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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-08
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Re: Booting problem

From: Justin Sherrill <justin.sherrill@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:33:32 -0400

On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:35:48 +0400, Rakhesh Sasidharan
<rakhesh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Offtopic to this discussion, but would it make any performance
> improvements if I were to have the third disk a secondary master instead
> of a secondary slave? Or to rephrase my question, am I "losing" any
> performace by making a hard-disk a slave instead of a master? Just
> curious ... that's all.

I don't think it makes a difference to performance.  Some motherboards
(one of mine included) may not see the last disk if it's the secondary
slave and there's an empty CDROM sitting as secondary master.  I
encountered this when adding a third drive, and the disk manual noted
the different order.

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