I think I see the problem. When you export from NFS it exports
actual filesystem, not any overlays on that filesystem. When you
boot a live CD there are memory filesystem overlays that allow you
to modify files and generally get a working environment, but
the NFS
export is going to be the unmodified CD itself.
Ah... that would be the reason then. :)
In order to give /etc/ttys the entry it needs to have you
either need
to export from a copy on a hard drive that you can modify, or
you need
to burn a new Live CD with the modified /etc/ttys.
When the install is finished would the export of the root fs be
enough, or does it need a copy actual CD?
What script is started when you setup the NetBoot from the Live CD,
would be useful to (ab)use that. :)
Considering the setup you want to use, I first suggest getting
working using a hard disk based file system as your export instead
of the CD, then once you get things working play around with the
nrelease build and build a custom CD image that you can burn
that has
the modifications you want.
Fair enough... are there any developments that make it possible to do
a headless install with an out-of-the box ISO?