DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-04
DragonFly BSD
DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-04
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cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/man/manpath manpath.c

From: Sascha Wildner <swildner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:17:54 -0700 (PDT)

swildner    2007/04/26 01:17:54 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    gnu/usr.bin/man/manpath manpath.c 
  Enable manpath(1) to map more than one man dir to a bin dir.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +8 -3      src/gnu/usr.bin/man/manpath/manpath.c


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