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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2010-07
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Re: Networking problem - Just how to do this?

From: elekktretterr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 08:11:54 +1000 (EST)

> Do you have a second NIC in the DF box? The ASA5505 is a firewall
> security device and not a router therefore do not make the mistake in
> believing it will behave like a router. Cisco ASA's are persnickety
> devices and will only VPN from an insecure to a secure  interface. If
> your DF box had a second NIC that you could put on the ASA's secure
> interface (LAN) then you could VPN via the ASA. This is not optimal
> and only based on the assumption that you do not want to relocate the
> DF box completely behind the ASA which is the other option.
> I hope that helps.

Yes thats what I thought pretty much. The box has a second NIC so I just
used that.


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