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SKKINPUT(1x)                                                      SKKINPUT(1x)


skkinput - Japanese Input Method on X environment (Ver 2.06.4)


skkinput [ -toolkitoption... ] [ -option... ]


skkinput is Japanese Input Method on X Window System, using kinput protocol/kinput2 protocol/Ximp Protocol/X Input Method(X11R6 standard). skkinput converts Kana to Kanji communicating skkserv, which is in SKK package, using BSD socket. When skkserv is not available, it can works by using only local dictionary. However, it does not support a features of waking up skkserv, which original skk have. For more information, please read Japanese version of skkinput manpages. Options skkinput -help or skkinput -? will give you list of skkinput options. -version or -v print version. -help or -? print help message. -host hostname or -h hostname specify hostname running skkserv. You can also specify by using environment variable SKKSERVER or configuration file. default is "localhost" -port port or -p port specify port number for communication to skkserv. default is 1178. -4 use IPv4 to communicate with skkserv. -6 use IPv6 to communicate with skkserv. -config file or -cnf file specify path of configuration file. default is "~/.skkinput". -userjisyo jisyo-file or -uj jisyo-file specify user dictionary file for skkinput. default is "~/.skkinput-jisyo". -backjisyo backup-file or -bj backup-file specify back file of user dictionary file for skkinput. default is "~/.skkinput-jisyo.BAK". -skkjisyo skk-jisyo or -sj skk-jisyo specify user dictionary file for skk. default is "~/.skk- jisyo". -fontset kanji-font specify font set for skkinput. please specify string of font name and separate characters ",". -mfontset roman-font specify font set for minibuffer of skkinput. please specify string of font name and separate characters ",". -fg color specify foreground color for input window of skkinput. -bg color specify background color for input window of skkinput. -bd color specify border color for input window of skkinput. -/+rv reverse video mode for input window of skkinput. -/+mfs modify minibuffer window size according to client, when OverTheSpot/OffTheSpot mode. -width width default width of Root Style Window. unit pixel. -height height default height of Root Style Window. unit pixel. -mwidth width width of minibuffer window for OffTheSpot/OverTheSpot Window Style. unit pixel. height is fixed. -/+ns sticky shift(?) default no. -+nc sticky control(?) default no. -/+kinput support Kinput/Kinput2 Protocol, default yes. -/+xim support X Input Method protocol, which is X11R6 standard, default yes. -/+ximp support Ximp protocol, default yes. -autosave sec specify interval time for autosave check, unit milli seconds. If sec is 0, no autosave. default 10 seconds. -/+sc display mode status window under the cursor for OverTheSpot Window Style. default false. Don't use same file for sj,bj,uj. environment variable skkinput refers following environment variables. SKKSERVER hostname running skkserv.


skkinput reads configuration file, "~/.skkinput". Its format is: paramater_name:data empty line and/or line beginning `;' will be ignored. Don't put space between parameter and `:' and/or beginning of line, but you may put spaces between `:' and data. Available parameter names are: Parameter Data Default skk-server-host "string" "localhost" hostname running skkserv skk-service "string" "skkserv" service name for communication to skkserv skk-port-num number 1178 port number for communication to skkserv (obsoleted) skk-server-protocol-family "string" "unspec" protocol family to communicate with skkserv "inet4" for IPv4, "inet6" for IPv6 skkinput-jisyo "string" "~/.skkinput-jisyo" skkinput user dictionary file skkinput-backup-jisyo "string" "~/.skkinput-jisyo.BAK" backup of skkinput user dictionary file skk-jisyo "string" "~/.skk-jisyo" skk user dictionary file skkinput-record "string" "~/.skkinput-record" skkinput-record file skkinput-egg-like-newline t or nil nil newline for confirmation? skkinput-chat-adapter-mode t or nil nil include newline code except of empty line? skkinput-keep-record t or nil t create skkinput-record ? skkinput-search-skk-jisyo t or nil t refer skk user dictionary? skkinput-date-ad t or nil nil date of j-today? skkinput-number-style 0 or 1 or 2 0 j-today style 0 ... ASCII 1 ... JIS X0208 2 ... Kanji Number skkinput-delete-implies-kakutei t or nil t confirm by backward-delete-char when converting display previous candidate in case of nil. skkinput-use-numeric-conversion t or nil t enable conversion with numberic parameters? skkinput-zenkaku-vector ( num . "string" ) skkinput-input-vector ( num . "string" ) skkinput-rom-kana-rule-list ( "state@input" "next-state" "hiragana-output" "katakana-output" ) Romaji Kana conversion rule e.g. ( "nn" "n" "xo" "Yo" ) define-key-skkmap ( "string" . "string" ) define-key-abbrevmap ( "string" . "string" ) modify key assign you can use the followings for right side self-insert-command, j-self-insert, j-self-zenkaku-insert, j-display-code-for-char-at-point, j-set-henkan-point, j-set-henkan-point-subr, j-insert-a, j-insert-e, j-insert-i, j-insert-o j-insert-u, j-kana-input, j-start-henkan, j-insert-comma, j-insert-period, j-purge-from-jisyo, j-input-by-code-or-menu, j-mode-off, j-toggle-kana, j-previous-candidate, j-kakutei, j-abbrev-input, j-abbrev-comma, j-zenkaku-eiji, j-zenkaku-henkan, j-today, save-skkinput-local-jisyo,j-kanainput-mode-on, newline, set-mark-command, forward-char, backward-char, delete-char, delete-backward-char, j-try-comletion, end-of-line, beginning-of-line, kill-line, yank, kill-region, kill-ring-save, exchange-point-and-mark, transpose-chars, redraw, prefix-char, sendback-key, keyboard-quit, close-skkinput, vc-toggle-chatmode, j-mode-off-and-self-insert undefine-key-skkmap "string" undefine-key-abbrevmap "string" tab-width number 8 number of space for C-i skkinput-rjj-like-input t or nil nil skkinput-lisp string eval this string as skkinput-lisp


fontSet see -fontset option minibufferFontSet see -mfontset option foreground see -fg option background see -bg option borderColor see -bd option reverseVideo see -/+rv option xim.conversionStartKey key assign for invoking X Input Method(X11R6 standard) xim.supportedLocales locale for X Input Method(X11R6 standard) ximp.conversionStartKey key assign for invoking Ximp Protocol width Root Window Style width, see -width option height Root Window Style height, see -height option separate.overTheSpotLikeInput one line input or over the spot like input for Root Window Style changeMinibufferFont see -/+mfc option minibuffer_width see -mwidth option offthespot.overthespotLikeInput one line input or over the spot like input for OffTheSpot Window Style overthespot.overthespotLikeInput one line input or over the spot like input for OverTheSpot Window Style overthespot.modeshell_geometry geometry of modeline shell for OverTheSpot. shiftHaTugiDeYukou see -/+ns option controlHaTugiDeYukou see -/+nc option southCursor see -/+sc option


"~/.skkinput" configuration file "~/.skkinput-jisyo" skkinput user dictionary "~/.skkinput-jisyo.BAK" backup of skkinput user dictionary "~/.skkinput-record" skkinput statistics "~/.skk-jisyo" skk user dictionary


skkinput is developed by PXG01715@niftyserve.or.jp, and maintained with Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp> The latest version of skkinput can be found at http://sourceforge.jp/projects/skkinput2 This manual page was written by Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others), based on original Japanese version of manpage. February 1997 SKKINPUT(1x)

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