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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2005-01
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Bridging two laptops

From: Michael Neumann <mneumann@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 00:16:55 +0100


Maybe you can help me, as I've little experience with "advanced" networking.

My configuration:

* A wireless router (acts as DHCP):

* Laptop A, which is connected wireless: ipw0,

* Laptop B, which does not have wireless access, but is connected
  via a cross-link cable to Laptop A's rl0 network interface.
  It's network device is xi0 (DHCP). It's running NetBSD, but that
  should not matter.

On Laptop A (DragonFly), I did:

  kldload bridge
  sysctl net.link.ether.bridge=1
  sysctl net.link.ether.bridge_ctl=rl0,ipw0

I also put both rl0 and ipw0 into promisc mode. rl0 does not have an IP assigned.

Laptop B gets IP assigned via DHCP. But I can't ping laptop A from B and vice versa.

Maybe someone can enlighten me? Thanks.



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