DragonFly BSD
DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-05
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Re: Going from FreeBSD 5.x to DragonFly

From: Matthew Dillon <dillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 13:53:44 -0700 (PDT)

:I hope this is the right place to ask these questions, if not, direct me 
:Am I correct that it is now possible to go from Freebsd 5.x to DragonFly 
:and not need to install 4.x by follow the steps in /src/UPDATING version 
:1.7?  My dialup connection makes moving to  DragonFly impossible otherwise.
:Also I see talk about Athlon64.  Is there a problem with installing on 
:one and staying up to date?

    I've only tested going from FreeBSD-4.x to DragonFly.  You would likely
    have problems going from FreeBSD-5 to DragonFly because DragonFly cannot
    run FreeBSD-5 binaries (for the same reason that FreeBSD-4 cannot run
    FreeBSD-5 binaries).

    It should be possible to build the DragonFly tree and ISO images on a
    FreeBSD-5 system, or do an overnight download of one of the DFly ISO
    images (~75MB) and burn a CD.  That's what I recommend, because then
    you can boot the CD and play around with it to make sure that DFly
    works on your hardware before you blow away your FreeBSD-5 installation.

    DFly runs just fine on an Athlon64, in IA32 mode.  We do not have a 
    native 64 bit kernel for the Athlon64 yet (and won't until later this

					Matthew Dillon 

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