DragonFly BSD
DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2011-04
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Re: virtualbox & "greetings"

From: "* William" <william.full.moon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 14:51:54 +1000

Hello again ...
I thought I'd found a solution on this: "Dragonfly virtulisation" link.
Alas, the download buttons appear to point to a non-existant site.  Is there a mirror or other repository that is active?
Best wishes,
On 4 April 2011 14:18, * William <william.full.moon@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/4/4 Stéphanie Ouillon <stephanie@minet.net>
if you need, it works with the last release of Virtualbox 4.0.4.
I have just installed the v4 virtualbox, I hope I will get time to look at that before friday. 
For those who are really keen though.  It might be a very good idea to create a DragonflyBSD appliance (core) following the Turnkey linux model ==
I saw on that site that the OVF format can be loaded by virtual box. 
Back to my objective.  I think what i need to do is 'boot' a liveCD so I can actually install on the virtual box virtual disk. 
Has anyone done that?

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 10:52 AM, * William<william.full.moon@gmail.com>  wrote:
G'day dragonfly folk.

I found getting any access to Dragonfly 'conversations' difficult.  So my
second question, is do you have a google or yahoo group for general
conversation?  If you want adopters -- May be you should do that?  I looked
at the website post: 'How to Move vmware Disk' and couldn't use the
2011/4/4 Stéphanie Ouillon <stephanie@minet.net>
if you need, it works with the last release of Virtualbox 4.0.4.

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