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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2006-08
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Re: Various updates to the handbook

From: Erik Wikström <erik-wikstrom@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 19:45:45 +0200

On 2006-08-15 17:49, Erik Wikström wrote:
On 2006-08-15 15:17, Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
Hmm. This leads me to think of something else. Looking at the legal notice:


"Redistributions of source code (SGML DocBook) must retain the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as
the first lines of this file unmodified."

The original copyright mentioned FreeBSD, not DragonFly.  From what I'm
reading, it looks like what we need to to reproduce the FreeBSD license
verbatim, as it's required, and _also_ have a new version to cover our

The biggest problem with that page is that there is no copyright notice above that statement.

Following the practice found in the code what should be done is to retain the FreeBSD copyright notice and add a DragonFly notice above or below (can't find any consistent behavior on which one). Look at src/sys/i386/i386/identcpu.c and src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c.

Just realized that there's a problem with this. According to Swedish copyright law (don't know about US but I think this is compatible with international copyright law) the copyright belongs to the person who did the last modification. i.e. the copyright of the original belongs to the FreeBSD documentation project, but when you modify a page the copyright of the modified page belongs to DragonFly (or whomever).

The problem comes when trying to discern the owner of the copyright of the whole handbook since (again, Swedish law) the book as a whole can be considered to be protected. So, the way I see things the copyright of the whole book belongs to DragonFly, all modified pages belongs to DragonFly and all unmodified paged still belongs to FreeBSD.

Anyone with a greater understanding of copyright law than me is free to correct any mistakes I've made.

However this brings the question about whether the FreeBSD copyright notice from the license text should be included or not. I still don't believe that it's meant to be copied verbatim but rather updated whenever changes are made.

Erik Wikström

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