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tracker-fts.cfg(5)              Tracker Manual              tracker-fts.cfg(5)






Tracker's configuration is built on top of GSettings, part of GLib. This means that there is a proper schema for configurations and they can be viewed (normally) using the dconf-editor tool. Tracker also allows switching from the GSettings database, used by most (cross) desktop applications, to a key/value formatted files (like Microsoft's INI format). To do this, the environment variable TRACKER_USE_CONFIG_FILES must be defined before running the application using that configuration. So where is this configuration? Well, normally they're stored in $HOME/.config/tracker/, however, default values are not stored to config files, only different values are. This man page describes what keys and values can be used. See EXAMPLES for a general overview.


max-word-length=30 Words with more characters than this length will be ignored by the indexer. Values range from 0 to 200. max-words-to-index=10000 Indexer will read only this maximum number of words from a single document. enable-stemmer=false Simplify the words to their root to provide more results. E.g. 'shelves' and 'shelf' to 'shel' enable-unaccent=true Translate accented characters to the equivalent unaccented. E.g. 'Idea' to 'Idea' for improved matching. ignore-numbers=true If enabled, numbers will not be indexed. ignore-stop-words=true If enabled, the words listed in the stop-words list are ignored. E.g. common words like 'the', 'yes', 'no', etc.


The top level group is "General". The default configuration (if saved to tracker-fts.cfg), would look like: [General] max-word-length=30; max-words-to-index=10000; enable-stemmer=false; enable-unaccent=true; ignore-numbers=true; ignore-stop-words=true;


tracker-ftsfg 1.4.1 February 2016 tracker-fts.cfg(5)

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