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DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2010-09
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Re: git: arcmsr.4: Add some more cards which are supported by this driver.

From: Sascha Wildner <saw@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 22:48:10 +0200

On 9/6/2010 17:28, Sascha Wildner wrote:
On 9/6/2010 16:31, Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
On Mon, September 6, 2010 8:39 am, Sascha Wildner wrote:

Is this person from Areca? In which case: "thanks!" It's nice to have a
vendor indirectly supporting their hardware.

Yeah, they were so friendly to even test the driver with DragonFly and their hardware.

And yes, we gave them a big thanks for their efforts. :-)

Oh and by the way, the sole credit for starting and maintaining the contact with Areca belongs to Venkatesh Srinivas, not me. I forgot to mention it.


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