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DragonFly docs List (threaded) for 2004-09
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Re: Small patches for www and some question about www's words

To: "H.Miyamoto" <Ys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: David Cuthbert <dacut@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 15:15:04 -0400

H.Miyamoto wrote:
$ grep -n atomicy *
caching.cgi:20:conflicting ftruncate(), and would preserve atomicy between read() and
threads.cgi:139:important to note that token atomicy is maintained through preemptive
threads.cgi:142:to preserve token atomicy</i>.

These should all be "atomicity" (noun). "atomically" is an adverb. Examples in the difference in usage are:

"This code locks the file atomically." (atomically describes how the lock occurs)

"Failing to call lock_mutex() will break atomicity." (atomicity is a quality which is violated)


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