DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
smpp_sm(1) DragonFly General Commands Manual smpp_sm(1)
Authors: Enrique Marcote (enrique.marcote@erlang-consulting.com) Miguel
Rodriguez (miguel@erlang-consulting.com)
Short Message library module groups utility functions for manipulating
short messages.
add_ie(Params, Ie) -> NewParams
Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}]
Ie = string()
NewParams = Params
Adds an Information Element to the User Data Header. If needed the
User Data Header Indicator is set. A NewParams is returned.
chop_udh(Data) -> {Udh, Rest}
Data = string()
Rest = string()
Udh = string()
Chops the User Data Header from the User Data of a short message.
destination_port(Pdu) -> DestinationPort
Pdu = pdu()
DestinationPort = int()
Returns the DestinationPort of an Application Port Addressed Short
The function will fail if Pdu does not correspond with a valid
Application Port Addressed message.
ie(Iei, Udh) -> Ie
Iei = int()
Udh = string()
Ie = string()
Returns the Information Element in the User Data Header identified by
Iei. If no IE found for the given id the function crashes.
join_user_data(Segments) -> {Data, RefNum}
Segments = [Segment]
Segment = string()
Data = string()
RefNum = int()
Joins the Segments of a concatenated message.
This functions assumes that no other IE than concatenation IE is
present in the segments UDH, otherwise resulting Data will be
message_user_data(Pdu) -> UserData
Pdu = pdu()
UserData = {ParamName, ParamVal}
ParamName = short_message | message_payload
ParamVal = undefined | string()
Gets the message user data from a PDU. The message user data may came
in the short_message or in the message_payload parameter.
originator_port(Pdu) -> OriginatorPort
Pdu = pdu()
OriginatorPort = int()
Returns the OriginatorPort of an Application Port Addressed Short
The function will fail if Pdu does not correspond with a valid
Application Port Addressed message.
pack(UserData, DataCoding) -> PackedUserData
UserData = list()
DataCoding = int()
PackedUserData = list()
Returns the PackedUserData according to DataCoding and the input
| PackedUserData | DataCoding | UserData |
| 7 bit | 00x1xx00 | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x1xx01 | 8 bit string |
| 16 bit | 00x1xx10 | 16 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x1xx11 | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x0xxxx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 01000000..10111111 | 8 bit string |
| 7 bit | 110xxxxx | 8 bit string |
| 16 bit | 1110xxxx | 16 bit string |
| 7 bit | 111100xx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 111101xx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 11111xxx | 8 bit |
port_addressing_8(Params, DestPort, OrigPort) -> NewParams
Data = string()
DestPort = int()
OrigPort = int()
NewData = string()
Adds application port addressing 8 bit address header to the message
user data.
port_addressing_16(Params, DestPort, OrigPort) -> NewParams
Data = string()
DestPort = int()
OrigPort = int()
NewData = string()
Adds application port addressing 16 bit address header to the message
user data.
reference_number(Pdu) -> RefNum
Pdu = pdu()
RefNum = int()
Returns the RefNum of a concatenated message.
The function will fail if Pdu does not correspond with a valid
concatenated message.
reply_addresses(Pdu) -> Params
Pdu = pdu()
Params = [DestAddrTon | [DestAddrNpi | [DestinationAddr]]]
DestAddrTon = {dest_addr_ton, int()}
DestAddrNpi = {dest_addr_npi, int()}
DestinationAddr = {destination_addr, string()}
Creates reply addresses (dest_addr_ton, dest_addr_npi,
destination_addr, source_addr_ton, source_addr_npi and source_addr)
from the source address and destination address given in Pdu.
reply_destination_address(Pdu) -> Params
Pdu = pdu()
Params = [DestAddrTon | [DestAddrNpi | [DestinationAddr]]]
DestAddrTon = {dest_addr_ton, int()}
DestAddrNpi = {dest_addr_npi, int()}
DestinationAddr = {destination_addr, string()}
Creates destination address parameters (ton, npi and addr) from the
source address parameters of a given Pdu.
reply_source_address(Pdu) -> Params
Pdu = pdu()
Params = [DestAddrTon | [DestAddrNpi | [DestinationAddr]]]
DestAddrTon = {dest_addr_ton, int()}
DestAddrNpi = {dest_addr_npi, int()}
DestinationAddr = {destination_addr, string()}
Creates source address parameters (ton, npi and addr) from the
destination address parameters of a given Pdu.
split(Params, RefNum, ConcatenationMethod) -> ParamsList
Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}]
ParamName = atom()
ParamVal = term()
RefNum = int()
ConcatenationMethod = udh | sar
ParamsList = [Params]
Returns a list with a Params for every segment of a concatenated short
split_user_data(Data, RefNum) -> Segments
Data = string()
RefNum = int()
Segments = [Segment]
Segment = string()
Splits the user Data into Segments for concatenation. Returned
Segments have the appropriated UDH.
This functions assumes that no UDH is present in Data, if so resulting
Segments will be corrupted.
total_segments(Pdu) -> TotalSegments
Pdu = pdu()
TotalSegments = int()
Returns the total number of segments on a concatenated message.
The function will fail if Pdu does not correspond with a valid
concatenated message.
unpack(PackedUserData, DataCoding) -> UserData
UserData = list()
DataCoding = int()
PackedUserData = list()
Returns the UserData according to DataCoding and the input
| PackedUserData | DataCoding | UserData |
| 7 bit | 00x1xx00 | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x1xx01 | 8 bit string |
| 16 bit | 00x1xx10 | 16 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x1xx11 | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 00x0xxxx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 01000000..10111111 | 8 bit string |
| 7 bit | 110xxxxx | 8 bit string |
| 16 bit | 1110xxxx | 16 bit string |
| 7 bit | 111100xx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 111101xx | 8 bit string |
| 8 bit | 11111xxx | 8 bit |
udhi(Pdu) -> bool()
Pdu = pdu()
Returns true if UDHI is set, false otherwise.
udhi(Params, Udhi) -> NewParams
Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}]
ParamName = atom()
ParamVal = term()
Udhi = bool()
Sets Udhi in the esm_class parameter of given list. If Udhi is true
UDHI is set to 1, when false sets the UDHI to 0.
If esm_class parameter was not defined, returned list includes this
parameter with a value of ESM_CLASS_GSM_UDHI if and only Udhi is true,
if Udhi is false esm_class will be left undefined.
oserl Version: smpp_sm(1)