DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
sg_vector_create(3) sg_vector_create(3)
sg_vector_create, sg_vector_clear, sg_vector_resize, sg_vector_free,
sg_vector_clone, sg_vector_clone_into, sg_vector_compute_diff,
sg_prove_vector, sg_get_nelements, sg_free_stats_buf - statgrab vector
#include "statgrab.h"
#include "vector.h"
struct sg_vector *sg_vector_create
(size_t block_size, size_t alloc_count, size_t initial_used, const
sg_vector_init_info * const info);
void sg_vector_clear
(struct sg_vector *vector);
struct sg_vector *sg_vector_resize
(struct sg_vector *vector);
void sg_vector_free
(struct sg_vector *vector);
struct sg_vector *sg_vector_clone
(const struct sg_vector *src);
sg_error sg_vector_clone_into
(struct sg_vector **dest, const struct sg_vector *src);
sg_error sg_vector_compute_diff
(struct sg_vector **dest, const struct sg_vector *cur_vector, const struct
sg_vector *last_vector);
sg_error sg_prove_vector
(const struct sg_vector *vec);
size_t sg_get_nelements
(const void *data);
sg_error sg_free_stats_buf
(void *data);
sg_vector_create() allocates and initialises a new statgrab vector with
initial_used elements ready for use. Space for alloc_count elements is
initially allocated (to avoid too many calls to realloc() during later
sg_vector_resize() calls). The value of block_size must be a power of
2, it's rounded up to the next power of 2 when it's not. If alloc_count
is not a multiple of block_size, it's rounded up to the next multiple
of block_size. It returns a pointer to the newly created vector.
sg_vector_clear() destroys all elements contained in the given vector.
In opposite to sg_vector_resize( x, 0 ) the allocated size of the
vector remains untouched.
sg_vector_resize() increases or decreases the amount of allocated
elements in the specified vector. The amount of allocated elements is
always a multiple of the intialisation parameter block_size. In the
special case, sg_vector_resize() is called with 0 in argument
new_count, the vector is freed after all vector elements had been
destroyed. It returns the pointer to the resized vector.
sg_vector_free() destroys all vector elements and deallocates the
storage belonging to the given vector.
sg_vector_clone() clones all elements of the given vector into a new
vector created with the same specification as the referenced one. It
returns a pointer to the cloned vector.
sg_vector_clone_into() clones all elements of the given source vector
into the given target vector. The target vector must be created for the
same element data type as the source vector. It returns an error code
!= to SG_ERROR_NONE if something went wrong.
sg_vector_compute_diff() computes a difference vector between the
vector containing current statistics and another vector containing
older statistics. If an element exists in the current vector but not in
the opposite one, it's cloned into the result vector. If an element
exists only in the opposite vector, it doesn't appear in the target
vector. sg_vector_compute_diff() returns an error code != to
SG_ERROR_NONE if something went wrong.
sg_prove_vector() proves whether a pointer to a vector really points to
a vector. In case the given vector pointer points to corrupted data,
the program is aborted. When sg_prove_vector() returns, it returns
sg_get_nelements() returns the number of elements the given data area,
encompasses by a statgrab vector, contains. The vector head is
internally calculated from the given pointer to the first vector
sg_free_stats_buf() frees the vector emcompassing the given data area.
Except sg_get_nelements() and sg_free_stats_buf() none of above
functions can be called from outside of the libstatgrab sources. The
documented structures and APIs may change without warning. The
description of all other API is intended to be read from libstatgrab
developers only.
Each vector is created from two elements: the vector information and
the list of elements:
template <class T, class Impl>
struct sg_vector {
size_t used_count;
size_t alloc_count;
size_t block_shift;
Impl vector_implementation;
T elements[alloc_count];
Of course, it is not valid C, so being tricky was the solution:
typedef struct sg_vector {
size_t used_count;
size_t alloc_count;
size_t block_shift;
struct sg_vector_init_info info;
} sg_vector;
struct sg_vector_size_helper {
struct sg_vector v;
long long ll;
#define VECTOR_SIZE offsetof(struct sg_vector_size_helper,ll)
/* Return the data ptr of a vector */
#define VECTOR_DATA(vector) \
(vector ? (void *)(((char *)vector)+VECTOR_SIZE) : NULL)
#define VECTOR_ADDR_ARITH(ptr) \
(sg_vector *)(((char *)(ptr))-VECTOR_SIZE)
/* Return the vector for a data */
#define VECTOR_ADDRESS(ptr) \
((ptr) ? (SG_ERROR_NONE == sg_prove_vector(VECTOR_ADDR_ARITH(ptr)) ? VECTOR_ADDR_ARITH(ptr) : NULL ) : NULL)
This also allows user functions as sg_get_nelements() and
sg_free_stats_buf() to switch easily between the vector structure and
the content.
As mentioned, the vector implementation uses strategies from the object
oriented programming concept named "polymorphism". A vector is
described by a small object containing inherent attributes like element
size and a bunch of "virtual methods" to do element related tasks like
initialising or destroying elements.
typedef void (*vector_init_function)(void *item);
typedef sg_error (*vector_copy_function)(const void *src, void *dst);
typedef sg_error (*vector_compute_diff_function)(void *dst, const void *src);
typedef int (*vector_compare_function)(const void *a, const void *b);
typedef void (*vector_destroy_function)(void *item);
struct sg_vector_init_info {
size_t item_size;
vector_init_function init_fn;
vector_copy_function copy_fn;
vector_compute_diff_function compute_diff_fn;
vector_compare_function compare_fn;
vector_destroy_function destroy_fn;
The instances of struct sg_vector_init_info are conceptional statically
initialised by using either the preprocessor macro
Here're some examples to demonstrate how it's meant:
Initialising CPU statistics vector description
Initialising Host-Info statistics vector description
static void sg_os_stats_item_init(sg_os_stats *d);
static void sg_os_stats_item_destroy(sg_os_stats *d);
#define sg_os_stats_item_copy NULL
#define sg_os_stats_item_compute_diff NULL
#define sg_os_stats_item_compare NULL
Initialising Disk-IO statistics vector description
static void sg_disk_io_stats_item_init(sg_disk_io_stats *d);
static sg_error sg_disk_io_stats_item_copy(sg_disk_io_stats *d, const sg_disk_io_stats *s);
static sg_error sg_disk_io_stats_item_compute_diff(const sg_disk_io_stats *s, sg_disk_io_stats *d);
static int sg_disk_io_stats_item_compare(const sg_disk_io_stats *a, const sg_disk_io_stats *b);
static void sg_disk_io_stats_item_destroy(sg_disk_io_stats *d);
To simplify the working with the vector management functions, some
preprocessor macros are available. They are shown here as if they were
functions to ease understanding.
struct sg_vector *VECTOR_CREATE
(identifier type, size_t block_size);
(struct sg_vector *vector);
struct sg_vector *VECTOR_CREATE_OR_RESIZE
(struct sg_vector *vector, size_t new_count, identifier type);
(struct sg_vector **vectorptr, size_t new_count, datatype *data, identifier
(struct sg_vector *vector);
VECTOR_CREATE() calls sg_vector_create() with alloc_count = block_size
and initial_used = 0 using the vector specialisation
VECTOR_CLEAR() simply calls sg_vector_clear(). This macro exists only
for conformity.
VECTOR_CREATE_OR_RESIZE() calls sg_vector_create() when the given
vector pointer points to NULL or sg_vector_resize() otherwise. The
result of the appropriate function is returned.
VECTOR_UPDATE() calls VECTOR_CREATE_OR_RESIZE() and sets data to the
first element of the resulting vector when a non-NULL pointer got, to
NULL otherwise. When VECTOR_CREATE_OR_RESIZE() returns a NULL pointer
and new_count is not equal to 0 (zero), the intructions from the macro
VECTOR_UPDATE_ERROR_CLEANUP are executed to cleanup before returning
from current subroutine with the error which has been occurred.
VECTOR_ITEM_COUNT() returns 0 for a non-existing vector (vector == 0)
and the number of containing elements otherwise.
Beside error codes, the return values, if any, are always a pointer to
vector structures (struct sg_vector *).
i-scream 2013-06-07 sg_vector_create(3)