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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-01
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Re: HEADS UP: CVS import

From: Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai <asmodai@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 13:48:15 +0100

-On [20040119 13:32], YONETANI Tomokazu (qhwt+dragonfly-kernel@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>Do you think this has something to do with the problem?

It has.

>If so, setting CVS_RSH=ssh would work around the problem.

That's the weird part, it didn't work.  I already tried it.

>@@ -4828,7 +4666,7 @@
>           example in CVS_RSH or other such mechanisms to be devised,
>           if that is what they want (the manual already tells them
>           that).  */
>-       cvs_rsh = "ssh";
>+       cvs_rsh = "rsh";
>     if (!cvs_server)
>        cvs_server = "cvs";
>@@ -4889,7 +4727,7 @@
>     int child_pid;
>     if (!cvs_rsh)
>-       cvs_rsh = "ssh";
>+       cvs_rsh = "rsh";
>     if (!cvs_server)
>        cvs_server = "cvs";

Putting this back in the client.c solves the issue.  I'll restore that
for now.
Still wondering why CVS_RSH=ssh doesn't fix that.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / kita no mono
PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7  9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B
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