Shell(3) LessTif Manuals Shell(3)NAME
Shell - Shell widget from X ToolkitSYNOPSIS
#include <X11/Shell.h>DESCRIPTION
Shell is a widget which is defined in the X Toolkit. We document its existence here for completeness. Please refer to the X Window System documentation for the real information regarding this widget.X RESOURCES
Name Class Type Default Access -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XtNx XtCPosition Position NULL CSG XtNy XtCPosition Position NULL CSG XtNdepth XtCDepth Int NULL CSG XtNcolormap XtCColormap Colormap NULL CSG XtNancestorSensitive XtCSensitive Boolean NULL CSG XtNallowShellResize XtCAllowShellResize Boolean NULL CSG XtNgeometry XtCGeometry String (null) CSG XtNcreatePopupChildProc XtCCreatePopupChildProc Function NULL CSG XtNsaveUnder XtCSaveUnder Boolean NULL CSG XtNpopupCallback XtCCallback Callback NULL CSG XtNpopdownCallback XtCCallback Callback NULL CSG XtNoverrideRedirect XtCOverrideRedirect Boolean NULL CSG XtNvisual XtCVisual Visual NULL CSG XtNx XtNy XtNdepth XtNcolormap XtNancestorSensitive XtNallowShellResize XtNgeometry XtNcreatePopupChildProc XtNsaveUnder XtNpopupCallback XtNpopdownCallback XtNoverrideRedirect XtNvisualCLASS HIERARCHY
Object(3) Rect(3) UnNamedObj(3) Core(3) Composite(3) Shell(3)CALLBACKS
LessTif Project October 1998 Shell(3)