DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2007-05
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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2007-05
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Re: Getting wpi to work

From: "km b" <kmb810@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 23:06:42 +1000

On 5/9/07, Sepherosa Ziehau <sepherosa@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to see ppl with the hardware and time to work on a new
driver for 3945 instead of struggling with the any porting of wpi
(including netbsd's and freebsd's).  It does not work very well ever
since it borned in OpenBSD, you can read various complains about it on
their mail list yourself.

I've got both. I'd like to work on the new driver rather than the port.

Intel's new 3945 project should have provided a good reference driver:
But you still need to read the reference driver, which mainly depends
on how much time you can spend on it and will not be difficult.

I'd rather refrain myself from refering any gpl'd driver. I searched for the specs for 3945 on intel site but in vain. could you provide me with specs.

If you want to start the new driver, please feel free to contact me if you need help (except for testing the driver, I don't have the hardware)

any help will be appreciated.


Something is wrong up on cloud # 9!

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