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Re: nice: Badly formed number

From: Freddie Cash <fjwcash@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 13:36:48 -0800

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:16 PM, william opensource4you <william.os4y@gmail.com> wrote:
Am I the only one having troubles with the command nice ?
I'm running: DragonFly mydfbsd 2.10-RELEASE DragonFly
v2.10.1.1.gf7ba0-RELEASE #1: Mon Apr 25 19:51:42 UTC 2011
root@pkgbox32.dragonflybsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC_SMP  i386

Here the results (the last example is coming from the man page):
mydfbsd# nice -5 date
Tue Dec  6 22:11:19 CET 2011
mydfbsd# nice -n5 date
nice: Badly formed number.
mydfbsd# nice -n 5 date
nice: Badly formed number.

nice is both a binary (/usr/bin/nice) and a shell built-in function.  Depending on the shell you are using, you will either be using the built-in or the binary.  And the syntax for them is very different.

I believe you are using the csh above, thus using the built-in nice, which does not support -n.
If I take the source code on the gitweb:
I compile it by doing "gcc nice.c"

here the results:

mydfbsd# ./a.out -5 date
Tue Dec  6 22:11:08 CET 2011
mydfbsd# ./a.out -n5 date
Tue Dec  6 22:11:11 CET 2011
mydfbsd# ./a.out -n 5 date
Tue Dec  6 22:11:14 CET 2011

Here you are giving the full path to the nice binary, so you are always using that binary.

Try the above using /usr/bin/nice for each test, and you'll get the same results.

Read the man page for your shell to see if nice is a built-in function or not.

Freddie Cash

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