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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2012-11
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Re: adding a packages to pkgsrc for DragonflyBSD only?

From: "B. Estrade" <estrabd@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 11:35:45 -0500

On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 10:00:02PM +0100, John Marino wrote:
> On 11/2/2012 21:23, B. Estrade wrote:
> >I would like to add a package to pkgsrc, but the immediate purpose is
> >specifically to make it available for DragonflyBSD.
> >
> >Can I add something to DragonflyBSD's pkgsrc without having to worry
> >about the upstream, or would I have to get it added up stream first?
> >
> >I maintain lang/qore on FreeBSD's Ports, and I would like to bring it
> >to DragonflyBSD.
> pkgsrc policy is that all packages have to build on NetBSD.  There are 
> exceptions to the policy, mainly for those packages that are so platform 
> specific it's just not feasible (or takes a great amount of work) to 
> support multiple platforms.
> The good news is that pkgsrc is design such that if a package builds for 
> one platform, it's generally not a lot of work to do another.
> The band news is that packages in the "lang" category are often 
> exceptions to this rule.  I know; I brought in lang/gnat-aux and 
> lang/gcc-aux originally only caring about DragonFly.  Langs often need 
> bootstraps so supporting multiple platforms is not trivial.
> But there is no overlay for pkgsrc.  Changes for DragonFly in pkgsrc are 
> committed directly in pkgsrc.
> There is "wip" area that you may have seen and ftigeot uses a lot.  I 
> don't bother but it is a playground that is easy to get commit access 
> to.  If the wip package works, it can get promoted quickly.

Thanks to both replies, I've got some options to consider now.


> John


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