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DragonFly bugs List (threaded) for 2005-06
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Re: gcc40 versus buildworld

From: "Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <corecode@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 03:26:39 +0200

On 11.06.2005, at 18:22, walt wrote:
While building world with gcc40 I get this error:
cpp: in path [/usr/obj/usr/src/ctools_i386_i386]/usr/libexec/gcc40/cpp:
No such file or directory

Yep, it's true enough.  This is because the buildworld target does
not yet build gcc40, I assume?

exactly. get the hooks to build gcc40 with world at <http://chlamydia.fs.ei.tum.de/~corecode/gcc40-buildworld.diff>. the patch also includes my fixes to compile the kernel with gcc40

thanks for trying out gcc40!


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