DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2009-07
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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2009-07
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hammer mirror shows differrent results from differrent terminals

From: Siju George <sgeorge.ml@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 19:32:32 +0530


I have a master pfs and slave pfs in two differrent disks.

#hammer pfs-status /Backup1/Data
/Backup1/Data   PFS #1 {
    operating as a MASTER
    snapshots dir for master defaults to <fs>/snapshots

 #hammer pfs-status /Backup2/Data
/Backup2/Data   PFS #1 {
    operating as a SLAVE
    snapshots directory not set for slave

master in null mounted and slave has a soft link to the real pfs

/Backup1/pfs/@@-1:00001 on /Backup1/Data (null, local)

dfly-bkpsrv# ls -l /Backup2/Data
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  17 Jul  7 13:18 /Backup2/Data -> /Backup2/pfs/Data

Now I ssh into the system through an xterm (xterm1) and move to the master.

# pwd

Now I ssh into the system through another xterm (xterm2) and move to slave

# pwd
# cd /Backup2/Data
# pwd

Now in xterm1 I create a test file in the master pfs

# touch test
# ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  0 Jul  7 13:44 test

Then I do a hammer mirror copy ( in xterm1 ) to slave

# hammer mirror-copy /Backup1/Data /Backup2/Data
Mirror-read: Mirror from 00000001000204b1 to 00000001000204f0
Mirror-read /Backup1/Data succeeded

Now I check the slave in xterm2

# pwd
# ls
it shows nothing.
but if I check it with the full path ( in xterm2 ) it shows the file
is mirrored.
# ls -l /Backup2/Data/
total 0
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  0 Jul  7 13:44 test

Why is this so?

now I delete the "test" file and mirror-copy again.

# rm test
# hammer mirror-copy /Backup1/Data /Backup2/Data
Mirror-read: Mirror from 0000000100020371 to 0000000100020370
Mirror-read: No work to do
Mirror-read /Backup1/Data succeeded

It says no work to do!
and the file is left in the slave.

Unfortunately the "no work to do" part could not be reproduced by me.
But the first part is reproducible.



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