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DragonFly bugs List (threaded) for 2005-02
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Re: sockstat not working

From: "Erik P. Skaalerud" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 20:22:24 +0100

Matthew Dillon wrote:

I've completely rebuilt and installed the stable world and kernel and it works for me.

   I am at a loss as to why it is not working for you.  Try completely
   wiping your /usr/obj and /usr/src and re-cvsup'ing /usr/src
   from the master site, then rebuilding the kernel and world.

   If that doesn't work then ktrace -i sockstat and put the ktrace
   file somewhere where I can fetch it or email it to me via private email.


OK - I rm -rf'ed /usr/src/*,/usr/obj/*, re-cvsup'ed from dragonflybsd.org and built new world and kernel plus a reboot.
Still the same sockstat error :-(

Here is the url to the ktrace output: http://bsdtech.com/~erik/ktrace.out


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