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SLISP(1)               DragonFly General Commands Manual              SLISP(1)


slisp - Simple Lisp interpreter


slisp [-vVW] [file ...]


SLisp is a simple Lisp interpreter that implements most of the common Lisp constructs. It may be useful for learning the basis of the Lisp language. The options are as follows: -v Be more verbose. -V Print version information on standard output then exit. -W Provide warnings about constructs that are dubious or may be illegal in other Lisp implementations. The built-in functions are summarized below: (+ arg1... argN) Return the sum of the arguments. (- arg1... argN) Negate number or subtract numbers; With one argument, negates it. With more than one arguments, subtracts all but the first from the first. (* arg1... argN) Return the product of the arguments. (/ arg1... argN) Returns first argument divided by all the remaining arguments. (% arg1 arg2) Returns remainder (modulus) of arg1 divided by arg2. (< arg1 arg2) Return T if first argument is less than second argument. (<= arg1 arg2) Return T if first argument is less then or equal to second argument. (> arg1 arg2) Return T if first argument is greater than second argument. (>= arg1 arg2) Return T if first argument is greater then or equal to second argument. (= arg1 arg2) Return T if the two arguments are equal. (and arg1... argN) Eval the arguments until one of them yields nil, then return nil. The remaining arguments are not evalled at all. If no argument yields nil, return the last argument's value. (or arg1... argN) Eval the arguments until one of them yields non-nil, then return that value. The remaining arguments are not evalled at all. If all arguments return nil, return nil. (not arg) Return T if the argument is nil. (atom arg) Return T if the argument is not a cons cell. This includes nil. (car list) Return the car of list. If the argument is nil, return nil. (cdr list) Return the cdr of list. If the argument is nil, return nil. (if cond then else...) If cond yields non-nil, do then, else do else. Returns the value of then or the value of the last else. (unless cond body...) If cond yields nil, do body, else return nil. (when cond body...) If cond yields non-nil, do body, else return nil. (while cond body...) If cond yields non-nil, eval body and repeat. The order of execution is thus cond, body, cond, body and so on until cond returns nil. (prog1 first body...) Eval first and body sequentially; return the value from first. The value of first is saved during the evaluation of the remaining arguments, whose values are discarded. (prog2 first second body...) Eval first, second and body sequentially; return the value from second. The value of second is saved during the evaluation of the remaining arguments, whose values are discarded. (progn body...) Eval body forms sequentially and return value of last one. (cond clauses...) Try each clause until one succeeds. Each clause looks like (cond body...). Cond is evaluated and, if the value is non-nil, this clause succeeds; then the expressions in body are evaluated and the last one's value is the value of the cond-form. If no clause succeeds, cond returns nil. If a clause has one element, as in (cond), the cond value if non-nil is returned from the cond-form. (cons car cdr) Create a new cons, give it car and cdr as components, and return it. (defun name arglist body...) Define name as a function. (eq arg1 arg2) Return T if the two arguments are the same Lisp object. (eval arg) Evaluate arg and return its value. (garbage-collect) Reclaim storage for Lisp objects no longer needed. (gc) Gc is a synonymous of garbage-collect. (list arg1... argN) Return a newly created list with specified arguments as elements. Any number of arguments, even zero arguments, are allowed. (null arg) Return T if the argument is nil. (princ arg1... argN) Output the printed representation of the arguments. (quote arg) Return the argument, without evaluating it. (set symbol newval) Set the symbol value to newval, and return newval. (setf symbol1 newval1... symbolN newvalN) Set each symbol to the value of its newval. The symbols symbol are variables; they are literal (not evaluated). The values newval are expressions; they are evaluated. The second newval is not computed until after the first symbol is set, and so on; each newval can use the new value of variables set earlier in the setf. The return value of the setf form is the value of the last newval. (setq symbol1 newval1... symbolN newvalN) Setq is a synonymous of setf. (&dump-memory filename) Dump the set variables to the specified file.


Sandro Sigala <sandro@sigala.it> DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT August 1, 2001 DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT

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