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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2005-09
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Re: PKGSRC will be officially supported as of the next release

From: Jonathan Buschmann <jonthn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 13:31:08 +0200


So pkgsrc is the way to go now, but it's as the package management system or only as package build system ?

And if it's as the package management system will the pkgview enabled by default ?

	Jonathan Buschmann

Matthew Dillon a écrit :
[cutted part]

note 1: I truely believe that the PKGSRC project developers are far
more open and dedicated to making PKGSRC truely multi-platform and multi-architecture then the FreeBSD developers are in making ports that.
We need that kind of dedication to help us maintain our own contributions,
because we simply cannot go it alone.

    In anycase, that's my position on the matter.  With this under our belt
    we can move on without further uncertainty in the packaging department.


The only argument left is where to install the packages, but if people
think a moment it should be clear that we want to put them somewhere
other then /usr/local. /usr/pkg is not a bad choice. But the MAIN
reason I don't want to use /usr/local is because I want /usr/local
available to us for some sort of system-supported symbolic link / VARSYM
scheme in addition to the desire to separate automated and manaual
installation sets. We have the ability to create a clearly delineated
layering here. I would far prefer that sysop hacks and related manipulation occur in /usr/local and that /usr/pkg only ever be touched
by the packaging system itself. I think when one views the issue in those terms that it is clear we want the packaging system to install
into something like /usr/pkg.

Matthew Dillon <dillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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