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YPOSTRC(5)                       File Formats                       YPOSTRC(5)


~/.ypostrc - ypost configuration file


This file, located in the user's home directory and called .ypostrc, is read by the ypost(1) program at startup. The options in this file may be overwritten by command line options. It might look like this: ## ~/.ypostrc ## ypost configuration file ## My login information user = user1234 pass = IloveUnix server = news.example.com Each line in the file may contain a configuration option (described in the OPTIONS section of this man page) in the form of an option name, follwed by an equal sign (`=') followed by the value for that option. Option lines with blank values are ignored, as well as all text following a hash mark (`#'), and empty lines.


The following options are available to control the behavior of ypost at run-time. Options that take a BOOL value are enabled with any of `y', `yes', `on', or `1' and disabled with any other value. author=author When posting messages, use author in the Usenet From: header. See ypost(1) for permissible syntax. debug=BOOL Enable debug output? comment=comment When posting messages, suffix subject lines with comment, enclosed in square brackets. force=BOOL When posting messages, skip confirmation of posting summary? group=newsgroup Post messages to the specified newsgroup. line=length Use length as the line length for encoded data. messageid=BOOL Include the Message-ID: header line when posting? multipart=lines Split large files after the number of lines specified by lines instead of 5000, which is the default. nosort=BOOL Inhibit sorting of input files before posting messages? paths=BOOL Store paths in archives as they were specified on the command line? If on, do not strip paths. pass=password Provide password for authentication to the news server when connecting. quiet=BOOL Operate as quietly as possible? retry=retries Specify the number of retries that should be attempted if a post fails. subject=subject When posting messages, prefix subject lines with subject, enclosed in square brackets. server=address Post all messages through the news server specified by address. stdout=BOOL Output to the standard output, instead of posting messages through a server? timeout=seconds Socket operations should time out after this many seconds. A value of `0' will disable the timeout. sortfirst=extensions extensions should be a comma-separated list of extensions that will come first when sorting. The built-in default value for this field is `nfo,crc,sfv,par,rar,zip,arj,ace'. This causes files like .nfo and .sfv files to be posted first, as well as causing .rar files to be posted before .r00 files, instead of at the end, which is annoying. The extensions listed are not case sensitive. user=username Provide username for authentication to the news server when connecting. sfv=BOOL Post an .sfv file for the input files? crc=BOOL Post a .crc file for the input files?


Don Moore <bboy@bboy.net>


ypost(1), yencode(1), ydecode(1) yencode March 2002 YPOSTRC(5)

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