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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2012-06
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computer hung for no obvious reason

From: Pierre Abbat <phma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 09:38:23 -0400

[2485/12503] Successfully built SDL_gfx-2.0.23
[2486/12503] Starting build of  qt4-sqlite3-4.8.0nb2
Read from remote host darner: Connection reset by peer
Connection to darner closed.

I was browsing a website and I clicked on a link and the computer froze and 
wouldn't even respond to hitting the power button (which normally starts a 
shutdown). I'm reblocking before restarting the build, as hammer has been 
running over a day on that filesystem and it got up to 29% full.

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.

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