DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2009-09
DragonFly BSD
DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2009-09
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Re: Re: make nrelease: get rid of cvsup; we no longer depend on it

From: YONETANI Tomokazu <qhwt+dfly@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 02:41:59 +0900

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 09:50:10AM +0200, Sascha Wildner wrote:
> YONETANI Tomokazu schrieb:
> >make nrelease: get rid of cvsup; we no longer depend on it
> So far cvsup hasn't been removed since we supply supfiles for other
> BSD's and (IMO) it's still the easiest and fastest solution to
> obtain all other BSD's repositories without having to install svn or
> use rather slow anoncvs. Just works and doesn't harm anyone.
> My personal opinion is that we should continue supporting this and
> continue supplying the cvsup binary on the LiveCD since it can't be
> compiled from source afaik (due to Modula-3 issues). Matt agreed to
> this last time I spoke to him about it in IRC. I know others are not
> of this opinion, though (although without providing any good reasons
> except "cvsup sucks!" or similar :).

Even if we rip the cvsup package from our LiveCD, it doesn't mean
users are no longer able to download cvsup-bootstrap-YYYYMMDD.tgz from
DragonFly website, right?  I can't think of a situation where you can
checkout the source trees or retrieve the CVS repositories BUT not
the cvsup binary.

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