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tclgeomap(n)                    Tcl Extensions                    tclgeomap(n)


tclgeomap_procs, latitude, longitude, latlon, circle, fillsegment, grid_list, ocean_list - supplementary procedures for tclgeomap.




package require tclgeomap_procs ?2? geomap::latitude geoPt geomap::longitude geoPt geomap::latlon geoPt geomap::prt_time time year month day hour minute second geomap::circle center radius {unit gsdeg} geomap::fillsegment p1 p2 {d 2.0} geomap::grid_list {s 15.0} geomap::ocean_list {s 15.0} geomap::projections geomap::proj_info proj_name


The tclgeomap package provides procedures to use with the tclgeomap.


geomap::latitude geoPt This convenience procedure returns the latitude member of geoPt, which should be a list of form {lat lon}. geomap::longitude geoPt This convenience procedure returns the longitude member of geoPt, which should be a list of form {lat lon}. geomap::latlon geoPt This procedure returns the geographic point corresponding to geoPt. If geoPt is a {latitude longitude} value, the procedure merely returns it. If geoPt is a location given in degrees, minutes, seconds format, it returns the corresponding decimal representation. Otherwise the procedure raises an error. geomap::prt_time time year month day hour minute second This procedures takes time value time, which should be a list of form {year month day hour minute second} and puts the elements into variables named year month day hour minute second. geomap::circle center radius {unit gsdeg} This procedure returns a list of geographic points that define a circle about geographic point center with radius radius. Optional unit unit should be a unit value known to the geoplace step command. geomap::fillsegment p1 p2 {d 2.0} This procedure returns a list of geographic points on the great circle connecting geographic points p1 and p2 that are not further than d great circle degrees apart. This can be useful for defining long segments that will assume the correct shape in various map projections. geomap::grid_list {s 15.0} This procedure returns a list of grid lines that cover the Earth. The returned list is in a format intelligible to the geolinearray fmlist ... command. Spacing s gives the rectangle size in degrees. geomap::ocean_list {s 15.0} This procedure returns a list of closed rectangles that cover the Earth. The returned list is in a format intelligible to the geolinearray fmlist ... command. The outlines can be useful for initializing the globe with a solid color (like blue) and then drawing land features on top. Spacing s gives the rectangle size in degrees. geomap::projections Returns a list of known projections. geomap::proj_info proj_name Returns a list of form {reference domain}, where reference is the type of reference projection proj_name uses, either point or longitude, and domain is how much of the Earth projection proj_name transforms, either globe or hemisphere.


These procedures are part of the tclgeomap_procs package, which is defined in file tclgeomap_procs.tcl of the tkgeomap installation.


Gordon Carrie <user0@tkgeomap.org> Tk 2 tclgeomap(n)

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