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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2012-03
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gpg-agent was Re: system rebooted for no apparent reason

From: Pierre Abbat <phma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 20:28:49 -0500

On Saturday, March 10, 2012 16:20:44 Chris Turner wrote:
> However - if your signing setup in any way involves 3.0+ and a
> gpg-agent running as root - you might want to update from source
> to latest master-or-3.0 patch branch before digging since there
> are known issues with gpg-agent running as root that have
> been fixed.

There's no gpg-agent running.

> Also - if your KMail was running pinentry-curses - you might
> want to change that to one of the graphical password prompts
> to see if that changes things..
> See also:
> http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/gnupg-kmail.php
> which should fairly similar and discusses this.

I installed pinentry-qt4 and added the lines to the conf files, but I'm not 
sure what to do about X. The instructions assume that I start KDE by logging 
into the console and typing "startx". I use kdm, and I'd like it to work 
whether I log into KDE (my usual) or XFCE (something doesn't work, but it's 
probably fixed in the new quarterly). Where do I put the gpg-agent command?

I believe in Yellow when I'm in Sweden and in Black when I'm in Wales.

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