DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2009-05
DragonFly BSD

DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2009-05

All Lists - Date Index
Subject Author Date
A cloned tap device patch (for a person to test KQEMU 1.4.0pre1 for QEMU 0.10.1) Naoya Sugioka 06/05/2009 00:35
Re: A cloned tap device patch (for a person to test KQEMU 1.4.0pre1 for QEMU 0.10.1) Sepherosa Ziehau 06/05/2009 13:50
Re: A cloned tap device patch (for a person to test KQEMU 1.4.0pre1 for QEMU 0.10.1) Sepherosa Ziehau 18/05/2009 14:29
[issue1311] Assertion on spin_unlock_wr_quick Alex Hornung \(via DragonFly issue tracker\) 06/05/2009 10:09
Re: [issue1311] Assertion on spin_unlock_wr_quick Matthew Dillon 07/05/2009 20:47
[issue1311] Assertion on spin_unlock_wr_quick Aggelos Economopoulos \(via DragonFly issue tracker\) 07/05/2009 20:56
[issue1333] pkgsrc/lang/squeak fixes Hasso Tepper \(via DragonFly issue tracker\) 06/05/2009 11:15
Fwd: Random number generator Robin Carey 08/05/2009 06:50
Re: Random number generator Sepherosa Ziehau 08/05/2009 07:51
Re: Fwd: Random number generator Joerg Sonnenberger 08/05/2009 13:22
Re: Fwd: Random number generator Matthew Dillon 08/05/2009 17:14
Meds for less Myrtle Battle 21/05/2009 17:13
Save 40% on Meds Shannon cindy 21/05/2009 18:13
Ran out of your meds and can't get more? Get them cheap now. gladys 21/05/2009 18:27
[issue1377] Ran out of your meds and can't get more? Get them cheap now. Daniel Bond \(via DragonFly issue tracker\) 21/05/2009 18:54
We Ship To You Pharmacy leah 21/05/2009 19:03
�O�s���-����v���g�z 8(NewSoft Presto! PageMaker Professional v8.20 Multilingual)-Lz whhoward 21/05/2009 19:26
Online Meds Shipped to You NOW kathleen 21/05/2009 19:41
lockless acpi-safe/acpi-safe24 Sepherosa Ziehau 25/05/2009 11:39
Re: lockless acpi-safe/acpi-safe24 Matthew Dillon 26/05/2009 19:50

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