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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2004-01
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Re: New Firewall (hpf) for DragonFlyBSD

From: "Simon 'corecode' Schubert" <corecode@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 14:50:42 +0100

On 11.01.2004, at 14:21, Sebastien Petit wrote:
I thought 256 would be enough as the firewall has a binary tree with
256 nodes each level.
We can do a base adresse + unsigned int for an index in each node. But
unsigned char and unsigned short is not enough. Eg: in the worse case (no
optimization in the tree), you can have 14 nodes per rule (one per level).
So you can adress nodes for about 20 rules max in the hpf engine that is not

Maybe I'm completely misunderstanding the principle behind, but won't every Node[n] contain a pointer to some element in Node[n+1]? Oh well, if it's possible to point to an arbitrary Node[n+1], it won't work this way :)

I must add architecture information (IA32, IA64, sparc etc...) on compiled
rule file header. Then, we avoid the case where someone compile rule file on
IA64 and push it on IA32 architecture (and avoid the reversed byte order
Can you tell me Simon if there is some defines on dragonfly kernel for
letting know the architecture (like __IA32__, __IA64__ , __SPARC__,
__SPARC64__ etc...) ?

I'm sure there is, but I don't know where at the moment.
You could design the rule file format to be universal (like per default storing offsets and resolving them in the ia32 case) and endian independent (ntohl?) or at least endian aware (long int magic = 0xf00a1122)


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