DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
DICLIBINTRO(3) DragonFly Library Functions Manual DICLIBINTRO(3)
DDIICCLLiibb iinnttrroo - dictionary access library introduction
The dictionary access library provides basic functions for kana-kanji
conversion. The following files are prerequisite to using the
dictionary access library:
Header file
An include file that contains data and function declarations for
use by the kana-kanji conversion library. Include this file at
compile time.
lliibbccaannnnaa..aa,, lliibbccaannnnaa..ssoo
Kana-kanji conversion libraries. Specify "--llccaannnnaa" at link
The dictionary access library provides three major categories of
!| Code conversion functions
Convert character string codes between double-width and single-width
characters and between hiragana and katakana. External data and
initialization procedures are not required.
!| Romaji-kana conversion functions
Convert Romaji to kana by using a Romaji-kana conversion table that
defines the correspondence between Romaji and kana. The rules of
Romaji-kana conversion can be altered by making modifications to
this table.
!| Kana-kanji conversion functions
Convert kana to kanji through continuous clause conversion by using
a kana-kanji conversion dictionary that defines the correspondence
between readings and words. Kana-kanji conversion can be performed
to meet specific applications by making modifications to this
Among all the functions of Japanese input processing, this library
performs only data conversion. To be able to enter Japanese text from
a keyboard, therefore, it is necessary for users to write a keyboard
handling routine within the application program.
!| Code conversion functions
RRkk((ww))CCvvttZZeenn Convert ASCII characters and single-width
katakana to double-width characters.
RRkkCCvvttHHaann Convert double-width symbols, alphanumeric
characters, hiragana, and katakana to single-
width characters.
RRkkCCvvttKKaannaa Convert double-width hiragana to double-width
RRkkCCvvttHHiirraa Convert double-width katakana to double-width
RRkkCCvvttEEuucc Convert shift JIS code to EUC code.
!| Romaji-kana conversion functions
RRkkOOppeennRRoommaa Open the dictionary to use for Romaji-kana
RRkkCClloosseeRRoommaa Close the dictionary used for Romaji-kana
RRkkMMaappRRoommaa Perform Romaji-kana conversion by using a
specified Romaji-kana conversion dictionary.
RRkkCCvvttRRoommaa Convert an entire character string from Romaji
to kana by iteratively using RRkkMMaappRRoommaa.
!| Kana-kanji conversion functions
RRkkIInniittiiaalliizzee Initialize the kana-kanji conversion
RRkkFFiinnaalliizzee Terminate the kana-kanji conversion functions.
RRkkCCrreeaatteeCCoonntteexxtt Create a new conversion context.
RRkkDDuupplliiccaatteeCCoonntteexxtt Create a context having the same conversion
environment as a specified context.
RRkkCClloosseeCCoonntteexxtt Close a specified conversion context.
RRkkGGeettDDiiccLLiisstt Get the names of dictionaries that can be
added to the dictionary list.
RRkkMMoouunnttDDiicc Mount a dictionary in the dictionary list.
RRkkGGeettMMoouunnttLLiisstt Get the names of the currently mounted
dictionaries. (or characters for RkwResize)
RRkkUUnnmmoouunnttDDiicc Unmount a specified dictionary from the
dictionary list.
RRkkRReemmoouunnttDDiicc Alter the priority order of a dictionary
already in the dictionary list.
RRkkBBggnnBBuunn Convert the reading of a specified length to
RRkkEEnnddBBuunn Terminate kana-kanji conversion.
RRkkGGooTToo Set the clause with a specified clause number
as the current clause.
RRkkLLeefftt Move the current clause to the clause to its
RRkkRRiigghhtt Move the current clause to its right.
RRkkXXffeerr Set the candidate with a specified candidate
number as the current candidate.
RRkkNNeexxtt Set the next candidate as the current
RRkkPPrreevv Set the previous candidate as the current
RRkkNNffeerr Set a reading itself as the current candidate.
RRkkRReessiizzee Change the reading length of the current
clause to lleenn bytes.
RRkkEEnnllaarrggee Enlarge the reading of the current clause.
RRkkSShhoorrtteenn Shorten the reading of the current clause.
RRkkSSttoorreeYYoommii Change the reading of the current clause to a
specified reading, reconverting the subsequent
RRkkGGeettYYoommii Get the reading of the current clause.
RRkkGGeettKKaannjjii Get the current candidate for the current
RRkkGGeettKKaannjjiiLLiisstt Get all kanji candidates for the current
RRkkGGeettSSttaatt Get analysis information about the current
RRkkGGeettLLeexx Get morphemic information on each word that
makes up the current candidate.
RRkkDDeeffiinneeDDiicc Define a specified candidate in a dictionary.
RRkkDDeelleetteeDDiicc Delete a specified candidate from a