DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-01
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DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-01
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cvs commit: src/sys/platform/pc32/i386 est.c

From: YONETANI Tomokazu <y0netan1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:32:35 -0800 (PST)

y0netan1    2007/01/28 09:32:35 PST

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/platform/pc32/i386 est.c 
  o Add modified tables based on the reports/patches from the following people:
    Pentium M 750 1.86GHz		(Vlad Galu)
    Pentium M 760 2.00GHz		(Victor Balada Diaz)
    Pentium M 715 1.50GHz		(Ryan O'Connor)
  o Bring in some fixes from NetBSD
    rev 1.27: Fix Pentium M 770 table.
    rev 1.25: Added 'Low Voltage Intel Pentium M processor 1.30 GHz' entry.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +45 -2     src/sys/platform/pc32/i386/est.c


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