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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-08
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Xaros (cross-posting from aros-dev mailing list)

From: fasten <bfastenrath@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 01:22:59 +0200


Just a project idea, I might start it later myself.
I'm not sure yet.

I would like to merge Aros with the X server into a
single binary and let Intuition take the role of a
window manger for all applications connecting from

This would not be an attempt to fork Aros, just a
different flavour of Aros.

A followup to this would be to add code from the
BB4Win (http://www.bb4win.org/) shell replacment
to make the whole think runnable as a windows
shell replacment (in addition to Linux and DragonFly).

To round this all off it would need support for
Sun's Java Desktop Integration: http://jdic.dev.java.net/.


Was du selbst nicht wuenschst, das tue auch anderen nicht an. (Konfuzius, Gespraeche, XII, 2) 551-479 BC

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