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vstr_const(3)                 Vstr String Library                vstr_const(3)




Compile switch constants Constant: VSTR_COMPILE_ATTRIBUTES Explanation: This switch controls whether gcc type __attribute__() statements are used in the public headers headers for the library. If the value is 1 then if they are supported by the compiler that built the library they will be used, if the value is 0 they won't be used at all. Constant: VSTR_COMPILE_INCLUDE Explanation: This switch controls whether including <vstr.h> will include all the system headers needed for the exported interfaces. If the value is 1 then if they are included, if the value is 0 they won't be included. Constant: VSTR_COMPILE_INLINE Explanation: This switch controls whether inline functions will be used in the public headers for the library. If the value is 1 then if they are supported by the compiler that built the library they will be used, if the value is 0 they won't be used. Constant: VSTR_COMPILE_MACRO_FUNCTIONS Explanation: This switch controls whether macro functions will be used in the public headers for the library. If the value is 1 then they will be used, if the value is 0 they won't be used. Note: This only includes the macro functions which also have real function replacements. For example VSTR_ADD_CSTR_BUF() won't be defined because there is a vstr_add_cstr_buf() function, but VSTR_FMT_CB_ARG_PTR() will always be defined. Constant: VSTR_COMPILE_TYPEDEF Explanation: This switch controls whether typedef will be used for the structs in the public headers for the library. If the value is 1 then they will be used, if the value is 0 they won't be used at all (and your code will have to use struct tags instead -- note all libraries using vstr should compile with this option set). Global constants Constant: VSTR_MAX_NODE_ALL Explanation: This is the largest size a node can be, if you pass values greater than this to vstr_add_ptr() etc. then multiple nodes will be allocated. Constant: VSTR_MAX_NODE_BUF Explanation: This is the largest size a node _BUF type can be, if you pass values greater than this to vstr_add_buf() etc. then multiple nodes will be allocated. Constants passed to vstr_make_spare_nodes() and vstr_free_spare_nodes() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_NODE_BUF Explanation: This type when passed to vstr_make_space_nodes() specifies nodes of type _BUF, which are the only nodes that can be "written" to. These nodes are added into a Vstr string by the vstr_add_buf() function and the vstr_add_iovec_buf_*() functions. Note: A call to vstr_sub_buf() with a Vstr string consisting of _BUF nodes means that data will be substituted inplace. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_NODE_NON Explanation: This type when passed to vstr_make_space_nodes() specifies nodes of type _NON, which are nodes that contain "nothing". These nodes can be used as placeholders for data, and are added into a Vstr string by the vstr_add_non() function. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_NODE_PTR Explanation: This type when passed to vstr_make_space_nodes() specifies nodes of type _PTR, which are nodes that contain a memory pointer to an area of memory. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_NODE_REF Explanation: This type when passed to vstr_make_space_nodes() specifies nodes of type _REF, which are nodes that contain a Vstr memory reference. Constants passed to vstr_add_vstr() and vstr_sub_vstr() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ADD_DEF Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SUB_DEF Explanation: This type when passed to either vstr_sub_vstr() or vstr_add_vstr() specifies that all types of nodes are added as their respective type. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ADD_BUF_PTR Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SUB_BUF_PTR Explanation: This type when passed to either vstr_sub_vstr() or vstr_add_vstr() specifies that all nodes of type _BUF are added as type _PTR. Note: If you add/del/sub data in the original Vstr string then because the added data is only pointers to the old data, life may become interesting for you. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ADD_BUF_REF Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SUB_BUF_REF Explanation: This type when passed to either vstr_sub_vstr() or vstr_add_vstr() specifies that all nodes of type _BUF are converted to type _REF before being added. Note: This means that if you do a substitution on the original Vstr string it will now be less efficient, as the _REF nodes cannot have data substituted in place. The _BUF nodes will not go back to the pool in the Vstr configuration as happens if you deleted them. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ADD_ALL_REF Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SUB_ALL_REF Explanation: This type when passed to either vstr_sub_vstr() or vstr_add_vstr() specifies that the data should be taken as though vstr_export_ref() was called on the original Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ADD_ALL_BUF Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SUB_ALL_BUF Explanation: This type when passed to either vstr_sub_vstr() or vstr_add_vstr() specifies that the data should all be added via. vstr_add_buf(). Constants passed to vstr_fmt_add() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_END Explanation: This flag means that there are no more arguments to be expected. Note: Because you can have multiple arguments associated with one custom "fmt" specification this has to be the last argument to every call to vstr_fmt_add(). Just specifying this type means that there are no arguments used, by the custom "fmt" specification. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_INT Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "int" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_UINT Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "unsigned int" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "long" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_ULONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "unsigned long" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_LONG_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "long long" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_ULONG_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "unsigned long long" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_SSIZE_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "ssize_t" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_SIZE_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "size_t" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTRDIFF_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "ptrdiff_t" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_INTMAX_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "intmax_t" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_UINTMAX_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "uintmax_t" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_DOUBLE Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "double" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_DOUBLE_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "long double" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_VOID Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "void *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_CHAR Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "char *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_WCHAR_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect a "wchar_t *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_INT Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "int *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_INTMAX_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "intmax_t *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "long *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_LONG_LONG Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "long long *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_PTRDIFF_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "ptrdiff_t *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_SHORT Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "short *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_SIGNED_CHAR Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "signed char *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_PTR_SSIZE_T Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should expect an "ssize_t *" type from the argument list passed to it Constant: VSTR_TYPE_FMT_ERRNO Explanation: This flag means that vstr_add_vfmt() should not expect any arguments passed, but should set the value of errno, just before calling the user callback, to the value upon entering vstr_add_vfmt(). Constants returned from vstr_iter_fwd_*() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ITER_DEF Explanation: This return flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean nothing special is meant for this data. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ITER_END Explanation: This return flag means that the data is at an end. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_ITER_NON Explanation: This return flag means that the data is actually from within a node of type VSTR_TYPE_NODE_NON. Constants passed to vstr_sc_fmt_cb_beg() Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_DEF Explanation: This flag is the same as just specifying VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_STR. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_STR Explanation: This flag indicates that the object should be treated as a C style string, so it is assumed that number orientated flags should be ignored and that the length of the object can be arbitrarily truncated. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_ATOM Explanation: This flag indicates that the object should be treated as an atomic piece of data, so it is assumed that number orientated flags should be ignored and that the length of the object can't be truncated. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM Explanation: This flag indicates that the object you are printing should be treated as a number. For instance setting a precision will truncate the length of the object, unless it is a number. Also +/-/<space> leaders and zero padding will only be done for numbers. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NEG Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as negative number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_HEXNUM_H Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as an uppercase hexadecimal (base 16) number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_HEXNUM_L Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as a lowercase hexadecimal (base 16) number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_OCTNUM Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as octal (base 8) number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_BINNUM_H Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as an uppercase base 2 number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_BINNUM_L Explanation: This flag indicates that the number object you are printing should be treated as a lowercase base 2 number. This flag has no meaning if VSTR_FLAG_SC_FMT_CB_BEG_OBJ_NUM is not set. Constants passed to vstr_conv_unprintable_del() and vstr_conv_unprintable_chr() Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_NONE Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Note: Because it is sometimes hard are to notice certain characters, they are classified as "unprintable" by default, the value VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_DEF is a default that is what most people would expect to be classified as unprintable. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_NUL Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x00 byte, aka. NULL, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_BEL Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x07 byte, aka. terminal bell, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_BS Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x08 byte, aka. backspace, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_HT Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x09 byte, aka. horizontal tab, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_LF Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x0A byte, aka. line feed, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_VT Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x0B byte, aka. vertical tab, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_FF Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x0C byte, aka. form feed, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_CR Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x0D byte, aka. carriage return, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_SP Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x20 byte, aka. space, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_COMMA Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x2C byte, aka. comma, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_DOT Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x2E byte, aka. dot, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW__ Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x5F byte, aka. underbar, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_ESC Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x1B byte, aka. escape, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_DEL Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0x7F byte, aka. delete, through as a "printable" character. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_HSP Explanation: This flag allows the ASCII 0xA0 byte through as a "printable" character. Note: The value 0xA0 is 0x20 with the high bit set, and this character it often printed as space when in an ASCII like encoding. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_ALLOW_HIGH Explanation: This flag allows the all ASCII bytes greater than or equal to 0xA1 through as "printable" characters. Note: This includes all the extra characters like not, degree, copyright and micro when in an ASCII like encoding. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_CONV_UNPRINTABLE_DEF Explanation: This flag is the same as using the flags for space, comma, dot and underbar. Using just this flag is probably what you'd expect an "unprintable" function to do. Constants passed to vstr_parse_num() etc. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred parsing the number from the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_ONLY_S Explanation: This error code means that the Vstr string consisted only of spaces. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_ONLY_SPM Explanation: This error code means that the Vstr string consisted only spaces, and a plus or minus sign. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_ONLY_SPMX Explanation: This error code means that the Vstr string consisted only spaces, a plus or minus sign and a "0x" base 16 prefix. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the Vstr string had characters in it that where out of bounds from the working set. Note: This out of bounds includes the Vstr string "++" as well as "4A", when parsing in a base less than 11. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_OVERFLOW Explanation: This error code means that the number parsed from the Vstr string would overflow the type it is being parsed into, this is only returned when the VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_OVERFLOW flag was passed to the parse function. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_NEGATIVE Explanation: This error code means that the number parsed from the Vstr string starts with a '-' (Hyphen) character when it is supposed to be an unsigned type. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_BEG_ZERO Explanation: This error code means that the number parsed from the Vstr string starts with a '0' (Digit Zero) character, when the VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_NO_BEG_ZERO flag was passed to the parse function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_DEF Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_LOCAL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing from ASCII numbers into "local" numbers (whatever is generated by '0 .. '9' by the host compiler). This can be ignored by anyone not using an EBCDIC character set, or something equally weird. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_SEP Explanation: This flag allows the parsing of the '_' (Low Line) separator character between the digits of the number, so "1234" and "1_234" would both parse the same. Note: The separator is only allowed within the digits of the number, so " _+_1234" would fail as would "_1234". Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_OVERFLOW Explanation: This flag turns on the overflow checking, in other words without it VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_NUM_ERR_OVERFLOW will never be returned as an error code. Note: The return value with this set is the highest number that can be parsed from the beginning of the Vstr string, while the value without this flag would be the parsed number modulo the highest number of the type. For example given a type that had a maximum of 10, then parsing "64" would give you 6 with the flag, and 4 without. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_SPACE Explanation: This flag allows one or more ' ' (Space) characters before the number or number prefix (Plus Sign, Hyphen). Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_NO_BEG_ZERO Explanation: This flag disallows one or more '0' (Digit Zero) characters before the number. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_NO_BEG_PM Explanation: This flag disallows a plus or a minus character before the number. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_NUM_NO_NEGATIVE Explanation: This flag disallows negative values. Note: While this flag can be passed to vstr_parse_int() etc. it is most useful when passed to the generic function vstr_parse_num(). Constants passed to vstr_parse_ipv4() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred parsing the ipv4 address from the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_IPV4_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the numbers for the ipv4 address in the Vstr string where out of bounds. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_IPV4_FULL Explanation: This error code means that the ipv4 address wasn't full (Ie. 127/8 is a non full ipv4 address with CIDR mask). Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_ONLY Explanation: This error code means that the ipv4 address, and option mask, wasn't the only thing in the Vstr string. Note: When this error code is returned, the ip address is still parsed out and as usable as if no error had occurred. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_CIDR_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the numbers for the ipv4 CIDR mask in the Vstr string where out of bounds. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_CIDR_FULL Explanation: This error code means that the ipv4 CIDR mask wasn't full (Ie. is an ipv4 address with a non full ipv4 CIDR mask). Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_NETMASK_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the numbers for the ipv4 netmask in the Vstr string where out of bounds. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV4_ERR_NETMASK_FULL Explanation: This error code means that the ipv4 NETMASK mask wasn't full (Ie. is an ipv4 address with a non full ipv4 netmask). Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_DEF Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_LOCAL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing from ASCII numbers into "local" numbers (whatever is generated by '0 .. '9' by the host compiler). This can be ignored by anyone not using an EBCDIC character set, or something equally weird. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_ZEROS Explanation: This flag allows the use of leading zeros in the ipv4 address and masks. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_FULL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if a non full ipv4 address is given (Ie. 127/8 is a non full ipv4 with a CIDR mask). If this flag isn't given the missing numbers are assumed to be zero. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_CIDR Explanation: This flag allows the parsing out of a CIDR mask, if one is present. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_CIDR_FULL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if a non full ipv4 CIDR mask is given (Ie. is an ipv4 with a non full ipv4 CIDR mask). If this flag isn't given the missing CIDR mask is assumed to be 32. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_NETMASK Explanation: This flag allows the parsing out of a ipv4 netmask, if one is present. Note: If both this and the VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_CIDR flag is given, then either masking interface will be parsed out (it will try a CIDR mask first and if that filas, fall back to a netmask prefix). Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_NETMASK_FULL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if a non full ipv4 NETMASK mask is given (Ie. is an ipv4 with a non full ipv4 netmask). If this flag isn't given the missing numbers are assumed to be zero. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV4_ONLY Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if the entire string isn't used to contain the ipv4 and option mask. Note: When this error code is returned, the ip address is still parsed out and as usable as if no error had occurred. Constants passed to vstr_parse_ipv6() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred parsing the ipv6 address from the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_IPV6_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the numbers for the ipv6 address in the Vstr string where out of bounds. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_IPV6_FULL Explanation: This error code means that the ipv6 address wasn't full (Ie. FFFF/8 is a non full ipv6 address with CIDR mask). Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_ONLY Explanation: This error code means that the ipv6 address, and option mask, wasn't the only thing in the Vstr string. Note: When this error code is returned, the ip address is still parsed out and as usable as if no error had occurred. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_CIDR_OOB Explanation: This error code means that the numbers for the ipv6 CIDR mask in the Vstr string where out of bounds. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_CIDR_FULL Explanation: This error code means that the ipv6 CIDR mask wasn't full (Ie. F::1/ is an ipv6 address with a non full ipv6 CIDR mask). Constant: VSTR_TYPE_PARSE_IPV6_ERR_IPV6_NULL Explanation: This error code means that there is more than one "NULL" point in the ipv6 address, for example "F::E::1" has two NULL points and is impossible to parse. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV6_DEF Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV6_LOCAL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing from ASCII numbers into "local" numbers (whatever is generated by '0 .. '9' by the host compiler). This can be ignored by anyone not using an EBCDIC character set, or something equally weird. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV6_CIDR Explanation: This flag allows the parsing out of a CIDR mask, if one is present. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV6_CIDR_FULL Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if a non full ipv6 CIDR mask is given (Ie. ::1/ is an ipv6 with a non full ipv6 CIDR mask). If this flag isn't given the missing CIDR mask is assumed to be 32. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_PARSE_IPV6_ONLY Explanation: This flag changes the parsing so that the function will return an error if the entire string isn't used to contain the ipv6 and option mask. Note: When this error code is returned, the ip address is still parsed out and as usable as if no error had occurred. Constants used with the custom output formatter for ipv6 addresses Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_ALIGNED Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address as 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal values. For example "FFFF:0EEE:00DD:000C:0000:0000:0001:0002" would be an ipv6 address output in aligned mode. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_COMPACT Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address in as small a representation as possible, for example "FFFF:EEE:DD:C::1:2" would be an ipv6 address output in compact mode. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_STD Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address as 8 groups of hexadecimal numbers between 0 and FFFF, this is the format mostly used in standards. documents, for example "FFFF:EEE:DD:C:0:0:1:2" would be an ipv6 address output in compact mode. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_IPV4_ALIGNED Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address in the same way as VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_ALIGNED, except that the last 2 groups of hexadecimal values (the last 4 octets) are replaced with an ipv4 address. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_IPV4_COMPACT Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address in the same way as VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_COMPACT, except that the last 2 groups of hexadecimal values (the last 4 octets) are replaced with an ipv4 address. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_IPV4_STD Explanation: This flag outputs the ipv6 address in the same way as VSTR_TYPE_SC_FMT_CB_IPV6_STD, except that the last 2 groups of hexadecimal values (the last 4 octets) are replaced with an ipv4 address. Constants passed to vstr_split_buf(), vstr_split_cstr_buf(), VSTR_SPLIT_CSTR_BUF(), vstr_split_chrs(), vstr_split_cstr_chrs() and VSTR_SPLIT_CSTR_CHRS() Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_DEF Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_BEG_NULL Explanation: This flag allows the split functions to add sections at the beginning of the input that have a null string before the match. For example the input "::abcd:..." split on ":" would have 2 sections at positions 1 and 2 of length 0, without this flag the first section would be at position 3 with length 4. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_MID_NULL Explanation: This flag allows the split functions to add sections in the middle of the input that have a null string between 2 matches. For example the input "a::abcd:..." split on ":" would have the second section at position 3 of length 0, without this flag the second section would be at position 4 of length 4. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_END_NULL Explanation: This flag allows the split functions to add sections at the end of the input that have a null string after a match. For example the input "a::" split on ":" would have the second section at position 3 of length 0, without this flag there would only be one section added. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_POST_NULL Explanation: This flag allows the split functions to add a final post section of the input that ends with a match. For example the input "a:" split on ":" would have the second section at position 3 (outside the range of the input) of length 0, without this flag there would only be one section added. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_NO_RET Explanation: This flag allows the split functions to return 1, when the Vstr sections doesn't have any more room. Without the flag the split functions would calculate the number of splits that would have been added if there was room in the Vstr sections. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SPLIT_REMAIN Explanation: This flag changes the split functions, when used with a limit, so that the last section added is for the remainder of the input. Constants passed to vstr_sects_foreach() Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SECTS_FOREACH_DEF Explanation: This flag is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean no flags are applied to this function. Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SECTS_FOREACH_BACKWARD Explanation: This flag changes the foreach function so that it goes through the sections backward (from the end to the beginning). Constant: VSTR_FLAG_SECTS_FOREACH_ALLOW_NULL Explanation: This flag changes the foreach function so that it calls the foreach callback on sections of null length (a non zero position with a zero length). Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SECTS_FOREACH_DEF Explanation: This return value is 0, and is generally only used as programmer documentation to mean nothing special should happen on return from the callback. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SECTS_FOREACH_DEL Explanation: This return value tells the foreach function to delete the current section before the next callback is called. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SECTS_FOREACH_RET Explanation: This return value tells the foreach function to return immediately (it does the same thing as a break statement in a C for loop. Constants used with the callback from vstr_cache_add_cb() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CACHE_ADD Explanation: This type means that an add operation has just happened on the Vstr string, the position and length arguments are as taken from one of the vstr_add_* functions. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CACHE_DEL Explanation: This type means that a delete operation has just happened on the Vstr string, the position and length arguments are as taken from the vstr_del() function. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CACHE_SUB Explanation: This type means that a substitute operation has just happened on the Vstr string, the position and length arguments are as taken from one of the vstr_sub_* functions. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CACHE_FREE Explanation: This type means that the data in the cache needs to be free()'d, the callback should always return NULL when this type is passed in. The position and length arguments are undefined. Constants passed to vstr_sc_mmap_fd() and vstr_sc_mmap_file() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FD_ERR_NONE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred adding the mapping into the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_OPEN_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to open() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FD_ERR_FSTAT_ERRNO Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_FSTAT_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to fstat() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FD_ERR_MMAP_ERRNO Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_MMAP_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to mmap() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_CLOSE_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to close() returned -1, errno is set. Note: Even though this is an error, the mapping has already occurred and was successful. If another error occurred (Eg. fstat()/mmap()), then any errors from close() will be hidden. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FD_ERR_MEM Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_MEM Explanation: This error code means that memory could not be allocated. Note: To help the programer unify error paths base->conf->malloc_bad is set to TRUE, and errno is set to ENOMEM. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FD_ERR_TOO_LARGE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_MMAP_FILE_ERR_TOO_LARGE Explanation: This error code means that the memory mapping was too big to fit in the Vstr string (with LFS extensions files are 63 bits, while on a 32 bit computer memory space is still only 32 bits so this isn't a corner case). Note: To help the programer unify error paths errno is set to EFBIG. Constants passed to vstr_sc_read_iov_fd(), vstr_sc_read_len_fd(), vstr_sc_read_iov_file() and vstr_sc_read_len_file() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_NONE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred adding the read() data into the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_OPEN_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to open() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_FSTAT_ERRNO Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_FSTAT_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to fstat() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_SEEK_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to lseek() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_READ_ERRNO Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_READ_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to readv() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_CLOSE_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to close() returned -1, errno is set. Note: Even though this is an error, the readv() has already occurred and was successful. If another error occurred (Eg. fstat()/readv()), then any errors from close() will be hidden. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_EOF Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_EOF Explanation: This error code means that the call to readv() returned 0. Note: If you pass 0 as the length to the read_*_file functions, you can still get the _EOF error if the file is truncated while it is being read. To help the programer unify error paths errno is set to ENOSPC. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_MEM Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_MEM Explanation: This error code means that memory could not be allocated. Note: To help the programer unify error paths base->conf->malloc_bad is set to TRUE, and errno is set to ENOMEM. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FD_ERR_TOO_LARGE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_READ_FILE_ERR_TOO_LARGE Explanation: This error code means that the memory mapping was too big to fit in the Vstr string (with LFS extensions files are 63 bits, while on a 32 bit computer memory space is still hard limited to 32 bits so this isn't a corner case). Note: To help the programer unify error paths errno is set to EFBIG. Constants passed to vstr_sc_write_fd() and vstr_sc_write_file() Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FD_ERR_NONE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_NONE Explanation: This error code has the value 0, and means that no error occurred adding the read() data into the Vstr string. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_SEEK_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to lseek() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_OPEN_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to open() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FD_ERR_WRITE_ERRNO Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_WRITE_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to writev() returned -1, errno is set. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_CLOSE_ERRNO Explanation: This error code means that the call to close() returned -1, errno is set. Note: Even though this is an error, the mapping has already occurred and happened successfully. If another error occurred (Eg. writev()), then any errors from close() will be hidden. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FD_ERR_MEM Constant: VSTR_TYPE_SC_WRITE_FILE_ERR_MEM Explanation: This error code means that memory could not be allocated. Note: To help the programer unify error paths base->conf->malloc_bad is set to TRUE, and errno is set to ENOMEM. Constants passed to vstr_cntl_base() Constant: VSTR_CNTL_BASE_GET_CONF Parameter[1]: Return Vstr configuration Type[1]: struct Vstr_conf ** Explanation: This option will get the Vstr configuration for the Vstr string Constant: VSTR_CNTL_BASE_SET_CONF Parameter[1]: Vstr configuration Type[1]: struct Vstr_conf * Explanation: This option will set the Vstr configuration for the Vstr string. Note: This will only return successfully if either the Vstr string is empty, or the Vstr configurations have the same value for the _NUM_BUF_SZ attribute and the new configuration has the same caches registered. See vstr_swap_cache() for a function that tries to do what you want. If the Vstr configuration (Parameter[1]) is NULL, then the default Vstr configuration will be used. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_BASE_GET_FLAG_HAVE_CACHE Parameter[1]: Returns value of flag Type[1]: int * Explanation: This option lets you know if the Vstr string can cache data, this can only be controlled using the VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_ALLOC_CACHE flag before allocation. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_BASE_GET_TYPE_GRPALLOC_CACHE Parameter[1]: Returns type of group malloc (VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_*) Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the type of the group allocation for the Vstr base, this can only be controlled using the VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_TYPE_GRPALLOC_CACHE type before allocation. Constants passed to vstr_cntl_conf() Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_BUF_SZ Parameter[1]: Returns allocated size of data portion of _BUF nodes Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the size of the allocated portion of a _BUF type node. Note: The default value of this attribute is currently 48, the reason for this is that 8 bytes are used for generic node storage and 8 more bytes are overhead used as in glibc's malloc() implementation. This means that 64 bytes are allocated for each node of data. Looking at the data given in the size_cmp spreadsheet and the ex_perf_nodesize example my guess is that node sizes above 512 probably gain very little, while consumiung more space. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_BUF_SZ Parameter[1]: Allocated size of data portion of _BUF nodes Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will set the size of the allocated portion of a _BUF type node. Note: This will fail if Vstr strings are using the Vstr configuration. The value cannot be higher than VSTR_MAX_NODE_BUF. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_IOV_MIN_ALLOC Parameter[1]: Returns size of minimum iovec allocation Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the size of the minimum allocation to do when expanding the iovec cache. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_IOV_MIN_ALLOC Parameter[1]: Size of minimum iovec allocation Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will set the size of the minimum allocation to do when expanding the iovec cache. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_IOV_MIN_OFFSET Parameter[1]: Returns post allocation offset for iovec cache Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the offset on the iovec cache after an iovec allocation. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_IOV_MIN_OFFSET Parameter[1]: Post allocation offset for iovec cache Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will set the offset on the iovec cache after an iovec allocation. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_REF Parameter[1]: Returns number of references Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the number of references to the Vstr configuration. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_CSTR_AUTO_NAME_NUMERIC Parameter[1]: Name of system LC_NUMERIC locale Type[1]: const char * Explanation: This option will set the LC_NUMERIC variables in the Vstr configuration to be those specified in the system locale (Parameter[1]). Note: Passing NULL as the name will use the current system LC_NUMERIC locale. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_CSTR_NAME_NUMERIC Parameter[1]: Returns name of current LC_NUMERIC locale. Type[1]: const char ** Explanation: This option will get the name of the LC_NUMERIC locale. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_CSTR_NAME_NUMERIC Parameter[1]: Name of LC_NUMERIC locale in Vstr configuration Type[1]: const char * Explanation: This option will set the name of the LC_NUMERIC locale. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_CSTR_DEC_POINT Parameter[1]: Returns decimal point C string, for default base Type[1]: const char ** Explanation: This option will get the value of the decimal point LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_CSTR_DEC_POINT Parameter[1]: Decimal point C string, for default base Type[1]: const char * Explanation: This option will set the value of the decimal point LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_CSTR_THOU_SEP Parameter[1]: Returns thousands separator C string, for default base Type[1]: const char ** Explanation: This option will get the value of the thousands separator LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_CSTR_THOU_SEP Parameter[1]: Thousands separator C string, for default base Type[1]: const char * Explanation: This option will set the value of the thousands separator LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_CSTR_THOU_GRP Parameter[1]: Returns value locale thousands grouping, for the default base Type[1]: const char ** Explanation: This option will get the value of the thousands grouping LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_CSTR_THOU_GRP Parameter[1]: Value locale thousands grouping, for the default base Type[1]: const char * Explanation: This option will set the value of the thousands grouping LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_IOV_UPDATE Parameter[1]: Returns value of flag Type[1]: int * Explanation: This option will return the status of the flag that allows the vstr functions to update the iovec cache when doing add/del operations on Vstr strings. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FLAG_IOV_UPDATE Parameter[1]: Value of flag Type[1]: int Explanation: This option will allow the vstr functions to update the iovec cache when doing add/del operations on Vstr strings. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_DEL_SPLIT Parameter[1]: Returns value of flag Type[1]: int * Explanation: This option will return the status of the flag that allows the vstr functions to split _BUF nodes on del operations to Vstr strings. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FLAG_DEL_SPLIT Parameter[1]: Value of flag Type[1]: int Explanation: This option will allow the vstr functions to split _BUF nodes on a del operations to Vstr strings. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_ALLOC_CACHE Parameter[1]: Returns value of flag Type[1]: int * Explanation: This option will return the status of the flag that allows Vstr strings to cache data. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FLAG_ALLOC_CACHE Parameter[1]: Value of flag Type[1]: int Explanation: This option will allow the Vstr strings made from the Vstr configuration to cache data. Note: If this option is turned off vstr_cache_add_cb() will not work on Vstr strings made from the the Vstr configuration. However each Vstr string will become smaller due to the lack of cache. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FMT_CHAR_ESC Parameter[1]: Returns value of escape character for custom format specifiers Type[1]: char * Explanation: This option will return the character used for specifying custom format specifiers in the vstr_add_vfmt() function. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FMT_CHAR_ESC Parameter[1]: Value of escape character for custom format specifiers Type[1]: int Explanation: This option will allow the Vstr strings using the Vstr configuration to use custom format specifiers in the vstr_fmt_vfmt() function. Note: If this option is set to 0 (' ') then vstr_fmt_vfmt() acts like vstr_fmt_vsysfmt(). Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_SPARE_BUF Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_SPARE_NON Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_SPARE_PTR Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_SPARE_REF Parameter[1]: Returns number of spare nodes to have for the specified type Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option gets the current number of spare nodes of the specified type. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_SPARE_BUF Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_SPARE_NON Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_SPARE_PTR Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_SPARE_REF Parameter[1]: Number of spare nodes to have for the specified type Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option is will set the number of spare nodes of the specified type, by calling either vstr_make_spare_nodes() or vstr_free_spare_nodes(). Note: When the value specified is higher and it calls vstr_make_spare_nodes() then a return value of FALSE means that there was a malloc error, just as if you called vstr_make_spare_nodes() directly. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_ATOMIC_OPS Parameter[1]: Returns value of flag Type[1]: int * Explanation: This option will return the status of the flag that makes the vstr functions do atomic alterations to the string data. If the flag is set then all functions will either return successfully, or not alter the data of the vstr from the point of view of vstr_cmp(). Note: This is mainly a speedup to the vstr_sub_*() functions and the functions that use them, like vstr_conv_*(). It is true by default, so all function operations are atomic. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_FLAG_ATOMIC_OPS Parameter[1]: Value of flag Type[1]: int Explanation: This option will set the status of the flag that makes the vstr functions do atomic alterations to the string data. If the flag is set then all functions will either return successfully, or not alter the data of the vstr from the point of view of vstr_cmp(). Note: This is mainly a speedup to the vstr_sub_*() functions and the functions that use them, like vstr_conv_*(). It is true by default, so all function operations are atomic. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_RANGE_SPARE_BUF Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_RANGE_SPARE_NON Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_RANGE_SPARE_PTR Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_RANGE_SPARE_REF Parameter[1]: Minimum number of spare nodes to have for the specified type Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Maximum number of spare nodes to have for the specified type Type[2]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will make the number of spare nodes of the specified type fit into the range given, by calling either vstr_make_spare_nodes() or vstr_free_spare_nodes(). Note: When the value specified is higher it calls vstr_make_spare_nodes() at which point a return value of FALSE means that there was a malloc error, just as if you called vstr_make_spare_nodes() directly. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_NUM_SPARE_BASE Parameter[1]: Returns number of spare Vstr_base objects Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option gets the current number of spare Vstr_base objects. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_SPARE_BASE Parameter[1]: Number of spare base objects to have Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option is will set the number of spare nodes of the specified type. Note: When the value specified is higher it has to create spare base objects at which point a return value of FALSE means that there was a malloc error, just as if you called vstr_make_base() directly and that had to create them. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_NUM_RANGE_SPARE_BASE Parameter[1]: Minimum number of spare base objects to have Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Maximum number of spare base objects to have Type[2]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will make the number of spare base objects fit into the range given, by calling either creating spare base objects or destroying them. Note: When the value specified is higher it has to creates spare base objects at which point a return value of FALSE means that there was a malloc error, just as if you called vstr_make_base() directly and that had to create them. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_TYPE_GRPALLOC_CACHE Parameter[1]: Returns type of group malloc (VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_*) Type[1]: unsigned int * Explanation: This option will get the type of the group allocation that a vstr_make_base() will create with this configuration. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_TYPE_GRPALLOC_CACHE Parameter[1]: Type of group malloc (VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_*) Type[1]: unsigned int Explanation: This option will set the type of the group allocation that a vstr_make_base() will create with this configuration. Note: If this call changes the type of group malloc to perform, then all current spare base objects will have to be deleted. And future base objects of the old type will be directly free'd. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_REF_NAME_NUMERIC Parameter[1]: Returns Vstr memory reference to numeric locale name C string Type[1]: struct Vstr_ref ** Parameter[2]: Returns length of Vstr memory reference Type[2]: size_t * Explanation: This option will get the value of the name of the LC_NUMERIC locale configuration. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_REF_NAME_NUMERIC Parameter[1]: Vstr memory reference to numeric locale name C string Type[1]: struct Vstr_ref * Parameter[2]: Length of Vstr memory reference Type[2]: size_t Explanation: This option will set the value of the name of the LC_NUMERIC locale configuration. Note: The library takes a reference to the memory reference provided, so if you are finished with it you need to remove your reference. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_REF_DEC_POINT Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Returns Vstr memory reference to decimal point C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref ** Parameter[3]: Returns length of Vstr memory reference Type[3]: size_t * Explanation: This option will get the value of the decimal point LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_REF_DEC_POINT Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Vstr memory reference to decimal point C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref * Parameter[3]: Length of Vstr memory reference Type[3]: size_t Explanation: This option will set the value of the decimal point LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Note: The library takes a reference to the memory reference provided, so if you are finished with it you need to remove your reference. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_REF_THOU_SEP Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Returns Vstr memory reference to thousands separator C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref ** Parameter[3]: Returns length of Vstr memory reference Type[3]: size_t * Explanation: This option will get the value of the thousands seperator LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_REF_THOU_SEP Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Vstr memory reference to thousands separator C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref * Parameter[3]: Length of Vstr memory reference Type[3]: size_t Explanation: This option will set the value of the thousands seperator LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Note: The library takes a reference to the memory reference provided, so if you are finished with it you need to remove your reference. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_REF_THOU_GRP Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Returns Vstr memory reference to thousands grouping C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref ** Explanation: This option will get the value of the thousands grouping LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_REF_THOU_GRP Parameter[1]: Number base of locale information Type[1]: unsigned int Parameter[2]: Vstr memory reference to thousands grouping C string Type[2]: struct Vstr_ref * Explanation: This option will set the value of the thousands grouping LC_NUMERIC locale variable. Note: The library takes a reference to the memory reference provided, so if you are finished with it you need to remove your reference. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_LOC_REF_NULL_PTR Parameter[1]: Returns Vstr memory reference to locale NULL pointer C string Type[1]: struct Vstr_ref ** Parameter[2]: Returns length of Vstr memory reference Type[2]: size_t * Explanation: This option will get the value of the locale NULL pointer variable. This is what is printed when you pass NULL to "%s". Constant: VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_LOC_REF_NULL_PTR Parameter[1]: Vstr memory reference to numeric locale NULL pointer C string Type[1]: struct Vstr_ref * Parameter[2]: Length of Vstr memory reference Type[2]: size_t Explanation: This option will set the value of the locale NULL pointer variable. This is what is printed when you pass NULL to "%s". Note: The library takes a reference to the memory reference provided, so if you are finished with it you need to remove your reference. Constants passed to vstr_cntl_opt() Constant: VSTR_CNTL_OPT_GET_CONF Parameter[1]: Returns Vstr configuration Type[1]: struct Vstr_conf ** Explanation: This option will get the default Vstr configuration. Note: This adds a reference to the configuration, so when you are finished with it you'll have to call vstr_freee_conf() on it. Constant: VSTR_CNTL_OPT_SET_CONF Parameter[1]: Vstr configuration Type[1]: struct Vstr_conf * Explanation: This option will set the default Vstr configuration. Note: This is one of the few functions that take a configuration, but cannot take a NULL pointer instead. Constants passed to vstr_cntl_conf(..., VSTR_CNTL_CONF_SET_TYPE_GRPALLOC_CACHE Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_NONE Explanation: This type means that there is a group allocation configuration to not allocating a cache. Note: This is type will mean that VSTR_CNTL_CONF_GET_FLAG_ALLOC_CACHE is FALSE. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_POS Explanation: This type means that there is a group allocation configuration to allocating a cache and allocating room to store a position cache. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_IOVEC Explanation: This type means that there is a group allocation configuration to allocating a cache and allocating room to store a position cache and an iovec cache. Note: The only way to guarantee that you have an iovec available immediately after calling vstr_make_base() is to have at least this group allocation configuration. Constant: VSTR_TYPE_CNTL_CONF_GRPALLOC_CSTR Explanation: This type means that there is a group allocation configuration to allocating a cache and allocating room to store a position cache, an iovec cache and a cstr cache holder.


vstr(3) Vstr 1.0.15 06-Mar-2006 vstr_const(3)

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