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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-01
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Re: Committing question

From: Jon Parise <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 00:43:27 -0800

On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 06:51:45AM +0100, Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:

> >Out of curiosity, why this and not the add -kb option?
> Because now we've made it the default for the entire repository that
> PNGs should never be checked against an identifier.  With -kb you tag
> each file with a notion that it is binary.  And thus you need to do that
> on each and every file.  Kind of cumbersome.
> But yeah, -kb could've worked as well.
It might make sense to add entries to CVSROOT/cvswrappers for all of
the anticipated binary files, though.  That will hint cvs(1) to mark
them as -kb automagically.

Here's the list that I use on most of my CVS repositories:

    *.dia -k 'b'
    *.gif -k 'b'
    *.ico -k 'b'
    *.jpg -k 'b'
    *.mo -k 'b'
    *.png -k 'b'
    *.tar -k 'b'
    *.zip -k 'b'
    *.tgz -k 'b'

Jon Parise (jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)  ::  "Scientia est Potentia"

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