cpu31 cpu_pst31: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu31: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu32.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu32: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu32: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst32.cpu32.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst32: [tentative] on cpu32 cpu_cst32: [attached!] on cpu32 cpu_pst32: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu32: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu33.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu33: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu33: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst33.cpu33.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst33: [tentative] on cpu33 cpu_cst33: [attached!] on cpu33 cpu_pst33: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu33: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu34.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu34: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu34: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst34.cpu34.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst34: [tentative] on cpu34 cpu_cst34: [attached!] on cpu34 cpu_pst34: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu34: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu35.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu35: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu35: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst35.cpu35.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst35: [tentative] on cpu35 cpu_cst35: [attached!] on cpu35 cpu_pst35: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu35: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu36.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu36: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu36: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst36.cpu36.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst36: [tentative] on cpu36 cpu_cst36: [attached!] on cpu36 cpu_pst36: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu36: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu37.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu37: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu37: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst37.cpu37.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst37: [tentative] on cpu37 cpu_cst37: [attached!] on cpu37 cpu_pst37: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu37: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu38.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu38: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu38: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst38.cpu38.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst38: [tentative] on cpu38 cpu_cst38: [attached!] on cpu38 cpu_pst38: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu38: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu39.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu39: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu39: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst39.cpu39.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst39: [tentative] on cpu39 cpu_cst39: [attached!] on cpu39 cpu_pst39: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu39: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu40.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu40: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu40: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst40.cpu40.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst40: [tentative] on cpu40 cpu_cst40: [attached!] on cpu40 cpu_pst40: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu40: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu41.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu41: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu41: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst41.cpu41.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst41: [tentative] on cpu41 cpu_cst41: [attached!] on cpu41 cpu_pst41: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu41: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu42.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu42: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu42: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst42.cpu42.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst42: [tentative] on cpu42 cpu_cst42: [attached!] on cpu42 cpu_pst42: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu42: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu43.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu43: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu43: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst43.cpu43.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst43: [tentative] on cpu43 cpu_cst43: [attached!] on cpu43 cpu_pst43: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu43: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu44.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu44: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu44: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst44.cpu44.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst44: [tentative] on cpu44 cpu_cst44: [attached!] on cpu44 cpu_pst44: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu44: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu45.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu45: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu45: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst45.cpu45.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst45: [tentative] on cpu45 cpu_cst45: [attached!] on cpu45 cpu_pst45: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu45: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu46.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu46: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu46: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst46.cpu46.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst46: [tentative] on cpu46 cpu_cst46: [attached!] on cpu46 cpu_pst46: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu46: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu47.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu47: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu47: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst47.cpu47.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst47: [tentative] on cpu47 cpu_cst47: [attached!] on cpu47 cpu_pst47: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu47: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu48.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu48: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu48: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst48.cpu48.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst48: [tentative] on cpu48 cpu_cst48: [attached!] on cpu48 cpu_pst48: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu48: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu49.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu49: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu49: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst49.cpu49.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst49: [tentative] on cpu49 cpu_cst49: [attached!] on cpu49 cpu_pst49: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu49: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu50.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu50: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu50: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst50.cpu50.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst50: [tentative] on cpu50 cpu_cst50: [attached!] on cpu50 cpu_pst50: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu50: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu51.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu51: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu51: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst51.cpu51.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst51: [tentative] on cpu51 cpu_cst51: [attached!] on cpu51 cpu_pst51: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu51: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu52.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu52: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu52: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst52.cpu52.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst52: [tentative] on cpu52 cpu_cst52: [attached!] on cpu52 cpu_pst52: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu52: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu53.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu53: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu53: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst53.cpu53.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst53: [tentative] on cpu53 cpu_cst53: [attached!] on cpu53 cpu_pst53: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu53: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu54.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu54: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu54: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst54.cpu54.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst54: [tentative] on cpu54 cpu_cst54: [attached!] on cpu54 cpu_pst54: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu54: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu55.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu55: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu55: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst55.cpu55.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst55: [tentative] on cpu55 cpu_cst55: [attached!] on cpu55 cpu_pst55: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu55: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu56.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu56: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu56: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst56.cpu56.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst56: [tentative] on cpu56 cpu_cst56: [attached!] on cpu56 cpu_pst56: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu56: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu57.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu57: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu57: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst57.cpu57.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst57: [tentative] on cpu57 cpu_cst57: [attached!] on cpu57 cpu_pst57: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu57: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu58.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu58: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu58: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst58.cpu58.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst58: [tentative] on cpu58 cpu_cst58: [attached!] on cpu58 cpu_pst58: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu58: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu59.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu59: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu59: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst59.cpu59.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst59: [tentative] on cpu59 cpu_cst59: [attached!] on cpu59 cpu_pst59: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu59: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu60.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu60: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu60: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst60.cpu60.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst60: [tentative] on cpu60 cpu_cst60: [attached!] on cpu60 cpu_pst60: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu60: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu61.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu61: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu61: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst61.cpu61.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst61: [tentative] on cpu61 cpu_cst61: [attached!] on cpu61 cpu_pst61: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu61: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu62.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu62: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu62: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst62.cpu62.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst62: [tentative] on cpu62 cpu_cst62: [attached!] on cpu62 cpu_pst62: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu62: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu63.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu63: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu63: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst63.cpu63.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst63: [tentative] on cpu63 cpu_cst63: [attached!] on cpu63 cpu_pst63: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu63: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu64.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu64: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu64: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst64.cpu64.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst64: [tentative] on cpu64 cpu_cst64: [attached!] on cpu64 cpu_pst64: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu64: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu65.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu65: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu65: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst65.cpu65.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst65: [tentative] on cpu65 cpu_cst65: [attached!] on cpu65 cpu_pst65: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu65: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu66.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu66: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu66: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst66.cpu66.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst66: [tentative] on cpu66 cpu_cst66: [attached!] on cpu66 cpu_pst66: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu66: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu67.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu67: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu67: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst67.cpu67.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst67: [tentative] on cpu67 cpu_cst67: [attached!] on cpu67 cpu_pst67: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu67: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu68.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu68: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu68: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst68.cpu68.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst68: [tentative] on cpu68 cpu_cst68: [attached!] on cpu68 cpu_pst68: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu68: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu69.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu69: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu69: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst69.cpu69.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst69: [tentative] on cpu69 cpu_cst69: [attached!] on cpu69 cpu_pst69: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu69: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu70.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu70: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu70: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst70.cpu70.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst70: [tentative] on cpu70 cpu_cst70: [attached!] on cpu70 cpu_pst70: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu70: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu71.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu71: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu71: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst71.cpu71.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst71: [tentative] on cpu71 cpu_cst71: [attached!] on cpu71 cpu_pst71: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu71: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu72.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu72: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu72: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst72.cpu72.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst72: [tentative] on cpu72 cpu_cst72: [attached!] on cpu72 cpu_pst72: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu72: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu73.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu73: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu73: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst73.cpu73.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst73: [tentative] on cpu73 cpu_cst73: [attached!] on cpu73 cpu_pst73: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu73: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu74.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu74: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu74: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst74.cpu74.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst74: [tentative] on cpu74 cpu_cst74: [attached!] on cpu74 cpu_pst74: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu74: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu75.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu75: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu75: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst75.cpu75.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst75: [tentative] on cpu75 cpu_cst75: [attached!] on cpu75 cpu_pst75: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu75: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu76.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu76: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu76: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst76.cpu76.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst76: [tentative] on cpu76 cpu_cst76: [attached!] on cpu76 cpu_pst76: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu76: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu77.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu77: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu77: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst77.cpu77.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst77: [tentative] on cpu77 cpu_cst77: [attached!] on cpu77 cpu_pst77: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu77: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu78.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu78: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu78: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst78.cpu78.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst78: [tentative] on cpu78 cpu_cst78: [attached!] on cpu78 cpu_pst78: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu78: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu79.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu79: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu79: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst79.cpu79.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst79: [tentative] on cpu79 cpu_cst79: [attached!] on cpu79 cpu_pst79: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu79: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu80.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu80: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu80: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst80.cpu80.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst80: [tentative] on cpu80 cpu_cst80: [attached!] on cpu80 cpu_pst80: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu80: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu81.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu81: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu81: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst81.cpu81.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst81: [tentative] on cpu81 cpu_cst81: [attached!] on cpu81 cpu_pst81: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu81: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu82.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu82: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu82: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst82.cpu82.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst82: [tentative] on cpu82 cpu_cst82: [attached!] on cpu82 cpu_pst82: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu82: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu83.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu83: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu83: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst83.cpu83.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst83: [tentative] on cpu83 cpu_cst83: [attached!] on cpu83 cpu_pst83: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu83: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu84.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu84: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu84: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst84.cpu84.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst84: [tentative] on cpu84 cpu_cst84: [attached!] on cpu84 cpu_pst84: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu84: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu85.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu85: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu85: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst85.cpu85.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst85: [tentative] on cpu85 cpu_cst85: [attached!] on cpu85 cpu_pst85: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu85: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu86.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu86: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu86: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst86.cpu86.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst86: [tentative] on cpu86 cpu_cst86: [attached!] on cpu86 cpu_pst86: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu86: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu87.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu87: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu87: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst87.cpu87.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst87: [tentative] on cpu87 cpu_cst87: [attached!] on cpu87 cpu_pst87: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu87: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu88.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu88: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu88: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst88.cpu88.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst88: [tentative] on cpu88 cpu_cst88: [attached!] on cpu88 cpu_pst88: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu88: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu89.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu89: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu89: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst89.cpu89.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst89: [tentative] on cpu89 cpu_cst89: [attached!] on cpu89 cpu_pst89: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu89: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu90.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu90: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu90: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst90.cpu90.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst90: [tentative] on cpu90 cpu_cst90: [attached!] on cpu90 cpu_pst90: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu90: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu91.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu91: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu91: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst91.cpu91.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst91: [tentative] on cpu91 cpu_cst91: [attached!] on cpu91 cpu_pst91: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu91: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu92.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu92: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu92: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst92.cpu92.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst92: [tentative] on cpu92 cpu_cst92: [attached!] on cpu92 cpu_pst92: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu92: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu93.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu93: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu93: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst93.cpu93.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst93: [tentative] on cpu93 cpu_cst93: [attached!] on cpu93 cpu_pst93: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu93: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu94.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu94: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu94: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst94.cpu94.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst94: [tentative] on cpu94 cpu_cst94: [attached!] on cpu94 cpu_pst94: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu94: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu95.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu95: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu95: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst95.cpu95.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst95: [tentative] on cpu95 cpu_cst95: [attached!] on cpu95 cpu_pst95: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu95: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu96.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu96: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu96: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst96.cpu96.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst96: [tentative] on cpu96 cpu_cst96: [attached!] on cpu96 cpu_pst96: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu96: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu97.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu97: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu97: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst97.cpu97.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst97: [tentative] on cpu97 cpu_cst97: [attached!] on cpu97 cpu_pst97: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu97: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu98.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu98: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu98: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst98.cpu98.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst98: [tentative] on cpu98 cpu_cst98: [attached!] on cpu98 cpu_pst98: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu98: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu99.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu99: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu99: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst99.cpu99.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst99: [tentative] on cpu99 cpu_cst99: [attached!] on cpu99 cpu_pst99: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu99: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu100.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu100: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu100: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst100.cpu100.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst100: [tentative] on cpu100 cpu_cst100: [attached!] on cpu100 cpu_pst100: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu100: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu101.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu101: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu101: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst101.cpu101.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst101: [tentative] on cpu101 cpu_cst101: [attached!] on cpu101 cpu_pst101: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu101: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu102.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu102: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu102: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst102.cpu102.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst102: [tentative] on cpu102 cpu_cst102: [attached!] on cpu102 cpu_pst102: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu102: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu103.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu103: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu103: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst103.cpu103.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst103: [tentative] on cpu103 cpu_cst103: [attached!] on cpu103 cpu_pst103: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu103: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu104.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu104: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu104: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst104.cpu104.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst104: [tentative] on cpu104 cpu_cst104: [attached!] on cpu104 cpu_pst104: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu104: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu105.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu105: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu105: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst105.cpu105.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst105: [tentative] on cpu105 cpu_cst105: [attached!] on cpu105 cpu_pst105: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu105: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu106.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu106: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu106: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst106.cpu106.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst106: [tentative] on cpu106 cpu_cst106: [attached!] on cpu106 cpu_pst106: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu106: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu107.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu107: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu107: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst107.cpu107.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst107: [tentative] on cpu107 cpu_cst107: [attached!] on cpu107 cpu_pst107: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu107: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu108.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu108: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu108: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst108.cpu108.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst108: [tentative] on cpu108 cpu_cst108: [attached!] on cpu108 cpu_pst108: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu108: [attached!] on acpi0 cpu109.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu109: [tentative] on acpi0 cpu109: _OSC failed, using _PDC cpu_cst109.cpu109.acpi0.nexus0.root0 cpu_cst109: [tentative] on cpu109 cpu_cst109: [attached!] on cpu109 cpu_pst109: Can't get _PCT package - AE_NOT_FOUND cpu109: [attached!] on acpi0 unknown: not probed (disabled) ACPI: Enabled 2 GPEs in block 00 to 0F acpi0: [attached!] at irq 9 on motherboard Freeing low dma reserve @ 0xfffffae0e2748000 atkbdc-: atkbdc0 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio0 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio1 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio2 exists, using next available unit number sio-: sio3 exists, using next available unit number Trying Read_Port at 203 Trying Read_Port at 243 Trying Read_Port at 283 Trying Read_Port at 2c3 Trying Read_Port at 303 Trying Read_Port at 343 Trying Read_Port at 383 Trying Read_Port at 3c3 isa_probe_children: disabling PnP devices isa_probe_children: probing non-PnP devices pmtimer0.isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 pmtimer0 [tentative] on isa0 pmtimer0 [attached!] on isa0 adv0 [tentative] failed to probe on isa0 atkbdc1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x60 on isa0 vga0 [tentative] failed to probe on isa0 sc0.isa0.isab0.pci0.pcib0.acpi0.nexus0.root0 sc0: [tentative] at flags 0x500 on isa0 sc0: EFI_FB <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x500> sc0:, kbd1, terminal emulator: sc (syscons terminal) sc0: [attached!] at flags 0x500 on isa0 lm0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x290-0x297 on isa0 it0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x290-0x297 on isa0 it1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0xc00-0xc07 on isa0 it2 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0xd00-0xd07 on isa0 it3 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x228-0x22f on isa0 wbsio0 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x2e-0x2f on isa0 wbsio1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x4e-0x4f on isa0 sio1 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x3f8 irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0 sio2: can't drain, serial port might not exist, disabling sio2 [tentative] failed to probe at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0 sio3: not probed (disabled) sio4: not probed (disabled) lnc0: not probed (disabled) sn0: not probed (disabled) isa_probe_children: probing PnP devices C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 cpu_cst: global Cx count 1 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 C1: BitWidth(vendor) 0, BitOffset(class) 0, Address(arg0) 0x0, AccessWidth(arg1) 0x0 usbpf: Initialized lo0: bpf attached crypto: hpt27xx: no controller detected. hptrr: no controller detected. CAM: Configuring bus: ata0 CAM: Configuring bus: ata1 CAM: Configuring 2 busses CMDBLK[0010] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CAM: Finished configuring bus: ata0 CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 12 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 12 01 00 00 ffffffff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CAM: Finished configuring bus: ata1 CAM: finished configuring all busses CMDBLK[0010] 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK CMDBLK[0010] 03 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OK cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 cd0: Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device cd0: 16.000MB/s transfers cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present ATA PseudoRAID loaded Mounting root from hammer2:vbd0s1d hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: root 'vbd0s1d' hammer2_mount: dev="vbd0s1d" label="ROOT" rdonly=1 hammer2: using volume header #2 alloc spmp 0xfffffae0e8056000 tid 00000000000004d3 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffae0e7a30000 pmp=0xfffffae0e8065000 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffae0e7a30000 ++mount_count=1 PFS: Starting inode 85343 PMP focus good set nextino=85343 mod=00000000001337b1 DMA space used: 896k, remaining available: 512k Mounting devfs start_init: trying /sbin/init <118>Loading configuration files. <118>Loading devfs rules: <118> /etc/defaults/devfs.conf <118>. <118>Initializing random seed: <118>done. <118>dumpon: crash dumps to /dev/vbd0s1b (23, 0x20001) <118>Starting file system checks: <118>/dev/vbd0s1a: <118>FILESYSTEM CLEAN; SKIPPING CHECKS <118>/dev/vbd0s1a: <118>clean, 576187 free <118>(2147 frags, 71755 blocks, 0.2% fragmentation) <118>mount_hammer2: unable to connect to cluster controller <118>mount_hammer2: cluster_connect(/dev/vbd0s1d@ROOT) failed hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: dev="/dev/vbd0s1d" label="ROOT" rdonly=1 hammer2 mount "vbd0s1d": freemap recovery 00000000000004d3-00000000000004d3 <118>mount_hammer2: unable to connect to cluster controller <118>mount_hammer2: cluster_connect(/dev/vbd0s1e@DATA) failed hammer2_mount hammer2_mount: dev="/dev/vbd0s1e" label="DATA" rdonly=0 hammer2: using volume header #2 alloc spmp 0xfffffb2e673e9000 tid 0000000000000334 hammer2 mount "/dev/vbd0s1e": freemap recovery 0000000000000334-0000000000000334 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffb2e66dc8000 pmp=0xfffffb2e67400000 hammer2_mount hmp=0xfffffb2e66dc8000 ++mount_count=1 PFS: Starting inode 178207 PMP focus good set nextino=178207 mod=00000000010efc4d kthread 0xfffffb2e678e0b80 syncer7 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e65ffbd00 syncer8 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e65fca180 syncer9 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e66545300 syncer10 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e6656cd80 syncer11 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e66349100 syncer12 has exited <118>Setting hostname: stalker. <118>starting dhclient on em0 em0: Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow control: none em0: Link is Down <118>lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384 <118> options=43 <118> inet netmask 0xff000000 <118> inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 <118> inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2 <118>em0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 <118> options=1b <118> inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe12:3456%em0 prefixlen 64 tentative scopeid 0x1 <118> ether 52:54:00:12:34:56 <118> media: Ethernet autoselect (none) <118> status: no carrier em0: Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow control: none <118>Additional routing options: <118>. <118>Starting devd. <118>Mounting NFS file systems: <118>. <118>Building databases... <118>Starting syslogd. <118>Dec 6 19:41:44 stalker syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel <118>No core dumps found. swap low/high-water marks set to 2684352/4026528 <118>swapon: adding /dev/vbd0s1b as swap device <118>ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/local/libdata/ldconfig/perl5 <118>Id Refs Name <118>204 1 nfs <118>NFS CLIENT: <118> access_cache_timeout=5 <118> neg_cache_timeout=3 <118>. <118>Starting local daemons: <118>. <118>Updating motd. <118>Configuring syscons: <118> blanktime <118>. <118>Starting sshd. <118>sendmail_submit: /etc/mail/aliases.db not present, generating <118>newaliases: no recipients <118>sendmail_clientmqueue: /etc/mail/aliases.db not present, generating <118>newaliases: no recipients <118>Starting cron. <118>Local package initialization: <118>. <118>Additional TCP options: <118>. <118> <118>Wed Dec 6 19:42:16 UTC 2017 <118>Dec 6 19:42:39 stalker login: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyd0 kern.kprintf_logging: 5 kern.log_console_output: 1 kern.nseldebug: 0 kern.nselcoll: 0 kern.pipe.delay: 4000 kern.pipe.size: 32768 kern.pipe.maxcache: 64 kern.mqueue.mq_max_maxmsg: 512 kern.mqueue.mq_def_maxmsg: 32 kern.mqueue.mq_max_msgsize: 16384 kern.mqueue.mq_prio_max: 32 kern.mqueue.mq_open_max: 512 kern.tk_nout: 148206 kern.tk_nin: 62 kern.consmute: 0 kern.console_rdev: 6400 kern.sysbeep_enable: 1 kern.alt_break_to_debugger: 0 kern.break_to_debugger: 0 kern.pty_debug: 0 kern.metadelay: 28 kern.dirdelay: 29 kern.filedelay: 30 kern.syncdelay: 30 kern.chroot_allow_open_directories: 1 kern.cryptoaltdispatch: 0 kern.cryptodevallowsoft: 0 kern.userasymcrypto: 1 kern.syscons_async: 0 kern.usched_dfly.rrinterval: 5 kern.usched_dfly.decay: 8 kern.usched_dfly.smt: NOT SUPPORTED kern.usched_dfly.cache_coherent: 1 kern.usched_dfly.weight1: 200 kern.usched_dfly.weight2: 180 kern.usched_dfly.weight3: 40 kern.usched_dfly.weight4: 160 kern.usched_dfly.fast_resched: 0 kern.usched_dfly.features: 143 kern.usched_dfly.swmask: -4 kern.usched_bsd4.rrinterval: 5 kern.usched_bsd4.decay: 8 kern.usched_bsd4.batch_time: 10 kern.usched_bsd4.kicks: 0 kern.usched_bsd4.smt: NOT SUPPORTED kern.usched_bsd4.cache_coherent: 1 kern.usched_bsd4.upri_affinity: 16 kern.usched_bsd4.queue_checks: 5 kern.usched_bsd4.stick_to_level: 0 vm.loadavg: { 0.58 0.35 0.15 } vm.v_free_min: 10400430 vm.v_free_target: 46801942 vm.v_free_reserved: 5200222 vm.v_inactive_target: 508988075 vm.v_cache_min: 46801942 vm.v_cache_max: 93603884 vm.v_pageout_free_min: 2600114 vm.filemem_decline: 2 vm.swap_enabled: 1 vm.read_shortcut_enable: 1 vm.report_swap_allocs: 0 vm.swap_size: 67108800 vm.swap_anon_use: 0 vm.swap_cache_use: 0 vm.swap_user_async: 0 vm.swap_burst_read: 0 vm.swap_async_max: 4 vm.fast_fault: 1 vm.prefault_pages: 8 vm.shared_fault: 1 vm.virtual_copy_enable: 1 vm.debug_cluster: 0 vm.debug_fault: 0 vm.swap_idle_threshold2: 60 vm.swap_idle_threshold1: 15 vm.swap_debug: 0 vm.kvm_free: 5298108493824 vm.kvm_size: 8795004596224 vm.map_partition_enable: 1 vm.map_relock_enable: 1 vm.randomize_mmap: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_interrupt_free_min: 1300060 vm.stats.vm.v_pageout_free_min: 2600114 vm.stats.vm.v_cache_max: 93603884 vm.stats.vm.v_cache_min: 46801942 vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count: 1 vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count: 140 vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_target: 508988075 vm.stats.vm.v_active_count: 3323 vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count: 44334994 vm.stats.vm.v_free_count: 2035732968 vm.stats.vm.v_free_min: 10400430 vm.stats.vm.v_free_target: 46801942 vm.stats.vm.v_free_reserved: 5200222 vm.stats.vm.v_page_count: 2080074266 vm.stats.vm.v_page_size: 4096 vm.stats.vm.v_kthreadpages: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_rforkpages: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_vforkpages: 18190 vm.stats.vm.v_forkpages: 12966 vm.stats.vm.v_kthreads: 1 vm.stats.vm.v_rforks: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_vforks: 471 vm.stats.vm.v_forks: 343 vm.stats.vm.v_tfree: 69034 vm.stats.vm.v_pfree: 36158 vm.stats.vm.v_dfree: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_pdpages: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_ppwakeups: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_pdwakeups: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_reactivated: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_intrans: 69 vm.stats.vm.v_vnodepgsout: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_vnodepgsin: 103 vm.stats.vm.v_vnodeout: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_vnodein: 103 vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsout: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsin: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_swapout: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_swapin: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_ozfod: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_zfod: 33341 vm.stats.vm.v_cow_optim: 0 vm.stats.vm.v_cow_faults: 21571 vm.stats.vm.v_vm_faults: 42781724 vm.stats.sys.v_soft: 212 vm.stats.sys.v_timer: 3397832 vm.stats.sys.v_ipi: 3424489 vm.stats.sys.v_intr: 6826033 vm.stats.sys.v_syscall: 67400356 vm.stats.sys.v_trap: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_forwarded_misses: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_forwarded_hits: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_forwarded_ints: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_intrans_wait: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_intrans_coll: 0 vm.stats.sys.v_swtch: 153125 vm.v_free_severe: 5200215 vm.vkernel_enable: 0 vm.max_proc_mmap: 1000000 vm.dma_free_pages: 128 vm.dma_reserved: 134217728 vm.pageout_lock_miss: 0 vm.disable_swapspace_pageouts: 0 vm.defer_swapspace_pageouts: 0 vm.swap_idle_enabled: 0 vm.pageout_memuse_mode: 1 vm.pageout_stats_free_max: 5 vm.pageout_stats_interval: 5 vm.pageout_full_stats_interval: 20 vm.pageout_stats_max: 46801942 vm.emerg_launder: 100 vm.max_launder: 4096 vm.page_free_hysteresis: 16 vm.swapcache.cleanperobj: 16777216 vm.swapcache.write_count: 0 vm.swapcache.accrate: 100000 vm.swapcache.maxfilesize: 0 vm.swapcache.maxburst: 2000000000 vm.swapcache.curburst: 4000000000 vm.swapcache.minburst: 10000000 vm.swapcache.use_chflags: 0 vm.swapcache.min_hysteresis: 1024 vm.swapcache.hysteresis: 1024 vm.swapcache.maxswappct: 75 vm.swapcache.read_enable: 0 vm.swapcache.meta_enable: 0 vm.swapcache.data_enable: 0 vm.swapcache.maxscan: 4096 vm.swapcache.maxlaunder: 2048 vm.nswapdev: 4 vm.zone_kern_pages: 224 vm.zone_kmem_kvaspace: 3016836849664 vm.zone_burst: 128 vm.zone_kmem_pages: 64 ITEM SIZE LIMIT USED FREE REQUESTS SWAPMETA: 000320, 1040037133, 000000, 000409, 00000001 PV ENTRY: 000080, 35698057728, 904364, 2146843002, 01174566 MAP ENTRY: 000104, 00000000, 005347, 012689, 00008140 vfs.devfs.debug: 0 vfs.ufs.dirhash_docheck: 0 vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 9683 vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem: 2097152 vfs.ufs.dirhash_minsize: 2560 vfs.hammer.fsync_mode: 3 vfs.hammer.yield_check: 16 vfs.hammer.btree_full_undo: 1 vfs.hammer.double_buffer: 0 vfs.hammer.verify_data: 1 vfs.hammer.verify_zone: 0 vfs.hammer.autoflush: 500 vfs.hammer.contention_count: 0 vfs.hammer.count_io_running_write: 0 vfs.hammer.count_io_locked: 0 vfs.hammer.count_io_running_read: 0 vfs.hammer.count_reservations: 0 vfs.hammer.count_refedbufs: 0 vfs.hammer.count_dirtybufspace: 0 vfs.hammer.live_dedup_bmap_saves: 0 vfs.hammer.live_dedup_findblk_failures: 0 vfs.hammer.live_dedup_device_bcmps: 0 vfs.hammer.live_dedup_vnode_bcmps: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_redo: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_undo: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_commits: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_inode_flushes: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_disk_write: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_disk_read: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_file_write: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_file_read: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_record_iterations: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_root_iterations: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_iterations: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_splits: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_elements: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_deletes: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_inserts: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_lookups: 0 vfs.hammer.stats_btree_searches: 0 vfs.hammer.count_nodes: 0 vfs.hammer.count_buffers: 0 vfs.hammer.count_volumes: 0 vfs.hammer.count_record_datas: 0 vfs.hammer.count_records: 0 vfs.hammer.count_reclaims: 0 vfs.hammer.count_iqueued: 0 vfs.hammer.count_inodes: 0 vfs.hammer.count_fsyncs: 0 vfs.hammer.limit_redo: 4194304 vfs.hammer.live_dedup_cache_size: 4096 vfs.hammer.limit_reclaims: 16384 vfs.hammer.limit_inode_recs: 2048 vfs.hammer.limit_recs: 2097152 vfs.hammer.limit_dirtybufspace: 1073741824 vfs.hammer.tdmux_ticks: 20 vfs.hammer.live_dedup: 0 vfs.hammer.cluster_enable: 2 vfs.hammer.debug_critical: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_recover: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_tid: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_btree: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_locks: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_inode: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_io: 0 vfs.hammer.debug_general: 0 vfs.hammer.supported_version: 7 vfs.hammer2.check_xxhash64: 12419072 vfs.hammer2.check_icrc32: 0 vfs.hammer2.iod_volu_write: 0 vfs.hammer2.iod_fmap_write: 786432 vfs.hammer2.iod_indr_write: 1507328 vfs.hammer2.iod_meta_write: 655360 vfs.hammer2.iod_file_wdedup: 0 vfs.hammer2.iod_file_wzero: 0 vfs.hammer2.iod_file_wembed: 11 vfs.hammer2.iod_file_write: 589856 vfs.hammer2.iod_volu_read: 0 vfs.hammer2.iod_fmap_read: 15269888 vfs.hammer2.iod_indr_read: 64929792 vfs.hammer2.iod_meta_read: 8967168 vfs.hammer2.iod_file_read: 9862574 vfs.hammer2.iod_invals: 0 vfs.hammer2.limit_dio: 100000 vfs.hammer2.dio_count: 468 vfs.hammer2.count_modified_chains: 0 vfs.hammer2.limit_dirty_chains: 65536 vfs.hammer2.chain_frees: 0 vfs.hammer2.chain_allocs: 3409 vfs.hammer2.bulkfree_tps: 5000 vfs.hammer2.synchronous_flush: 1 vfs.hammer2.flush_pipe: 100 vfs.hammer2.inval_enable: 0 vfs.hammer2.always_compress: 0 vfs.hammer2.dedup_enable: 1 vfs.hammer2.cluster_data_read: 4 vfs.hammer2.cluster_meta_read: 1 vfs.hammer2.debug: 0 vfs.hammer2.supported_version: 1 vfs.nfs.nfs_privport: 0 vfs.nfs.commit_miss: 0 vfs.nfs.commit_blks: 0 vfs.nfs.async: 0 vfs.nfs.maxasyncbio: 4 vfs.nfs.showrexmit: 0 vfs.nfs.showrtt: 0 vfs.nfs.realign_count: 0 vfs.nfs.realign_test: 0 vfs.nfs.soreserve: 2123008 vfs.nfs.gatherdelay_v3: 0 vfs.nfs.gatherdelay: 20000 vfs.nfs.diskless_swappath: vfs.nfs.diskless_rootpath: vfs.nfs.diskless_valid: 0 vfs.nfs.nfs_io_size: 32768 vfs.nfs.nfs_ip_paranoia: 1 vfs.nfs.nfsv3_commit_on_close: 0 vfs.nfs.pos_cache_timeout: 3 vfs.nfs.neg_cache_timeout: 3 vfs.nfs.access_cache_timeout: 5 vfs.nfs.flush_on_hlink: 0 vfs.nfs.flush_on_rename: 1 vfs.debug_kvabio: 0 vfs.debug_bufbio: 0 vfs.debug_commit: 0 vfs.recoverbufcalls: 0 vfs.getnewbufcalls: 1166 vfs.bufmallocspace: 0 vfs.maxmallocbufspace: 365291929 vfs.bufspace: 75573248 vfs.lobufspace: 7238729728 vfs.hibufspace: 7305838592 vfs.maxbufspace: 7306493952 vfs.runningbufcount: 0 vfs.runningbufspace: 0 vfs.dirtybufcounthw: 0 vfs.dirtybufcount: 0 vfs.dirtybufspacehw: 0 vfs.dirtybufspace: 0 vfs.dirtykvaspace: 0 vfs.nbuf: 445953 vfs.vm_cycle_point: 40 vfs.lowmempgfails: 0 vfs.lowmempgallocs: 0 vfs.bufcache_bw: 209715200 vfs.hirunningspace: 456614912 vfs.lorunningspace: 524288 vfs.hidirtybufspace: 3652919296 vfs.lodirtybufspace: 1826459648 vfs.flushperqueue: 1024 vfs.cache.numcwdfound: 4 vfs.cache.numcwdfailsz: 0 vfs.cache.numcwdfailnf: 0 vfs.cache.numcwdcalls: 4 vfs.cache.numleafs: 636 vfs.cache.numcache: 711 vfs.cache.numneg: 213 vfs.max_readahead: 2097152 vfs.write_behind_minfilesize: 10485760 vfs.write_behind: 1 vfs.real_root: vfs.varsym_enable: 0 vfs.timestamp_precision: 0 vfs.check_buf_overlap: 2 vfs.reassignbufcalls: 174 vfs.quota_enabled: 0 vfs.usermount: 0 vfs.ffs.doreallocblks: 1 vfs.ffs.doasyncfree: 1 vfs.pbuf_mem_count: 512 vfs.pbuf_kva_count: 512 vfs.pbuf_raw_count: 891906 57344 57344 net.local.dgram.recvspace: 4096 net.local.dgram.maxdgram: 2048 net.local.inflight: 0 net.inet.ip.portrange.hilast: 65535 net.inet.ip.portrange.hifirst: 49152 net.inet.ip.portrange.last: 5000 net.inet.ip.portrange.first: 1024 net.inet.ip.portrange.lowlast: 600 net.inet.ip.portrange.lowfirst: 1023 net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0 net.inet.ip.redirect: 1 net.inet.ip.ttl: 64 net.inet.ip.rtexpire: 3600 net.inet.ip.rtminexpire: 10 net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache: 128 net.inet.ip.sourceroute: 0 net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute: 0 net.inet.ip.fastforwarding: 0 net.inet.ip.gifttl: 30 net.inet.ip.subnets_are_local: 0 net.inet.ip.porthash_trycount: 15 net.inet.ip.dummynet.cpu: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse0: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse1: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse2: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse3: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse4: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse5: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse6: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse7: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse8: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse9: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse10: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse11: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse12: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse13: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse14: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse15: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse16: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse17: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse18: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse19: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse20: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse21: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse22: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse23: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse24: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse25: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse26: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse27: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse28: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse29: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse30: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse31: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse32: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse33: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse34: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse35: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse36: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse37: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse38: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse39: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse40: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse41: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse42: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse43: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse44: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse45: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse46: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse47: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse48: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse49: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse50: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse51: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse52: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse53: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse54: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse55: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse56: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse57: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse58: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse59: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse60: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse61: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse62: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse63: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse64: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse65: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse66: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse67: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse68: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse69: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse70: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse71: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse72: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse73: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse74: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse75: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse76: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse77: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse78: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse79: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse80: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse81: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse82: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse83: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse84: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse85: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse86: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse87: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse88: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse89: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse90: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse91: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse92: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse93: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse94: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse95: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse96: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse97: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse98: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse99: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse100: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse101: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse102: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse103: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse104: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse105: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse106: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse107: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse108: 0 net.inet.ip.ipflow.inuse109: 0 net.inet.ip.hash_count: 0 net.inet.ip.check_interface: 0 net.inet.ip.random_id: 1 net.inet.ip.sendsourcequench: 0 net.inet.ip.maxfragsperpacket: 16 net.inet.ip.maxfragpackets: 19062 net.inet.ip.rfc6864: 1 net.inet.icmp.maskrepl: 0 net.inet.icmp.icmplim: 200 net.inet.icmp.reply_from_interface: 0 net.inet.icmp.reply_src: net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho: 0 net.inet.icmp.icmplim_output: 0 net.inet.icmp.discard_sourcequench: 1 net.inet.icmp.log_redirect: 0 net.inet.icmp.drop_redirect: 0 net.inet.tcp.rfc1323: 1 net.inet.tcp.mssdflt: 512 net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 7200000 net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 75000 net.inet.tcp.sendspace: 57344 net.inet.tcp.recvspace: 57344 net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 75000 net.inet.tcp.delacktime: 100 net.inet.tcp.v6mssdflt: 1024 net.inet.tcp.reuseport_ext: 1 net.inet.tcp.ignore_redun_dsack: 1 net.inet.tcp.sosend_jcluster: 1 net.inet.tcp.sosend_async: 1 net.inet.tcp.sosend_agglim: 2 net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_max: 2097152 net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_inc: 16384 net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_auto: 1 net.inet.tcp.reass.overflows: 0 net.inet.tcp.reass.cursegments: 0 net.inet.tcp.reass.maxsegments: 4193853 net.inet.tcp.rfc6675_rxt: 0 net.inet.tcp.rfc6675: 1 net.inet.tcp.force_sackrxt: 1 net.inet.tcp.rescuesack_agg: 0 net.inet.tcp.rescuesack: 1 net.inet.tcp.smartsack: 1 net.inet.tcp.sack: 1 net.inet.tcp.paws_tolerance: 25 1 net.inet.tcp.eifel: 1 net.inet.tcp.aggregate_acks: 1 net.inet.tcp.earlyretransmit: 1 net.inet.tcp.limitedtransmit: 1 net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack: 1 net.inet.tcp.blackhole: 0 net.inet.tcp.log_in_vain: 0 net.inet.tcp.fairsend: 4 net.inet.tcp.tso: 1 net.inet.tcp.idle_restart: 1 net.inet.tcp.idle_cwv: 1 net.inet.tcp.prio_synack: 1 net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_max: 2097152 net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_min: 32768 net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_inc: 8192 net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_auto: 1 net.inet.tcp.avoid_pure_win_update: 1 net.inet.tcp.path_mtu_discovery: 1 net.inet.tcp.state_count: 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 net.inet.tcp.ncr_rxtthresh_max: 16 net.inet.tcp.ncr_linklocal: 0 net.inet.tcp.ncr: 1 net.inet.tcp.low_rtobase: 1 net.inet.tcp.iwcapsegs: 4 net.inet.tcp.iwmaxsegs: 4 net.inet.tcp.rfc3390: 1 net.inet.tcp.inflight_adjrtt: 2 net.inet.tcp.inflight_stab: 50 net.inet.tcp.inflight_max: 1073725440 net.inet.tcp.inflight_min: 6144 net.inet.tcp.inflight_start: 33792 net.inet.tcp.inflight_debug: 0 net.inet.tcp.inflight_enable: 1 net.inet.tcp.isn_reseed_interval: 0 net.inet.tcp.icmp_may_rst: 1 net.inet.tcp.do_tcpdrain: 1 net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize: 512 net.inet.tcp.minmss: 256 net.inet.tcp.syncache.rexmtlimit: 4 net.inet.tcp.syncache.hashsize: 512 net.inet.tcp.syncache.count: 0 net.inet.tcp.syncache.cachelimit: 15360 net.inet.tcp.syncache.bucketlimit: 30 net.inet.tcp.syncookies: 1 net.inet.tcp.eifel_rtoinc: 20 net.inet.tcp.eifel_response: 1 net.inet.tcp.keepcnt: 8 net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 1 net.inet.tcp.rexmit_slop: 160 net.inet.tcp.rexmit_min: 30 net.inet.tcp.msl: 30000 net.inet.tcp.disable_nopush: 1 net.inet.udp.checksum: 1 net.inet.udp.maxdgram: 9216 net.inet.udp.recvspace: 42080 net.inet.udp.reuseport_ext: 1 net.inet.udp.sosend_prepend: 1 net.inet.udp.sosend_async: 1 net.inet.udp.strict_mcast_mship: 1 net.inet.udp.blackhole: 0 net.inet.udp.log_in_vain: 0 net.inet.carp.allow: 1 net.inet.carp.preempt: 0 net.inet.carp.log: 1 net.inet.carp.arpbalance: 0 net.inet.carp.setroute: 1 net.inet.carp.prio_ad: 1 net.inet.carp.suppress_preempt: 0 net.inet.raw.recvspace: 8192 net.inet.raw.maxdgram: 8192 net.inet.accf.unloadable: 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 60 0 0 1 5 20 1200 300 0 0 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 net.inet6.ip6.forwarding: 0 net.inet6.ip6.redirect: 1 net.inet6.ip6.hlim: 64 net.inet6.ip6.maxfragpackets: 16775412 net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv: 0 net.inet6.ip6.log_interval: 5 net.inet6.ip6.hdrnestlimit: 50 net.inet6.ip6.dad_count: 1 net.inet6.ip6.auto_flowlabel: 1 net.inet6.ip6.defmcasthlim: 1 net.inet6.ip6.gifhlim: 30 net.inet6.ip6.kame_version: 20010528/FreeBSD net.inet6.ip6.use_deprecated: 1 net.inet6.ip6.rr_prune: 5 net.inet6.ip6.rtexpire: 3600 net.inet6.ip6.rtminexpire: 10 net.inet6.ip6.rtmaxcache: 128 net.inet6.ip6.use_tempaddr: 0 net.inet6.ip6.temppltime: 86400 net.inet6.ip6.tempvltime: 604800 net.inet6.ip6.auto_linklocal: 1 net.inet6.ip6.minhlim: 40 net.inet6.ip6.maxfrags: 16775412 net.inet6.icmp6.rediraccept: 1 net.inet6.icmp6.redirtimeout: 600 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_prune: 1 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_delay: 5 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_umaxtries: 3 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_mmaxtries: 3 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_useloopback: 1 net.inet6.icmp6.nodeinfo: 3 net.inet6.icmp6.errppslimit: 100 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_maxnudhint: 0 net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_debug: 0 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debug.ipiq.latency53: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency54: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency55: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency56: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency57: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency58: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency59: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency60: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency61: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency62: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency63: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency64: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency65: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency66: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency67: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency68: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency69: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency70: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency71: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency72: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency73: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency74: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency75: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency76: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency77: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency78: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency79: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency80: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency81: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency82: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency83: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency84: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency85: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency86: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency87: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency88: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency89: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency90: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency91: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency92: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency93: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency94: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency95: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency96: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency97: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency98: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency99: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency100: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency101: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency102: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency103: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency104: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency105: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency106: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency107: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency108: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.ipiq.latency109: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 debug.spin_test_count: 10000000 debug.blk_active: 0 debug.rman_debug: 0 debug.disablefullpath: 0 debug.disablecwd: 0 debug.ncmount_cache_enable: 1 debug.ncsize: 136 debug.vnsize: 368 debug.ncp_shared_lock_disable: 0 debug.ncposlimit: 0 debug.numdefered: 0 debug.nclockwarn: 500 debug.ncnegfactor: 16 debug.ncposflush: 10 debug.ncnegflush: 10 debug.nchash: 1048575 debug.ncvp_debug: 0 debug.verbose_reclaims: 0 debug.numvnodes: 536 debug.batchfreevnodes: 5 debug.inactivevnodes: 19 debug.cachedvnodes: 424 debug.activevnodes: 517 debug.vnlru_nowhere: 0 debug.rush_requests: 0 debug.bpf_maxbufsize: 524288 debug.bpf_bufsize: 4096 debug.if_tun_debug: 0 debug.ncr_debug: 0 debug.dir_entry: 0 debug.direct_blk_ptrs: 0 debug.inode_bitmap: 0 debug.indir_blk_ptrs: 0 debug.sync_limit_hit: 0 debug.ino_limit_hit: 0 debug.blk_limit_hit: 0 debug.ino_limit_push: 0 debug.blk_limit_push: 0 debug.worklist_push: 0 debug.tickdelay: 2 debug.max_softdeps: 100000 debug.dircheck: 0 debug.crypto_timing: 0 debug.rdrand: 0 debug.minidump: 1 debug.psm.pkterrthresh: 2 debug.psm.usecs: 500000 debug.psm.secs: 0 debug.psm.errusecs: 0 debug.psm.errsecs: 2 debug.psm.hz: 20 debug.psm.loglevel: 0 debug.acpi.suspend_bounce: 0 debug.acpi.do_powerstate: 1 debug.acpi.group_module_level_code: 0 debug.acpi.facs_addr32: 1 debug.acpi.fadt_addr32: 0 debug.acpi.interpreter_slack: 1 debug.acpi.ignore_xsdt: 0 debug.acpi.enable_debug_objects: 0 debug.acpi.acpi_ca_version: 20170831 debug.acpi.batt.batt_sleep_ms: 0 750 0 0 debug.acpi.semaphore_debug: 0 hw.machine: x86_64 hw.model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4627 v3 @ 2.60GHz hw.ncpu: 110 hw.byteorder: 1234 hw.physmem: 8795164246016 hw.usermem: 8613568073728 hw.pagesize: 4096 hw.machine_arch: x86_64 hw.platform: pc64 hw.cbb.debug: 0 hw.cbb.start_32_io: 4096 hw.cbb.start_16_io: 256 hw.cbb.start_memory: 2281701376 hw.pcic.intr_mask: 57016 hw.cardbus.cis_debug: 0 hw.cardbus.debug: 0 hw.ata.ata_wc: 1 hw.ata.atapi_dma: 1 hw.ata.ata_dma: 1 hw.amr.force_sg32: 0 hw.ath.bstuck: 4 hw.ath.txbuf_mgmt: 32 hw.ath.txbuf: 512 hw.ath.rxbuf: 512 hw.ath.anical: 100 hw.ath.resetcal: 1200 hw.ath.shortcal: 100 hw.ath.longcal: 30 1 hw.bwn.usedma: 1 hw.bwn.hwpctl: 0 hw.bwn.bluetooth: 1 hw.bwn.bfp: 0 hw.ig_hal.debug: 0 hw.firewire.hold_count: 3 hw.firewire.try_bmr: 1 hw.firewire.fwmem.speed: 2 hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_lo: 0 hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_hi: 0 hw.firewire.fwe.rx_queue_len: 128 hw.firewire.fwe.tx_speed: 2 hw.firewire.fwe.stream_ch: 1 hw.firewire.sbp.tags: 0 hw.firewire.sbp.scan_delay: 500 hw.firewire.sbp.login_delay: 1000 hw.firewire.sbp.exclusive_login: 1 hw.firewire.sbp.max_speed: -1 hw.firewire.sbp.auto_login: 1 hw.fxp_rnr: 0 hw.mfi.cmd_timeout: 30 hw.mfi.detect_jbod_change: 1 hw.mfi.max_cmds: 128 hw.mfi.event_class: 0 hw.mfi.event_locale: 65535 hw.mmc.debug: 0 hw.sdhci.debug: 0 hw.wi.debug: 0 hw.wi.txerate: 0 hw.xe.debug: 1 hw.sensors.dev_idmax: 110 hw.bus.devctl_disable: 0 hw.cpu_topology_phys_ids: 11 hw.cpu_topology_core_ids: 10 hw.pccard.cis_debug: 0 hw.pccard.debug: 0 hw.pci.usb_early_takeover: 1 hw.pci.honor_msi_blacklist: 1 hw.pci.enable_msix: 1 hw.pci.enable_msi: 1 hw.pci.do_power_resume: 1 hw.pci.do_power_nodriver: 0 hw.pci.enable_io_modes: 1 hw.pci.default_vgapci_unit: 0 hw.pci.host_mem_start: 2147483648 hw.usb.debug: 0 hw.usb.usb_lang_mask: 255 hw.usb.usb_lang_id: 9 hw.usb.template: 0 hw.usb.disable_port_power: 0 hw.usb.disable_enumeration: 0 hw.usb.power_timeout: 30 hw.usb.full_ddesc: 0 hw.usb.no_cs_fail: 0 hw.usb.no_shutdown_wait: 0 hw.usb.no_suspend_wait: 0 hw.usb.no_boot_wait: 0 hw.usb.xhci.use_polling: 0 hw.usb.xhci.streams: 0 hw.availpages: 2147734903 hw.cpu_mwait_spin: 0 hw.cpu_mwait_halt: 0 hw.via_feature_xcrypt: 0 hw.via_feature_rng: 0 hw.clflush_enable: -1 hw.instruction_sse: 1 hw.clockrate: 2600 hw.busdma.bounce_alignment: 1 hw.busdma.max_bpages: 1024 hw.busdma.total_bpages: 32 hw.busdma.zone0.total_bpages: 32 hw.busdma.zone0.free_bpages: 32 hw.busdma.zone0.reserved_bpages: 0 hw.busdma.zone0.active_bpages: 0 hw.busdma.zone0.total_bounced: 2 hw.busdma.zone0.total_deferred: 0 hw.busdma.zone0.reserve_failed: 0 hw.busdma.zone0.lowaddr: 0xffffffff hw.busdma.zone0.alignment: 4096 hw.psm.elantech_support: 0 hw.psm.trackpoint_support: 0 hw.psm.synaptics_support: 0 hw.psm.tap_timeout: 125000 hw.psm.tap_threshold: 25 hw.psm.tap_enabled: -1 hw.tsc_frequency: 2600010320 hw.tsc_mpsync: 0 hw.tsc_invariant: 0 hw.tsc_present: 1 hw.i8254.timestamp: 00000000 00000412e015f359 hw.i8254.freq: 1193182 hw.cpu_topology.tree: \-PACKAGE MEMBERS: cpus(0-109) |-CHIP ID 0: cpus(0-9) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(0) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(1) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(2) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(3) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(4) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(5) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(6) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(7) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(8) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(9) |-CHIP ID 1: cpus(10-19) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(10) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(11) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(12) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(13) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(14) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(15) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(16) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(17) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(18) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(19) |-CHIP ID 2: cpus(20-29) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(20) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(21) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(22) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(23) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(24) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(25) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(26) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(27) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(28) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(29) |-CHIP ID 3: cpus(30-39) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(30) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(31) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(32) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(33) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(34) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(35) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(36) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(37) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(38) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(39) |-CHIP ID 4: cpus(40-49) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(40) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(41) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(42) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(43) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(44) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(45) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(46) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(47) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(48) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(49) |-CHIP ID 5: cpus(50-59) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(50) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(51) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(52) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(53) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(54) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(55) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(56) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(57) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(58) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(59) |-CHIP ID 6: cpus(60-69) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(60) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(61) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(62) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(63) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(64) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(65) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(66) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(67) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(68) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(69) |-CHIP ID 7: cpus(70-79) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(70) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(71) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(72) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(73) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(74) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(75) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(76) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(77) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(78) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(79) |-CHIP ID 8: cpus(80-89) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(80) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(81) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(82) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(83) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(84) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(85) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(86) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(87) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(88) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(89) |-CHIP ID 9: cpus(90-99) | |-CORE ID 0: cpus(90) | |-CORE ID 1: cpus(91) | |-CORE ID 2: cpus(92) | |-CORE ID 3: cpus(93) | |-CORE ID 4: cpus(94) | |-CORE ID 5: cpus(95) | |-CORE ID 6: cpus(96) | |-CORE ID 7: cpus(97) | |-CORE ID 8: cpus(98) | \-CORE ID 9: cpus(99) \-CHIP ID 10: cpus(100-109) |-CORE ID 0: cpus(100) |-CORE ID 1: cpus(101) |-CORE ID 2: cpus(102) |-CORE ID 3: cpus(103) |-CORE ID 4: cpus(104) |-CORE ID 5: cpus(105) |-CORE ID 6: cpus(106) |-CORE ID 7: cpus(107) |-CORE ID 8: cpus(108) \-CORE ID 9: cpus(109) hw.cpu_topology.level_description: 0 - core; 1 - socket; 2 - anything hw.cpu_topology.members: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.core_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu1.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu1.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu1.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu1.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu2.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu2.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu2.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu2.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu3.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu3.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu3.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu3.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu4.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu4.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu4.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu4.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu5.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu5.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu5.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu5.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu6.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu6.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu6.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu6.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu7.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu7.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu7.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu7.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu8.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu8.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu8.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu8.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu9.physical_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu9.physical_siblings: cpus(0) hw.cpu_topology.cpu9.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu9.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu10.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu10.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu10.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu10.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu11.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu11.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu11.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu11.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu12.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu12.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu12.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu12.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu13.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu13.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu13.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu13.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu14.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu14.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu14.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu14.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu15.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu15.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu15.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu15.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu16.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu16.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu16.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu16.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu17.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu17.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu17.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu17.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu18.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu18.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu18.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu18.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu19.physical_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu19.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu19.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu19.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu20.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu20.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu20.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu20.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu21.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu21.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu21.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu21.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu22.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu22.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu22.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu22.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu23.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu23.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu23.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu23.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu24.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu24.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu24.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu24.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu25.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu25.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu25.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu25.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu26.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu26.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu26.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu26.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu27.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu27.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu27.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu27.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu28.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu28.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu28.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu28.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu29.physical_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu29.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu29.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu29.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu30.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu30.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu30.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu30.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu31.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu31.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu31.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu31.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu32.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu32.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu32.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu32.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu33.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu33.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu33.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu33.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu34.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu34.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu34.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu34.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu35.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu35.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu35.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu35.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu36.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu36.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu36.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu36.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu37.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu37.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu37.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu37.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu38.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu38.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu38.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu38.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu39.physical_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu39.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu39.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu39.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu40.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu40.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu40.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu40.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu41.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu41.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu41.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu41.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu42.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu42.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu42.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu42.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu43.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu43.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu43.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu43.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu44.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu44.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu44.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu44.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu45.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu45.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu45.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu45.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu46.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu46.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu46.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu46.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu47.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu47.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu47.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu47.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu48.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu48.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu48.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu48.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu49.physical_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu49.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu49.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu49.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu50.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu50.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu50.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu50.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu51.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu51.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu51.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu51.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu52.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu52.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu52.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu52.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu53.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu53.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu53.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu53.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu54.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu54.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu54.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu54.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu55.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu55.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu55.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu55.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu56.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu56.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu56.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu56.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu57.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu57.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu57.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu57.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu58.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu58.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu58.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu58.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu59.physical_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu59.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu59.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu59.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu60.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu60.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu60.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu60.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu61.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu61.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu61.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu61.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu62.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu62.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu62.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu62.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu63.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu63.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu63.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu63.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu64.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu64.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu64.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu64.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu65.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu65.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu65.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu65.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu66.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu66.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu66.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu66.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu67.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu67.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu67.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu67.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu68.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu68.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu68.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu68.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu69.physical_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu69.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu69.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu69.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu70.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu70.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu70.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu70.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu71.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu71.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu71.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu71.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu72.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu72.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu72.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu72.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu73.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu73.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu73.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu73.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu74.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu74.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu74.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu74.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu75.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu75.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu75.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu75.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu76.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu76.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu76.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu76.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu77.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu77.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu77.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu77.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu78.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu78.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu78.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu78.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu79.physical_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu79.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu79.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu79.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu80.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu80.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu80.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu80.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu81.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu81.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu81.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu81.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu82.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu82.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu82.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu82.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu83.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu83.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu83.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu83.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu84.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu84.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu84.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu84.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu85.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu85.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu85.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu85.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu86.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu86.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu86.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu86.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu87.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu87.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu87.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu87.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu88.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu88.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu88.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu88.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu89.physical_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu89.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu89.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu89.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu90.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu90.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu90.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu90.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu91.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu91.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu91.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu91.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu92.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu92.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu92.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu92.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu93.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu93.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu93.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu93.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu94.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu94.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu94.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu94.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu95.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu95.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu95.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu95.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu96.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu96.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu96.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu96.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu97.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu97.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu97.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu97.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu98.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu98.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu98.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu98.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu99.physical_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu99.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu99.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu99.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu100.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu100.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu100.core_id: 0 hw.cpu_topology.cpu100.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu101.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu101.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu101.core_id: 1 hw.cpu_topology.cpu101.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu102.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu102.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu102.core_id: 2 hw.cpu_topology.cpu102.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu103.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu103.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu103.core_id: 3 hw.cpu_topology.cpu103.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu104.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu104.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu104.core_id: 4 hw.cpu_topology.cpu104.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu105.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu105.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu105.core_id: 5 hw.cpu_topology.cpu105.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu106.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu106.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu106.core_id: 6 hw.cpu_topology.cpu106.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu107.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu107.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu107.core_id: 7 hw.cpu_topology.cpu107.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu108.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu108.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu108.core_id: 8 hw.cpu_topology.cpu108.core_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu109.physical_id: 10 hw.cpu_topology.cpu109.physical_siblings: cpus() hw.cpu_topology.cpu109.core_id: 9 hw.cpu_topology.cpu109.core_siblings: cpus() hw.vmm.enable: 0 hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S3 S4 S5 hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5 hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S3 hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE hw.acpi.standby_state: S1 hw.acpi.suspend_state: S3 hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 1 hw.acpi.s4bios: 0 hw.acpi.verbose: 1 hw.acpi.disable_on_reboot: 0 hw.acpi.handle_reboot: 0 hw.acpi.reset_video: 1 hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu0.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu0.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu0.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu0.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu1.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu1.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu1.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu1.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu2.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu2.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu2.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu2.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu3.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu3.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu3.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu3.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu4.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu4.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu4.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu4.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu5.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu5.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu5.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu5.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu6.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu6.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu6.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu6.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu7.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu7.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu7.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu7.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu8.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu8.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu8.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu8.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu9.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu9.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu9.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu9.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu10.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu10.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu10.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu10.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu11.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu11.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu11.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu11.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu12.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu12.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu12.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu12.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu13.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu13.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu13.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu13.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu14.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu14.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu14.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu14.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu15.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu15.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu15.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu15.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu16.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu16.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu16.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu16.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu17.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu17.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu17.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu17.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu18.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu18.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu18.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu18.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu19.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu19.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu19.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu19.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu20.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu20.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu20.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu20.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu21.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu21.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu21.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu21.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu22.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu22.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu22.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu22.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu23.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu23.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu23.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu23.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu24.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu24.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu24.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu24.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu25.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu25.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu25.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu25.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu26.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu26.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu26.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu26.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu27.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu27.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu27.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu27.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu28.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu28.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu28.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu28.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu29.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu29.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu29.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu29.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu30.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu30.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu30.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu30.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu31.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu31.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu31.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu31.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu32.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu32.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu32.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu32.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu33.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu33.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu33.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu33.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu34.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu34.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu34.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu34.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu35.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu35.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu35.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu35.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu36.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu36.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu36.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu36.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu37.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu37.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu37.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu37.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu38.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu38.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu38.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu38.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu39.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu39.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu39.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu39.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu40.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu40.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu40.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu40.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu41.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu41.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu41.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu41.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu42.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu42.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu42.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu42.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu43.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu43.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu43.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu43.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu44.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu44.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu44.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu44.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu45.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu45.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu45.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu45.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu46.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu46.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu46.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu46.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu47.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu47.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu47.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu47.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu48.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu48.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu48.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu48.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu49.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu49.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu49.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu49.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu50.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu50.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu50.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu50.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu51.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu51.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu51.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu51.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu52.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu52.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu52.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu52.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu53.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu53.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu53.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu53.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu54.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu54.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu54.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu54.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu55.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu55.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu55.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu55.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu56.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu56.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu56.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu56.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu57.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu57.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu57.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu57.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu58.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu58.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu58.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu58.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu59.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu59.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu59.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu59.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu60.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu60.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu60.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu60.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu61.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu61.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu61.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu61.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu62.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu62.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu62.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu62.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu63.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu63.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu63.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu63.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu64.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu64.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu64.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu64.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu65.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu65.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu65.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu65.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu66.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu66.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu66.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu66.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu67.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu67.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu67.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu67.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu68.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu68.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu68.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu68.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu69.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu69.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu69.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu69.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu70.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu70.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu70.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu70.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu71.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu71.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu71.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu71.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu72.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu72.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu72.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu72.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu73.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu73.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu73.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu73.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu74.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu74.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu74.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu74.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu75.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu75.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu75.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu75.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu76.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu76.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu76.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu76.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu77.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu77.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu77.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu77.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu78.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu78.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu78.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu78.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu79.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu79.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu79.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu79.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu80.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu80.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu80.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu80.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu81.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu81.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu81.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu81.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu82.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu82.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu82.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu82.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu83.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu83.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu83.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu83.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu84.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu84.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu84.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu84.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu85.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu85.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu85.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu85.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu86.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu86.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu86.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu86.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu87.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu87.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu87.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu87.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu88.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu88.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu88.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu88.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu89.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu89.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu89.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu89.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu90.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu90.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu90.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu90.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu91.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu91.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu91.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu91.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu92.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu92.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu92.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu92.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu93.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu93.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu93.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu93.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu94.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu94.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu94.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu94.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu95.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu95.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu95.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu95.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu96.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu96.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu96.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu96.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu97.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu97.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu97.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu97.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu98.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu98.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu98.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu98.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu99.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu99.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu99.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu99.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu100.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu100.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu100.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu100.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu101.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu101.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu101.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu101.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu102.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu102.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu102.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu102.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu103.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu103.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu103.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu103.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu104.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu104.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu104.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu104.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu105.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu105.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu105.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu105.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu106.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu106.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu106.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu106.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu107.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu107.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu107.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu107.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu108.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu108.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu108.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu108.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us hw.acpi.cpu109.cx_supported: C1/0 hw.acpi.cpu109.cx_lowest: C1 hw.acpi.cpu109.cx_lowest_use: C1 hw.acpi.cpu109.cx_usage: 0.00% last 1000000us machdep.adjkerntz: 0 machdep.disable_rtc_set: 0 machdep.wall_cmos_clock: 0 machdep.do_dump: 1 machdep.enable_panic_key: 0 machdep.efi_map: Type Physical Virtual #Pages Attr BootServicesCode 000000000000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 000000001000 0x0 0000009f UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 000000100000 0x0 00000700 UC WC WT WB ACPIMemoryNVS 000000800000 0x0 00000008 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 000000808000 0x0 00000008 UC WC WT WB ACPIMemoryNVS 000000810000 0x0 000000f0 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 000000900000 0x0 00000a00 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 000001300000 0x0 0003ecfc UC WC WT WB LoaderData 00003fffc000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 000040000000 0x0 00071bef UC WC WT WB LoaderData 0000b1bef000 0x0 00006000 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000b7bef000 0x0 00000020 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000b7c0f000 0x0 00002145 UC WC WT WB LoaderData 0000b9d54000 0x0 00000300 UC WC WT WB LoaderCode 0000ba054000 0x0 00000040 UC WC WT WB LoaderData 0000ba094000 0x0 00000039 UC WC WT WB LoaderCode 0000ba0cd000 0x0 0000000f UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000ba0dc000 0x0 00000481 UC WC WT WB BootServicesCode 0000ba55d000 0x0 000000a9 UC WC WT WB ACPIMemoryNVS 0000ba606000 0x0 00000008 UC WC WT WB ACPIReclaimMemory 0000ba60e000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB LoaderData 0000ba610000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB ACPIReclaimMemory 0000ba612000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB ACPIMemoryNVS 0000ba613000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB Reserved 0000ba617000 0x0 00000019 UC WC WT WB BootServicesCode 0000ba630000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB RuntimeServicesData 0000ba634000 0x0 00000008 UC WC WT WB RUNTIME Reserved 0000ba63c000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB RuntimeServicesData 0000ba63d000 0x0 0000008a UC WC WT WB RUNTIME ConventionalMemory 0000ba6c7000 0x0 00000220 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000ba8e7000 0x0 00000128 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa0f000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa10000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa12000 0x0 0000000c UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa1e000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa1f000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa21000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa23000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa27000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa29000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa2b000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa2c000 0x0 00000001 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa2d000 0x0 00000003 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa30000 0x0 00000002 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000baa32000 0x0 00000003 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000baa35000 0x0 000000ff UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000bab34000 0x0 00000049 UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000bab7d000 0x0 0000000b UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000bab88000 0x0 00000a3f UC WC WT WB ConventionalMemory 0000bb5c7000 0x0 00000003 UC WC WT WB BootServicesCode 0000bb5ca000 0x0 0000017d UC WC WT WB RuntimeServicesCode 0000bb747000 0x0 00000030 UC WC WT WB RUNTIME RuntimeServicesData 0000bb777000 0x0 00000024 UC WC WT WB RUNTIME Reserved 0000bb79b000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB ACPIReclaimMemory 0000bb79f000 0x0 00000008 UC WC WT WB ACPIMemoryNVS 0000bb7a7000 0x0 00000004 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000bb7ab000 0x0 00004042 UC WC WT WB BootServicesCode 0000bf7ed000 0x0 00000017 UC WC WT WB BootServicesData 0000bf804000 0x0 00000376 UC WC WT WB BootServicesCode 0000bfb7a000 0x0 00000012 UC WC WT WB RuntimeServicesData 0000bfb8c000 0x0 00000084 UC WC WT WB RUNTIME ACPIMemoryNVS 0000bfc10000 0x0 000003f0 UC WC WT WB RuntimeServicesData 0000ffc00000 0x0 00000400 UC RUNTIME ConventionalMemory 000100000000 0x0 7ff40000 UC WC WT WB machdep.cpu_idle_spincnt: 0 machdep.cpu_idle_hltcnt: 12136201 machdep.cpu_idle_repeat: 750 machdep.cpu_idle_hlt: 1 machdep.mwait.CX.repeat_shift: 1 machdep.mwait.CX.spin: NONE machdep.mwait.CX.idle: NONE machdep.mwait.CX.c3_preamble: 3 machdep.mwait.CX.supported: machdep.slow_release: 0 machdep.fast_release: 0 machdep.panic_on_nmi: 1 machdep.freeze_on_seg_fault: 0 machdep.ddb_on_seg_fault: 0 machdep.ddb_on_nmi: 1 machdep.disable_mtrrs: 0 machdep.pmap_lock_delay: 100 machdep.pmap_dynamic_delete: 0 machdep.pmap_fast_kernel_cpusync: 0 machdep.pmap_mmu_optimize: 0 machdep.pmap_yield_count: 64 machdep.pmap_debug: 0 machdep.pmap_inval_force_nonopt: 0 machdep.pmap_inval_force_allcpus: 0 machdep.pmap_inval_watchdog_print: 0 machdep.all_but_self_ipi_enable: 1 machdep.optimized_invltlb: 0 machdep.report_invltlb_src: 0 machdep.report_invlpg_src: 0 machdep.smp_active: 18446744073709551615 70368744177663 0 0 machdep.conspeed: 9600 machdep.conrclk: 1843200 machdep.acpi_timer_freq: 3579545 machdep.acpi_root: 3145359380 user.cs_path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin: user.bc_base_max: 99 user.bc_dim_max: 2048 user.bc_scale_max: 99 user.bc_string_max: 1000 user.coll_weights_max: 10 user.expr_nest_max: 32 user.line_max: 2048 user.re_dup_max: 255 user.posix2_version: 199212 user.posix2_c_bind: 1 user.posix2_c_dev: 1 user.posix2_char_term: 1 user.posix2_fort_dev: 0 user.posix2_fort_run: 1 user.posix2_localedef: 1 user.posix2_sw_dev: 1 user.posix2_upe: 1 user.stream_max: 20 user.tzname_max: 255 p1003_1b.asynchronous_io: -1 p1003_1b.mapped_files: 0 p1003_1b.memlock: 0 p1003_1b.memlock_range: 0 p1003_1b.memory_protection: 0 p1003_1b.message_passing: 200112 p1003_1b.prioritized_io: 0 p1003_1b.priority_scheduling: 1 p1003_1b.realtime_signals: 0 p1003_1b.semaphores: 0 p1003_1b.fsync: 0 p1003_1b.shared_memory_objects: 200112 p1003_1b.synchronized_io: 0 p1003_1b.timers: 0 p1003_1b.aio_listio_max: 0 p1003_1b.aio_max: 0 p1003_1b.aio_prio_delta_max: 0 p1003_1b.delaytimer_max: 0 p1003_1b.pagesize: 4096 p1003_1b.rtsig_max: 0 p1003_1b.sem_nsems_max: 0 p1003_1b.sem_value_max: 0 p1003_1b.sigqueue_max: 0 p1003_1b.timer_max: 0 lwkt.cache_threads: 440 lwkt.preempt_enable: 1 lwkt.spin_loops: 10 lwkt.sched_debug: 0 lwkt.fairq_bypass: -1 lwkt.fairq_enable: 0 lwkt.preempt_weird: 0 lwkt.preempt_miss: 12243 lwkt.preempt_hit: 3567 lwkt.switch_count: 327314 lwkt.panic_on_cscount: 0 lwkt.ipiq_cscount: 0 lwkt.ipiq_passive: 60 lwkt.ipiq_avoided: 1316 lwkt.ipiq_fifofull: 7 lwkt.ipiq_count: 33392 lwkt.ipiq_debug: 0 lwkt.tokens_debug_output: 0 lwkt.vnode_collisions: 0 lwkt.tty_collisions: 4541322 lwkt.sigio_collisions: 0 lwkt.kvm_collisions: 0 lwkt.vmspace_collisions: 0 lwkt.vm_collisions: 0 lwkt.dev_collisions: 0 lwkt.pmap_collisions: 0 lwkt.mp_collisions: 1173845 lwkt.token_spin: 5 hptmv.status: RocketRAID 18xx SATA Controller driver Version v1.16 kdmsg.debug: 1 jail.allow_raw_sockets: 0 jail.chflags_allowed: 0 jail.sysvipc_allowed: 0 jail.socket_unixiproute_only: 1 jail.set_hostname_allowed: 1 security.ps_showallthreads: 1 security.ps_showallprocs: 1 security.unprivileged_read_msgbuf: 1 security.hardlink_check_gid: 0 security.hardlink_check_uid: 0 iosched.debug: 0 nexus root0 dev.ram.0.%desc: System RAM dev.ram.0.%driver: ram dev.ram.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.cryptosoft.0.%desc: software crypto dev.cryptosoft.0.%driver: cryptosoft dev.cryptosoft.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.aesni.0.%desc: AES-CBC,AES-XTS dev.aesni.0.%driver: aesni dev.aesni.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.rdrand.0.%desc: RdRand RNG dev.rdrand.0.%driver: rdrand dev.rdrand.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.acpi.0.%desc: BOCHS BXPCFACP dev.acpi.0.%driver: acpi dev.acpi.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.acpi_timer.0.%desc: 24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz dev.acpi_timer.0.%driver: acpi_timer dev.acpi_timer.0.%location: unknown dev.acpi_timer.0.%pnpinfo: unknown dev.acpi_timer.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.acpi_hpet.0.%desc: High Precision Event Timer dev.acpi_hpet.0.%driver: acpi_hpet dev.acpi_hpet.0.%location: unknown dev.acpi_hpet.0.%pnpinfo: unknown dev.acpi_hpet.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci_link.0.%desc: ACPI PCI Link LNKA dev.pci_link.0.%driver: pci_link dev.pci_link.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.LNKA dev.pci_link.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0F _UID=0 dev.pci_link.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci_link.1.%desc: ACPI PCI Link LNKB dev.pci_link.1.%driver: pci_link dev.pci_link.1.%location: handle=\_SB_.LNKB dev.pci_link.1.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0F _UID=1 dev.pci_link.1.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci_link.2.%desc: ACPI PCI Link LNKC dev.pci_link.2.%driver: pci_link dev.pci_link.2.%location: handle=\_SB_.LNKC dev.pci_link.2.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0F _UID=2 dev.pci_link.2.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci_link.3.%desc: ACPI PCI Link LNKD dev.pci_link.3.%driver: pci_link dev.pci_link.3.%location: handle=\_SB_.LNKD dev.pci_link.3.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0F _UID=3 dev.pci_link.3.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci_link.4.%desc: ACPI PCI Link LNKS dev.pci_link.4.%driver: pci_link dev.pci_link.4.%location: handle=\_SB_.LNKS dev.pci_link.4.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0C0F _UID=4 dev.pci_link.4.%parent: acpi0 dev.pcib.0.%desc: ACPI Host-PCI bridge dev.pcib.0.%driver: pcib dev.pcib.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.PCI0 dev.pcib.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0A03 _UID=1 dev.pcib.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.pci.0.%desc: ACPI PCI bus dev.pci.0.%driver: pci dev.pci.0.%parent: pcib0 dev.hostb.0.%desc: Host to PCI bridge dev.hostb.0.%driver: hostb dev.hostb.0.%location: slot=0 function=0 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.S00_ dev.hostb.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x1237 subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x1100 class=0x060000 dev.hostb.0.%parent: pci0 dev.isab.0.%desc: PCI-ISA bridge dev.isab.0.%driver: isab dev.isab.0.%location: slot=1 function=0 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.ISA_ dev.isab.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x7000 subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x1100 class=0x060100 dev.isab.0.%parent: pci0 dev.isa.0.%desc: ISA bus dev.isa.0.%driver: isa dev.isa.0.%parent: isab0 dev.atapci.0.%desc: Intel PIIX3 WDMA2 controller dev.atapci.0.%driver: atapci dev.atapci.0.%location: slot=1 function=1 dev.atapci.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x7010 subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x1100 class=0x010180 dev.atapci.0.%parent: pci0 dev.ata.0.%desc: ATA channel 0 dev.ata.0.%driver: ata dev.ata.0.%parent: atapci0 dev.ata.1.%desc: ATA channel 1 dev.ata.1.%driver: ata dev.ata.1.%parent: atapci0 dev.atapicam.0.%desc: ATAPI CAM Attachment dev.atapicam.0.%driver: atapicam dev.atapicam.0.%parent: ata0 dev.atapicam.1.%desc: ATAPI CAM Attachment dev.atapicam.1.%driver: atapicam dev.atapicam.1.%parent: ata1 dev.acd.0.%driver: acd dev.acd.0.%parent: ata1 dev.vgapci.0.%desc: VGA-compatible display dev.vgapci.0.%driver: vgapci dev.vgapci.0.%location: slot=2 function=0 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.S10_ dev.vgapci.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x1234 device=0x1111 subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x1100 class=0x030000 dev.vgapci.0.%parent: pci0 dev.em.0.%desc: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection 82540EM 7.4.2 dev.em.0.%driver: em dev.em.0.%location: slot=3 function=0 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.S18_ dev.em.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x8086 device=0x100e subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x1100 class=0x020000 dev.em.0.%parent: pci0 dev.em.0.debug: -1 dev.em.0.stats: -1 dev.em.0.rxd: 512 dev.em.0.txd: 512 dev.em.0.int_throttle_ceil: 6000 dev.em.0.int_tx_nsegs: 64 dev.em.0.wreg_tx_nsegs: 8 dev.em.0.tx_nmbuf: 0 dev.em.0.tx_gc: 5 dev.em.0.npoll_stfrac: 600 dev.em.0.npoll_cpuid: 0 dev.virtio_pci.0.%desc: VirtIO PCI Block adapter dev.virtio_pci.0.%driver: virtio_pci dev.virtio_pci.0.%location: slot=4 function=0 handle=\_SB_.PCI0.S20_ dev.virtio_pci.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x1af4 device=0x1001 subvendor=0x1af4 subdevice=0x0002 class=0x010000 dev.virtio_pci.0.%parent: pci0 dev.vtblk.0.%desc: VirtIO Block Adapter dev.vtblk.0.%driver: vtblk dev.vtblk.0.%parent: virtio_pci0 dev.vtblk.0.writecache_mode: 1 dev.atkbdc.0.%desc: Keyboard controller (i8042) dev.atkbdc.0.%driver: atkbdc dev.atkbdc.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.KBD_ dev.atkbdc.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0303 _UID=0 dev.atkbdc.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.atkbd.0.%desc: AT Keyboard dev.atkbd.0.%driver: atkbd dev.atkbd.0.%parent: atkbdc0 dev.psm.0.%desc: PS/2 Mouse dev.psm.0.%driver: psm dev.psm.0.%parent: atkbdc0 dev.sio.0.%desc: 16550A-compatible COM port dev.sio.0.%driver: sio dev.sio.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.COM1 dev.sio.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=PNP0501 _UID=1 dev.sio.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.0.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.0.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.0.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C000 dev.cpu.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.0.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.1.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.1.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.1.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C001 dev.cpu.1.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.1.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.2.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.2.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.2.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C002 dev.cpu.2.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.2.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.3.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.3.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.3.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C003 dev.cpu.3.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.3.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.4.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.4.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.4.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C004 dev.cpu.4.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.4.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.5.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.5.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.5.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C005 dev.cpu.5.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.5.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.6.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.6.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.6.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C006 dev.cpu.6.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.6.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.7.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.7.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.7.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C007 dev.cpu.7.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.7.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.8.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.8.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.8.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C008 dev.cpu.8.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.8.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.9.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.9.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.9.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C009 dev.cpu.9.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.9.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.10.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.10.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.10.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00A dev.cpu.10.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.10.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.11.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.11.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.11.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00B dev.cpu.11.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.11.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.12.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.12.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.12.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00C dev.cpu.12.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.12.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.13.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.13.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.13.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00D dev.cpu.13.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.13.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.14.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.14.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.14.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00E dev.cpu.14.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.14.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.15.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.15.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.15.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C00F dev.cpu.15.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.15.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.16.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.16.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.16.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C010 dev.cpu.16.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.16.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.17.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.17.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.17.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C011 dev.cpu.17.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.17.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.18.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.18.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.18.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C012 dev.cpu.18.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.18.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.19.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.19.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.19.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C013 dev.cpu.19.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.19.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.20.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.20.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.20.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C014 dev.cpu.20.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.20.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.21.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.21.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.21.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C015 dev.cpu.21.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.21.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.22.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.22.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.22.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C016 dev.cpu.22.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.22.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.23.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.23.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.23.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C017 dev.cpu.23.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.23.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.24.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.24.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.24.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C018 dev.cpu.24.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.24.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.25.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.25.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.25.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C019 dev.cpu.25.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.25.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.26.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.26.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.26.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01A dev.cpu.26.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.26.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.27.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.27.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.27.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01B dev.cpu.27.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.27.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.28.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.28.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.28.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01C dev.cpu.28.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.28.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.29.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.29.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.29.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01D dev.cpu.29.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.29.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.30.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.30.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.30.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01E dev.cpu.30.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.30.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.31.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.31.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.31.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C01F dev.cpu.31.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.31.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.32.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.32.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.32.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C020 dev.cpu.32.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.32.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.33.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.33.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.33.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C021 dev.cpu.33.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.33.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.34.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.34.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.34.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C022 dev.cpu.34.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.34.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.35.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.35.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.35.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C023 dev.cpu.35.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.35.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.36.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.36.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.36.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C024 dev.cpu.36.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.36.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.37.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.37.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.37.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C025 dev.cpu.37.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.37.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.38.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.38.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.38.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C026 dev.cpu.38.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.38.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.39.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.39.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.39.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C027 dev.cpu.39.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.39.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.40.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.40.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.40.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C028 dev.cpu.40.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.40.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.41.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.41.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.41.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C029 dev.cpu.41.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.41.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.42.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.42.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.42.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02A dev.cpu.42.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.42.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.43.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.43.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.43.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02B dev.cpu.43.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.43.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.44.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.44.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.44.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02C dev.cpu.44.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.44.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.45.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.45.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.45.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02D dev.cpu.45.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.45.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.46.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.46.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.46.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02E dev.cpu.46.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.46.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.47.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.47.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.47.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C02F dev.cpu.47.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.47.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.48.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.48.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.48.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C030 dev.cpu.48.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.48.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.49.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.49.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.49.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C031 dev.cpu.49.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.49.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.50.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.50.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.50.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C032 dev.cpu.50.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.50.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.51.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.51.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.51.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C033 dev.cpu.51.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.51.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.52.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.52.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.52.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C034 dev.cpu.52.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.52.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.53.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.53.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.53.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C035 dev.cpu.53.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.53.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.54.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.54.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.54.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C036 dev.cpu.54.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.54.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.55.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.55.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.55.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C037 dev.cpu.55.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.55.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.56.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.56.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.56.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C038 dev.cpu.56.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.56.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.57.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.57.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.57.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C039 dev.cpu.57.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.57.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.58.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.58.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.58.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03A dev.cpu.58.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.58.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.59.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.59.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.59.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03B dev.cpu.59.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.59.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.60.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.60.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.60.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03C dev.cpu.60.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.60.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.61.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.61.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.61.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03D dev.cpu.61.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.61.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.62.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.62.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.62.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03E dev.cpu.62.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.62.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.63.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.63.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.63.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C03F dev.cpu.63.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.63.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.64.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.64.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.64.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C040 dev.cpu.64.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.64.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.65.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.65.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.65.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C041 dev.cpu.65.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.65.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.66.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.66.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.66.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C042 dev.cpu.66.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.66.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.67.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.67.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.67.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C043 dev.cpu.67.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.67.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.68.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.68.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.68.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C044 dev.cpu.68.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.68.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.69.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.69.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.69.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C045 dev.cpu.69.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.69.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.70.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.70.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.70.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C046 dev.cpu.70.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.70.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.71.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.71.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.71.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C047 dev.cpu.71.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.71.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.72.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.72.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.72.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C048 dev.cpu.72.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.72.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.73.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.73.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.73.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C049 dev.cpu.73.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.73.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.74.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.74.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.74.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04A dev.cpu.74.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.74.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.75.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.75.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.75.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04B dev.cpu.75.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.75.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.76.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.76.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.76.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04C dev.cpu.76.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.76.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.77.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.77.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.77.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04D dev.cpu.77.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.77.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.78.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.78.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.78.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04E dev.cpu.78.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.78.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.79.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.79.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.79.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C04F dev.cpu.79.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.79.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.80.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.80.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.80.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C050 dev.cpu.80.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.80.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.81.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.81.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.81.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C051 dev.cpu.81.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.81.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.82.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.82.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.82.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C052 dev.cpu.82.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.82.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.83.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.83.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.83.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C053 dev.cpu.83.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.83.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.84.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.84.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.84.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C054 dev.cpu.84.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.84.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.85.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.85.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.85.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C055 dev.cpu.85.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.85.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.86.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.86.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.86.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C056 dev.cpu.86.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.86.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.87.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.87.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.87.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C057 dev.cpu.87.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.87.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.88.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.88.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.88.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C058 dev.cpu.88.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.88.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.89.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.89.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.89.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C059 dev.cpu.89.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.89.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.90.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.90.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.90.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05A dev.cpu.90.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.90.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.91.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.91.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.91.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05B dev.cpu.91.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.91.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.92.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.92.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.92.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05C dev.cpu.92.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.92.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.93.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.93.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.93.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05D dev.cpu.93.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.93.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.94.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.94.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.94.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05E dev.cpu.94.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.94.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.95.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.95.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.95.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C05F dev.cpu.95.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.95.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.96.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.96.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.96.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C060 dev.cpu.96.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.96.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.97.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.97.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.97.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C061 dev.cpu.97.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.97.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.98.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.98.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.98.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C062 dev.cpu.98.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.98.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.99.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.99.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.99.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C063 dev.cpu.99.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.99.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.100.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.100.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.100.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C064 dev.cpu.100.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.100.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.101.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.101.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.101.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C065 dev.cpu.101.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.101.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.102.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.102.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.102.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C066 dev.cpu.102.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.102.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.103.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.103.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.103.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C067 dev.cpu.103.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.103.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.104.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.104.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.104.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C068 dev.cpu.104.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.104.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.105.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.105.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.105.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C069 dev.cpu.105.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.105.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.106.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.106.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.106.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C06A dev.cpu.106.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.106.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.107.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.107.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.107.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C06B dev.cpu.107.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.107.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.108.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.108.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.108.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C06C dev.cpu.108.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.108.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu.109.%desc: ACPI CPU dev.cpu.109.%driver: cpu dev.cpu.109.%location: handle=\_SB_.CPUS.C06D dev.cpu.109.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0 dev.cpu.109.%parent: acpi0 dev.cpu_cst.0.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.0.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.0.%parent: cpu0 dev.cpu_cst.1.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.1.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.1.%parent: cpu1 dev.cpu_cst.2.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.2.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.2.%parent: cpu2 dev.cpu_cst.3.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.3.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.3.%parent: cpu3 dev.cpu_cst.4.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.4.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.4.%parent: cpu4 dev.cpu_cst.5.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.5.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.5.%parent: cpu5 dev.cpu_cst.6.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.6.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.6.%parent: cpu6 dev.cpu_cst.7.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.7.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.7.%parent: cpu7 dev.cpu_cst.8.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.8.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.8.%parent: cpu8 dev.cpu_cst.9.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.9.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.9.%parent: cpu9 dev.cpu_cst.10.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.10.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.10.%parent: cpu10 dev.cpu_cst.11.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.11.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.11.%parent: cpu11 dev.cpu_cst.12.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.12.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.12.%parent: cpu12 dev.cpu_cst.13.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.13.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.13.%parent: cpu13 dev.cpu_cst.14.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.14.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.14.%parent: cpu14 dev.cpu_cst.15.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.15.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.15.%parent: cpu15 dev.cpu_cst.16.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.16.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.16.%parent: cpu16 dev.cpu_cst.17.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.17.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.17.%parent: cpu17 dev.cpu_cst.18.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.18.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.18.%parent: cpu18 dev.cpu_cst.19.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.19.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.19.%parent: cpu19 dev.cpu_cst.20.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.20.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.20.%parent: cpu20 dev.cpu_cst.21.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.21.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.21.%parent: cpu21 dev.cpu_cst.22.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.22.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.22.%parent: cpu22 dev.cpu_cst.23.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.23.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.23.%parent: cpu23 dev.cpu_cst.24.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.24.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.24.%parent: cpu24 dev.cpu_cst.25.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.25.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.25.%parent: cpu25 dev.cpu_cst.26.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.26.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.26.%parent: cpu26 dev.cpu_cst.27.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.27.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.27.%parent: cpu27 dev.cpu_cst.28.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.28.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.28.%parent: cpu28 dev.cpu_cst.29.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.29.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.29.%parent: cpu29 dev.cpu_cst.30.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.30.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.30.%parent: cpu30 dev.cpu_cst.31.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.31.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.31.%parent: cpu31 dev.cpu_cst.32.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.32.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.32.%parent: cpu32 dev.cpu_cst.33.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.33.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.33.%parent: cpu33 dev.cpu_cst.34.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.34.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.34.%parent: cpu34 dev.cpu_cst.35.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.35.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.35.%parent: cpu35 dev.cpu_cst.36.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.36.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.36.%parent: cpu36 dev.cpu_cst.37.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.37.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.37.%parent: cpu37 dev.cpu_cst.38.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.38.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.38.%parent: cpu38 dev.cpu_cst.39.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.39.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.39.%parent: cpu39 dev.cpu_cst.40.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.40.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.40.%parent: cpu40 dev.cpu_cst.41.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.41.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.41.%parent: cpu41 dev.cpu_cst.42.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.42.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.42.%parent: cpu42 dev.cpu_cst.43.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.43.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.43.%parent: cpu43 dev.cpu_cst.44.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.44.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.44.%parent: cpu44 dev.cpu_cst.45.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.45.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.45.%parent: cpu45 dev.cpu_cst.46.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.46.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.46.%parent: cpu46 dev.cpu_cst.47.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.47.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.47.%parent: cpu47 dev.cpu_cst.48.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.48.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.48.%parent: cpu48 dev.cpu_cst.49.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.49.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.49.%parent: cpu49 dev.cpu_cst.50.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.50.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.50.%parent: cpu50 dev.cpu_cst.51.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.51.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.51.%parent: cpu51 dev.cpu_cst.52.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.52.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.52.%parent: cpu52 dev.cpu_cst.53.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.53.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.53.%parent: cpu53 dev.cpu_cst.54.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.54.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.54.%parent: cpu54 dev.cpu_cst.55.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.55.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.55.%parent: cpu55 dev.cpu_cst.56.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.56.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.56.%parent: cpu56 dev.cpu_cst.57.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.57.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.57.%parent: cpu57 dev.cpu_cst.58.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.58.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.58.%parent: cpu58 dev.cpu_cst.59.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.59.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.59.%parent: cpu59 dev.cpu_cst.60.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.60.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.60.%parent: cpu60 dev.cpu_cst.61.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.61.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.61.%parent: cpu61 dev.cpu_cst.62.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.62.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.62.%parent: cpu62 dev.cpu_cst.63.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.63.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.63.%parent: cpu63 dev.cpu_cst.64.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.64.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.64.%parent: cpu64 dev.cpu_cst.65.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.65.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.65.%parent: cpu65 dev.cpu_cst.66.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.66.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.66.%parent: cpu66 dev.cpu_cst.67.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.67.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.67.%parent: cpu67 dev.cpu_cst.68.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.68.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.68.%parent: cpu68 dev.cpu_cst.69.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.69.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.69.%parent: cpu69 dev.cpu_cst.70.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.70.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.70.%parent: cpu70 dev.cpu_cst.71.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.71.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.71.%parent: cpu71 dev.cpu_cst.72.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.72.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.72.%parent: cpu72 dev.cpu_cst.73.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.73.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.73.%parent: cpu73 dev.cpu_cst.74.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.74.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.74.%parent: cpu74 dev.cpu_cst.75.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.75.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.75.%parent: cpu75 dev.cpu_cst.76.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.76.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.76.%parent: cpu76 dev.cpu_cst.77.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.77.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.77.%parent: cpu77 dev.cpu_cst.78.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.78.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.78.%parent: cpu78 dev.cpu_cst.79.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.79.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.79.%parent: cpu79 dev.cpu_cst.80.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.80.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.80.%parent: cpu80 dev.cpu_cst.81.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.81.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.81.%parent: cpu81 dev.cpu_cst.82.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.82.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.82.%parent: cpu82 dev.cpu_cst.83.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.83.%driver: cpu_cst 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dev.cpu_cst.93.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.93.%parent: cpu93 dev.cpu_cst.94.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.94.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.94.%parent: cpu94 dev.cpu_cst.95.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.95.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.95.%parent: cpu95 dev.cpu_cst.96.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.96.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.96.%parent: cpu96 dev.cpu_cst.97.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.97.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.97.%parent: cpu97 dev.cpu_cst.98.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.98.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.98.%parent: cpu98 dev.cpu_cst.99.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.99.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.99.%parent: cpu99 dev.cpu_cst.100.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.100.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.100.%parent: cpu100 dev.cpu_cst.101.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.101.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.101.%parent: cpu101 dev.cpu_cst.102.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.102.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.102.%parent: cpu102 dev.cpu_cst.103.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.103.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.103.%parent: cpu103 dev.cpu_cst.104.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.104.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.104.%parent: cpu104 dev.cpu_cst.105.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.105.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.105.%parent: cpu105 dev.cpu_cst.106.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.106.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.106.%parent: cpu106 dev.cpu_cst.107.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.107.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.107.%parent: cpu107 dev.cpu_cst.108.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.108.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.108.%parent: cpu108 dev.cpu_cst.109.%desc: ACPI CPU C-State dev.cpu_cst.109.%driver: cpu_cst dev.cpu_cst.109.%parent: cpu109 dev.legacy.0.%desc: legacy system dev.legacy.0.%driver: legacy dev.legacy.0.%parent: nexus0 dev.pmtimer.0.%driver: pmtimer dev.pmtimer.0.%parent: isa0 System console sc isa0 stalker# sync stalker# shutdown -r n  p now Shutdown NOW! shutdown: [pid 867] stalker# *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@stalker *** System going down IMMEDIATELY Dec 6 19:43:37 stalker shutdown: power-down by root: System shutdown time has arrived Shutting down daemon processes:. Stopping cron. Shutting down local daemons:. . Stopping devd. Writing entropy file:. . Dec 6 19:43:45 stalker syslogd: exiting on signal 15 boot() called on cpu#1 Switching to cpu #0 for shutdown Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread swapcached to stop...stopped Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread vnlru to stop...stopped Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread consttyd to stop...stopped Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread bufdaemon_hw to stop...stopped Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread bufdaemon to stop...stopped syncing disks... 0 0 0 done kthread 0xfffffb2e65f9ee80 syncer14 has exited kthread 0xfffffb2e65c74d80 syncer13 has exited hammer2_unmount(A): devvp /dev/vbd0s1e rbdirty 0 ronly=0 hammer2_unmount(B): devvp /dev/vbd0s1e rbdirty 0 v-chain 0xfffffb2e66dc84c0.255 0000000000000000/0 mir=0000000000000340 [00002000] (?) refs=1 f-chain 0xfffffb2e66dc8640.254 0000000000000000/0 mir=000000000000033f [00002004] (?) refs=0 malloc_uninit: 120 bytes of 'HAMMER2-chains' still allocated on cpu 110 kthread 0xfffffb2e66151100 syncer6 has exited kthread 0xfffffae0e2a48600 syncer5 has exited vflush: Warning, cannot destroy busy device vnode unmount of filesystem mounted from devfs failed (BUSY) unmount(0xfffffae0e27ba240): Forced unmount: 0 namecache references still present unmount(0xfffffae0e27ba240): Forced unmount: 1 mount refs still present hammer2_unmount(A): devvp vbd0s1d rbdirty 0 ronly=0 hammer2_unmount(B): devvp vbd0s1d rbdirty 0 v-chain 0xfffffae0e7a304c0.255 0000000000000000/0 mir=00000000000004df [00002000] (?) refs=1 f-chain 0xfffffae0e7a30640.254 0000000000000000/0 mir=00000000000004de [00002004] (?) refs=0 malloc_uninit: 120 bytes of 'HAMMER2-chains' still allocated on cpu 110 kthread 0xfffffae0e28dd300 syncer3 has exited vflush: Warning, cannot destroy busy device vnode unmount of filesystem mounted from devfs failed (BUSY) Uptime: 6m3s acpi0: Powering system off Wed Dec 6 19:44:13 UTC 2017