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WNGROUPS(7WN)                      WordNettm                     WNGROUPS(7WN)


wngroups - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar verb senses


Some similar senses of verbs have been grouped by the lexicographers. This grouping is done statically in the lexicographer source files using the semantic pointer_symbol $. Transitivity is used to combine groups of overlapping senses into the largest sense groups possible.


Coverage of verb groups is incomplete. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (UNIX) WNHOME Base directory for WordNet. Default is /usr/local/WordNet-3.0. WNSEARCHDIR Directory in which the WordNet database has been installed. Default is WNHOME/dict. REGISTRY (WINDOWS) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WordNet\3.0\WNHome Base directory for WordNet. Default is C:\Program Files\WordNet\3.0.


sentidx.vrb verb sense keys and sentence frame numbers sents.vrb example sentence frames


wn(1WN), wnb(1WN), senseidx(5WN), wnsearch(3WN), wndb(5WN), wnintro(7WN). WordNet 3.0 Dec 2006 WNGROUPS(7WN)

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