DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-04
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DragonFly commits List (threaded) for 2007-04
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cvs commit: src/share/zoneinfo asia northamerica

From: Sascha Wildner <swildner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 00:24:51 -0700 (PDT)

swildner    2007/04/03 00:24:51 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    share/zoneinfo       asia northamerica 
  Sync zoneinfo database with tzdata2007e from elsie.
  asia:           8.10 -> 8.11
  northamerica:   8.15 -> 8.16
  * Syria switched to summertime last Friday.
  * Honduras doesn't enter DST this year.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.12      +16 -2     src/share/zoneinfo/asia
  1.14      +7 -3      src/share/zoneinfo/northamerica


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