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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2006-06
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Re: Replacing Sendmail with Postfix in the base system

From: Emiel Kollof <coolvibe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:20:19 +0200

Op woensdag 14 juni 2006 12:43, schreef elekktretterr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> So can anyone summerize the pros and cons of sendmail/postfix?

The pro's and cons don't matter. Sendmail is there, it's maintained, and you 
can turn it off if you don't want/need it. 

> I personally don't see any advantage in using sendmail instead of postfix
> other than "its been in BSD for years". However, I do see advantage in
> Postfix. In my opinion main.cf/master.cf is much easier and easy to read
> by anyone.

Usability isn't an issue. If you don't want sendmail, then disable it and 
don't use it. I'm a postfix user as well, and the version in pkgsrc runs just 

Removing the MTA and replacing it with something local-only sounds like a 
better idea than just flat out replacing sendmail.


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