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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2005-01
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Re: dfports/x11/xorg-documents 6.7.0 -> 6.8.1

From: "Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <corecode@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 15:58:51 +0100

On 01.01.2005, at 04:51, Glenn Johnson wrote:
However, there is a big showstopper. I tried running KDE and GNOME and both crashed after the update. Please read the following messages to find out what happened...
http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=136823+0+current/ freebsd-ports
http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-x11/2004-December/ 001360.html
What is FreeBSD doing to get xorg-6.8.1 to work?
Thanks. I incorporated those patches with Hiroki Sato's xorg-6.8.1 patches and everything is working fine so far.

just as a note: dragonfly doesn't need this, at least -current. joerg finally committed my uthread fake lazy binding libc patches and stuff should do its job without libxthrstub needed.


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